Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 17: Start of action

In the early morning, Borlando entered the villa dedicated to Miliana, and Miliana had already gotten up. This bedroom is very large. Most of the furniture in it is in the rattan style of the southern city-state. These furniture are made of Roche magic vines that are not invaded by water and fire.

Miliana stood naked in front of a large floor-standing mirror, and the warm sunlight shone through the side window, sketching the winding curves of her body. From the back, it looks like this body is as slim and fit as thousands of years ago, and it is very moving, which can make men crazy. But if someone sees her front body reflected in the mirror, it will make people appetite. During the encounter with the Sword Tower team when the Shencheng came down, she almost destroyed her body and returned her soul to the Shencheng. But luckily later Dominic and the follower saints repelled those people. The companion who was good at treatment pulled her back from her collapse. She has been recuperating for a month before she can walk down the ground. But until today her strength has not fully recovered.

Her hand pressed lightly on her wound to observe changes in her chest and abdomen. There is a scar with a palm width on her left side near the heart. Although it has been repaired by magic, the red rolled hyperplasia and uneven muscles still look shocking. And she started from the shoulders, to the entire chest and abdomen, and then to the thighs. All the skin had a very unnatural gray color, and there were many folds and deformations on the surface. This was the result of the flames of the mad swordsman. Miliana still remembers to this day the little woman rushed into her arms, burning like a sun. The madness not only burned the surface of her skin like a flame, but also penetrated into the body. If you can see the internal organs of her body in a perspective way, they will find that they have suffered no less than the skin.

More than once, Miliana thought about ending this body and then reborn from the city of God, but Dominique, who controlled the city, did not allow her to do so, because returning to the city of God and regenerating would cause a great consumption of soul. The strength will be much lower than now.

Miliana held two healing crystals in her hands, glowing white, and walked back and forth on her body. As a warrior, she couldn’t cast healing magic. This was her use of mixed fighting magic to stimulate herself Skin, muscles and organs. Her body trembled violently. This kind of injury must stimulate the potential of life in order to heal slowly. It is a very painful and long process.

After about an hour of treatment, Miliana was already sweating, and there was a silver-white grudge on her body. After the grudge turned from head to toe, her body had become dry and clean, like washing After bathing. However, the after- rhyme of the pain in her body has not gone, and her movements can only be slow and soft.

There was a knock on the door outside, and a maid’s voice sounded across the door: “Master Miliana, Your Excellency Bollando has important reports. Do you need to take him to the study?”

Miliana didn’t do anything, but the clothes on the stool at the end of the bed floated up one by one, and she was automatically put on her. She was wearing a black turtleneck robe, which tightly wrapped all her neck below. This kind of dress was very rare in the hot south.

“Let him come in.”


After more than ten minutes, there was another knock on the door, and Bollando arrived. The bedroom door opens automatically. Bollando saw Miliana standing with her back in front of the window.

“Master Miriana. I’ll report to you the information I received this morning.”

Although Borlando worked for Miliana for more than ten days, no matter whether Miliana or Borlando seemed to be familiar with this process, she listened quietly to the other party’s report. There are news from other shrines, intelligence from several major forces on the mainland, and even more of her two companions, Polidaro and Agulto, monitoring reports on what they are doing these days.

In front of the information, Miliana heard the sound of interest, but when she talked about her two companions, she obviously got more spirit. When she heard Bollando talking about the punishment of businessmen and nobles in the city by Saints of Polidaro, she asked: “Yesterday, Polidalo judged a merchant ’s family as a blasphemer and confiscated their All family property? Have you executed the merchant’s family? ”


“Yes, Polidaro’s people found the Temple of Wisdom logo and priest robe from the merchant’s house. Evidence like this is enough to prove that this person is a spy sent by the Temple of Wisdom. As for the source of the evidence, no People will need such an explanation. “Bollando said with his head down.

“Which is this?”

“It should be the eighth.”

“It seems the harvest is really good.”

“Has the city owner reacted? Doesn’t he always like to complain and plead?” Miliana said flatly.

“I’m afraid I’m afraid that my things are too late. Lord Polidaro’s recent thoughts are on investigating the owner.” Bollando said.

“The city owner himself? Wasn’t it originally said that he would not move the city owner? Moved the city owner, we are going to other city-states, what would their city owner think?”

“Supposedly …” Bollando paused.

“Speak directly if you have something. I hate to hide,” Miliana said.

“It is said that Lord Polidaro privately said that you are too courageous, and according to your approach … will cause the Temple of Nature to lose the benefits it could have obtained. He is prepared to take advantage of the Temple of Nature.”

“Huh, the Temple of Nature? I’m afraid it’s for himself.” When Miliana sneered, her shoulders shook gently, but the person shivered slightly, and the grudge that had just penetrated the wound had not completely dissipated. If it touches the painful area, it will cause knife-like pain.

Bollando saw the tremor, swallowed, and said in a firm tone: “Adult, I also think this is not suitable. We need a shepherd and a few dogs to herd our flock After killing these sheep in this way, the next batch of sheep will be herded. Master, you know, I will never say anything good to those nobles and businessmen, but this is really done by Master Polidaro When it’s done, the city will be in chaos. Do we still need such a tight manpower to manage Suluaga? ”

“So, Bollando, do you have any suggestions?” Milliana turned around and looked at Bollando.

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