Above the Seven Towers

z6Chapter 215: Her condition

Xiao Chen felt some brain pain. He had never imagined that the saint, the highest leader in a country’s name, was actually a runaway girl. Is this the sequelae of the referee’s executives’ indulgent plans?

He said, “Take you out, where do you mean to go?”

“I will go wherever you go. If you go back to the East Continent, I will follow you to the East Continent.

Staying here is the worst choice for me. The old men downstairs come to me every month for such a meeting, just to wake me up early. After each meeting, they were instilled with so many things in their minds, and I would have nightmares at night. I dreamed about how the previous saints handled similar problems. “The divine goddess looks solemn.

Xiao Chendao: “According to my understanding, the inheritance memory of the saint in the past should be printed in your soul? I guess even if you leave here, it will awaken from your body.”

The Virgin ’s face twisted into a ball: “But what can I do, it ’s better than here? At least I do n’t have to face things related to the Virgin every day, so I can be awakened at any time. All kinds of memories.

If I go to a place that has nothing to do with the saints in the past and live there peacefully and live a peaceful life, maybe I can’t wake up? ”

“This is a very difficult thing. If I take you away, it’s almost even if the country’s nominal leader is taken away, neither the sages nor the referee will agree.” Xiao Chendao .

“They just want me to disappear. I can tell from the eyes they talked to me. They actually hate me and hope I disappear. Think about it. If you don’t have me, they won’t even have to fight for power. Scrupulous?

The attitude of the sages towards me, you have seen today. I am awake to help them, of course, but without me, is it better? Sage will do whatever he wants.

The referee here is bound by the law of the Holy Girl, and it is not convenient to do anything other than catch the wizard. If there is no **** of the saints, according to their abilities, they can compete with the sages. ”

Xiao Chen felt a sense of incongruity. The girl who was angry and coquettish in front became so insightful in a moment, and he asked, “Are these words made by yourself?”

“Yeah, if you can only think about these things when you are bored, you will also want to understand a lot of things.” The lady said: “However, it is difficult for me to get out of this palace. Many things outside are my playmates. They told me. For example, Amanda. ”

“Who is Amanda?”

“She was one of the playmates, she was there when Vargos killed him. She is a very smart person and can always hear all kinds of news.

The sages said that the playmates made me not enterprising, but this is not true, at least some of them are willing to help me, are my true friends. ”


“What about the one who died today?”

“He wasn’t. It was just a coward who listened to the executives obediently. But he was my man anyway. He was killed and I was still very angry.” She saw Xiao Chen looked at her face and said: “Yes, I cried, because those old men thought I was a transitional product, and once awakened, I would n’t care about these past things. So it does n’t matter how they offend me, they are never concerned about me, but The old immortal saint who has lived for a long time! ”

Xiao Chen clearly felt the hatred in the saint ’s heart. He asked himself, if he was treated like this, the hatred in his heart would probably not be less. But the request made by the saint was a big trouble. He said: “But the risk of taking you away is too great. If we need people from the western continent to unite, we can’t do too much.”

The Virgin raised her face and said, “This matter is not negotiable. Only I know where the crystal is. I have seen it in my dream. This is the secret in the Virgin’s memory. None of those people know what that thing is and where. If you do n’t cooperate with me, do n’t try to find it. ”

Xiao Chen said: “But if you wake up, you may agree to cooperate with us.”

Do n’t go over and say, “I thought about it very early. If one day I want to become a person I do n’t know, I might as well die.

I don’t want my body to become someone else’s body. Although they keep telling me that part of my soul will be preserved and become part of her. But I know that it is just a little bit of unconscious habits and instincts. I experienced how powerful she was in those nightmares, and she was eaten by her, leaving only some residue. ”

“Do you want to commit suicide?”

“Yeah, I’m very determined. I’m the kind of person who would rather die if someone hurts me. Do you know why I haven’t really awakened now? Because she also knows that I will commit suicide, she is afraid. I know this . ”

“Have you ever talked to the consciousness inherited from the previous saints?” Xiao Chen asked.

“It’s not a conversation, because we haven’t communicated like we talked, but in the nightmare, when she touched me. I will resist violently. I used her soul to hit her soul. In fact, although she is strong, But not so determined, she also has something to fear, that is my death.

I guess if I die, in her current state, it will be very strenuous to find the reincarnated person. Certainly there will be extra costs, so when I ignored my soul’s life and death, just to collide with her, she finally flinched. Are you saying she is afraid of me? ”

“So you have the confidence to live peacefully in another place?” Xiao Chen admired the little girl now.

“Confidence is not there. But … I still want to give it a try. I have seen many shadows in my nightmares. Maybe they are the virgins of the whole world. They twirled around her like puppets, completely Being manipulated by her, I do n’t want to be one of them. So please help me. ”

“I have to discuss this with my companions before I can give you an answer.”

The Virgin said: “I can wait for you for some days. You already know where I live. I believe that you should be able to come in easily with your skills. But remember, if I die, the next Virgin will grow up to the awakening ten. In a few years, you won’t get anything. ”

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