Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 56: Decide where to go

“Because …, some things don’t know what the result is, and you have to do it. The Tower of Ice … I just want to protect its heritage. In the time I delay the stone statue, they can save more heritage. Leia said intermittently, as if she needed to give herself an explanation. “I also thought it might change the direction of the attack, but it seems that I am greedy.”

“But you have tried your best.” Laura said.

“Um …” After a long sigh, Leia disappeared.

Laura hugged her for a while before the Master of the Frost Tower came here. They grabbed and held Leia’s body. Some were crying and some were angry. But Laura didn’t stay for long, and left here when nobody noticed.

She went back to the palace all the way, and there were people fighting the Shuren everywhere. When she entered the gate of the palace, she found that the guards who greeted him were usually gone. In this day like the end, most people did not care about the existence of the queen.

Laura did not go to the meeting hall or the palace, but to the teleportation array in the palace. The room where the magic circle is located in the ground floor of the palace was maintained and guarded by the royal mage for a long time. It is a teleportation array specially used by the royal family in emergencies.

When she walked to the door of the secret room, a man with a mage-like appearance was hurried out. Laura knew him, and that was the Mage Winhall who was responsible for the maintenance of the teleportation team.

Laura grabbed him.

Winhal said, “Your Majesty, why are you here? They all said that the stone statue is about to attack the palace, and everyone will withdraw. Some people seem to be looking for you.”

Is it just someone? It seems that at this time, no one puts hope on her queen. Laura sighed secretly.

She suppressed these sad thoughts and asked: “Can the teleportation array still be activated now?”

“Are you going in? That’s too dangerous. If the stone statue collapses the palace, or if it burns like other palaces here, people are still dead in the transfer room.” Winhal said anxiously.

“I ask you, in the name of the queen, can the teleportation array still be activated now?” Laura grabbed Winhall’s collar and asked, his face close to him.

She glared at him, making Wenger unknowingly tell the truth, “Yes, it can be launched. But it will be dangerous if it is not delivered in time.”

“It’s okay. You go with me.” Laura pulled Wenhall and ran all the way to the underground transmission room.

Wenger is a mid-level wizard, but in the face of Laura, who is also a mid-level swordsman, it is difficult to resist, and she has to be dragged all the way back to the ground.

“Did you bring any guards?”

“Most of my guards are dead. Other people’s words …, how many people do you think are protecting me now?”



“Then do you want to send it there?”

“The closer to the China Tower site, the better!”


Xiao Chen saw Liu Yisheng emerge from the secret realm of the starry sky, then killed Dominic, and a stone in his heart fell to the ground. As the first saint of the Tower of China, Liu Yisheng has experienced many wars. On such occasions, it is like a needle of Dinghai God.

He fell beside Xiao Chen and said: “The Commander of the City of God is dead. Let us give them a complete conclusion today. The last time I went through time and space, it was enough to get such an ending.”

“Don’t Dominic say anything before he died?” Xiao Chen asked.

“It’s true to say one thing, let’s solve these remaining people first.” Liu Yisheng said.

In the following battle, with the participation of Xiao Chen and Liu Yisheng, they also quickly determined the outcome. Except for a few Holy City Saints who were captured, all other Holy City Saints were killed in battle.

The Ares Arena launched by Ye Zi also ended the battle. Ye Zi and his party got out of the arena safely, with a lot of people. Most of Ye Zi and others sat down on the ground, and each of them seemed to be very injured, but the Ares Arena immediately launched their own healing effects, and the wounds on them were healing quickly. Ye Zi and Metatron sat cross-legged on the battlefield, their breath changes drastically, and they seem to have gained a lot in the battle just now. I am afraid that when they wake up, there will be two new students in the Tower of China Saint.

However, what made Chen Chen more distressed was that they also sacrificed a saint on their side: Celto, a saint from the Western Continent, Thunderblade, who was accidentally taken by a saint in the city of God at the last moment of the fight Those who fight back. These saints from the Western Continental Republic, after all, are not as rich in battle experience as the saints of the Holy City. Although they are under the great advantage of the battlefield, they have been found opportunities by the other party. In addition, several saints were injured, among which the referee Alvaro was the most injured, and one of his arms was cut off shoulder to shoulder.

Strani saw Xiao Chen’s expression on the side of Celto’s body with a heavy expression. Stepped forward to comfort: “This is already a very good result. These holy city saints are very powerful. I can feel that they have not been able to exert their full strength. If we really fight in their heyday, we pay I am afraid the cost is much greater. This shows that the timing of the battle you chose is appropriate.

I told you a long time ago that we are all aware of you and the people who come here. What Certu got was exactly what he was after. ”

Xiao Chen patted his shoulder and said: “I know, but I still feel very sorry. You haven’t set foot on this continent for less than a day. You haven’t even had time to look at the mountains and cities here, and you will die in battle …”

“Hah, don’t you think we are here to travel?” Strani said. “Don’t forget that you are now the common leader of the two continents. You must take what the consul should be.”

Alvaro who just finished bandaging the wound also said: “I was prepared to send my life, but only one arm was sent out, and I earned it.”

Liu Yisheng also said: “Although I don’t know what happened in the Western Continent, nor do I know these friends who came to help, but I can tell you that their joining is decisive. In the last world, we are in In the past 40 years of war, more than 30 saints have died, and the City of God has not been completely eliminated. This gentleman is right. Most of the people in the City of God can be regarded as weak, but they are anxious and feel that Enough to suppress us, not to expect so many saints to suddenly join the battle, so we will have today’s results. ”

At this time, the soldiers who came to clean the battlefield brought four saints. Two of them were sleeping in a dream, and the other two were sealed. Five flowers were **** and came to Xiao Chen.

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