Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 13: Western temple

Lorenzo didn’t feel much about the name of the Blue Dragon Squad, although he felt that the Black Dragon Squad or the Golden Dragon Squad would feel better. But in contrast, this name is much better than the inexplicable “Xuanwu Squad” obtained by the two sword tower saints.

But the assignment of Kalanda to him made him a little surprised. Kalanda is indeed the lowest among the saints, and he cannot be said to be powerful in front of many saints with special abilities or rich qualifications. In his opinion, it may be that Caranda and Liu Yisheng match, and Gabriel and his group may be a more suitable combination. But the final distribution result was a group of Liu Yisheng and Gabriel, a group of Mo Yu and Gao Wen, and a group of Amaranto and Yvette of the Sword Tower.

Later, during the private exchange this afternoon, Wang Jiyuan told him that the four teams were not evenly distributed. They arranged the strongest Liu Yisheng with the God of War armed Gabriel, and then added a group of top masters such as Anal, hoping that they could overcome the more powerful temple. The team of Lorenzo will be assigned to the temple where the enemy is relatively weak. Most of the targets he has to deal with are the saints that Liu Yisheng has dealt with in other worlds. He has mastered some of their weaknesses and has summed them up to Lorenzo.

Lorenzo was a little unconvinced about this. He was never a dull person, otherwise he wouldn’t do anything that was lurking in the Temple of Wisdom alone. However, he still obeyed Wang Jiyuan’s tactical arrangements. In his mind, if he could seize the time and kill a few more enemies, the number of saints destroyed could replace quality.

On the evening of the end of the meeting, after the team members were determined, they went to the southern end of the China Tower territory through the teleportation array, and then sneaked into the southern city-state on a starry night.

The natural shrine in the territory of the Chinese Tower has been suppressed, and its remaining strength is relatively limited. All are not the objects of the Holy City Saints’ takeover. Most of the temples listed as targets are located within kingdoms, empires, or southern city-states.

The first goal of Lorenzo and his party is a temple of nature in the west of the southern city-state.

This temple of nature is on the edge of a city-state called Suluga. According to information, the two saints who came here to take over the temple were Miliana and Polidaro.

When Lorenzo and his party came to Suluagaya, they contacted the intelligence personnel stationed here, a young man named Ma Qin. His apparent identity is to represent the Tower of China to run a trading company here.

But in fact, he is the head of intelligence in the southern and middle cities. An identity like him is not too secret, because the black hair and black eyes look like a typical Chinese tower, but this appearance also provides him with the best protection. Knowing that he might have a problem, the kings or rulers of various city-states must also treat him as a guest of honor.

Ma Qin brought Lorenzo and others to the local trading tower of China Tower, a large courtyard on the edge of the city. It doesn’t look very luxurious, but it has high walls and patrolling guards, and it looks very tightly defended.

Walking into the courtyard of the trading company, Lorenzo found that many guards were on duty, and the atmosphere seemed very tense. Several cars were parked in the middle of the yard, and people kept moving boxes from the room to the carriage, as if preparing to evacuate.

Lin Lichuan and Ma Qin are old acquaintances, and he asked, “The atmosphere here is not right. The group of cowards in the southern city-state will probably not make you wary of this. Is there any movement in the temple?”

auzw.com Ma Qin nodded and said, “We have internal information. The Temple of Nature is going to be with us. It is already dangerous for us people to stay here. If it were not for you, we would have prepared to be in the early morning tomorrow Evacuated from Suluga. ”

“Inside news?”

“The person in charge of the Shadow Corps near the temple here has a good relationship with me. I shared a joint venture with him to open a business in the city. I often bring new good things from Hewan New City. I got the news the day before yesterday. The two saints have already crushed the original temple priest, and have basically controlled the interior of the temple. They have begun to deal with the merchants and nobles in the city. If they suppress the nobility here, they may have to deal with us. ”

Lorenzo said, “Do they want those nobles to deal with us?”

“It’s very possible.” Ma Qin said. “If those nobles are under pressure from them, they must follow the Temple of Nature with their heart and soul. I don’t want to give them a name, and there are no stiff saints. Naturally, he can only withdraw early. ”

Lorenzo said, “Since we are here, you don’t have to leave.”

“No need to go?” Ma Qin looked surprised. “I thought you were here to help us retreat, but when contacting me above, I only said to let me cooperate with you. The specific action plan is for you to judge after you have enough information. . I still do n’t know what your mission is? ”

“If those two saints are finished, you will naturally not have to wrinkle.” Lorenzo smiled slightly.

Ma Qin stopped haltingly. “These two men are two saints!”

“In front of you, there are also two saints.” Lin Lichuan said with a smile.

Ma Qin took them into a secret room under the trading company, which was protected by a complex legal array and seemed very safe. At this time he already knew that Lorenzo and Calanda were two new saints.

Lin Lichuan said, “Do n’t be surprised, your current level should be able to understand the basic situation of this operation. That ’s right, Wang Jiyuan ’s strategy is to take the initiative to attack, preemptively, and kill as many saints as you can. Reach as many benefits as possible. Before they respond, they are caught off guard. As long as your information is in place, our operational grasp will be greater, and you can even achieve your goal with small losses. ”

“It’s really generous. Wang Jiyuan is so courageous. But it’s not impossible to think about it. In fact, the temple has long been mixed with the locals in this place. You can say it or erosion. They are just like the locals. A community, although we are outsiders, but also because of various business, also inserted a foot in this community. So it is unpopular to think that the two saints are now forced to squeeze in by force. “Ma Qin Thinking over and saying, “I don’t want the place I manage to be destroyed by the people of the God City, you say, how do I need to cooperate.”


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