Above the Seven Towers

z7Chapter 59: Shanglu attack

More than sixty miles east of Greenwood City, a convoy was moving in the mountains, which consisted of a spar-driven truck and a carriage. Although there are more and more spar vehicles now, the total output is still limited. However, in most cases, spar vehicles still carry freight and large-scale passenger transportation. When there are few passengers, they are mainly dominated by horse-drawn carriages.

There were two men sitting in the carriage, one is Sirlo who is currently serving on the Resource Development Committee of the Ministry of Commerce, and the other is Alchemist Morey.

This time they went to several small towns in the east of Greenwood City to investigate the feasibility of the new alchemy drug factory project. Because a series of spar mineral veins have been discovered near those small towns, and some magic herbs have been produced in the surrounding mountains. It is very suitable for constructing a factory for producing alchemy chemicals here. Once this project is completed, it can greatly stimulate the economy of the newly occupied area in the east and allow them to speed up the pace of catching up with the core area of ​​the Tower of China.

“Master Morey, it’s great to be able to invite you this time. If it wasn’t for your wisdom and knowledge, that you found a mushroom that can be used as a raw material, the profit of this project should be at least 10% different.”

Morey closed the notebook in his hand and said: “This is the purpose of my personal visit. The eastern area of ​​Suero was originally underdeveloped. It was originally a backward area in the Kingdom, but it is very rich in natural resources and developed. The potential is unlimited. ”

“Yeah, here is the last stop. The town we are going to is called Carlotta. The mountain treasures here are very famous, especially various mushrooms. Maybe you will find new discoveries. Even if not, they The mushroom soup here is also a must, at least a good meal. ”

Morey smiled: “I look forward to it.”

He opened the curtain of the carriage and looked out. Just a few hundred meters ahead of them in the village, there was already smoke rising in the afternoon.

At this moment, a burst of green light suddenly crossed the mountains behind the town, across the town, and swept all the way towards them.

The power contained in the green light gave Morey a thrilling feeling.

“What’s that!” Siro also saw this light, “It’s coming.”

The guard sitting outside the carriage lowered his head and shouted into the carriage: “Mr. Morey, Mr. Siro, this light is very strange. What protective props do you have best to use!”

Although Morey is not a powerful mage, he is a highly skilled alchemist, and he is certainly not lacking defensive props. He took a small disc from the storage ring, and then tapped a few times on it, and a magic crystal on the disc lit up. A gentle force drifted over everyone in the car, enveloped the carriage and the spar truck behind them.

The shield had just been generated, and the green light swept through the little convoy. Morey’s shield was broken under the power of green light for a long time, but when the remaining green light swept across the crowd, everyone felt nothing.

“It’s really strange that this green light can easily smash my shield, but it seems to have no effect on the body.” Morey said.

auzw.com “Is it related to the **** of nature, or the nearest **** city?” Siro was annoyed, “I knew that I shouldn’t go out recently, and the situation outside is still too dangerous. ”

“Look at the trees by the road!” The guard shouted.

“How come! The tree started to move, what kind of magic is this?” Morey exclaimed.

“These trees have become tree people!” Morey hurriedly pulled the curtains on the other side of the carriage, and there were also an amazing number of tree people breaking out of the ground. The trees began to seem to have sight and hearing all at once, and the middle of the trunk made a face made of potholes. Hearing the movement of the team, they all turned their faces.

When the trees on the roadside plains and hills came alive and turned your face at the same time, it was a terrifying experience, and several people in the car exclaimed.

The **** had already removed a rifle from his back. He said: “Mr. Morey, although they don’t know how these tree figures appeared, they don’t seem to be friendly to us. Ah! They rushed towards us.”

The woods near here are relatively low and sparse, so the transformed tree people are not as tall as those around Alano, and the number is not that much. But the shortest tree man is also three or four meters high, giving Morey the feeling that they can destroy their car with one blow. Morey glanced at the past, at least seven or eighty trees began to move towards them.

“The God of Nature is on, these monsters turned into big trees are everywhere. Our situation is very bad!” Siro said, at this critical moment he had long forgotten that he had abandoned the God of Nature, “Mo Lord Lei, what should we do? ”

“You have to find a safe place first.” Morey started rummaging through the rings and props. He said to the others: “Give me enough time, I should be able to make a teleportation array! Send everyone back to Greenwood City in.”

The guard said: “These are all uncovered wildernesses. We are here to die. We must rush to the town in front. There is a wooden wall there. Although it is not very strong, the possibility of blocking the tree people will be there. Be stronger! ”

“Okay! Then we rushed into the village first. Maybe the villagers could be taken away,” Morey said.

“Hurry up!” The guard shouted at the driver.

The driver pulled the whip on the horse, but the horse suddenly let out a loud roar. One of the horses suddenly began to grow bigger and bigger, its muscles swelled, its limbs became extremely thick, and the other horse seemed to lose all Jingqi was suddenly shrivelled. This change occurred in the carriage at a gallop, and immediately lost its balance. Morey hurriedly carried out a floatation technique on the carriage, which did not let the carriage roll out. However, the sturdy horse ran and started to lift its forelegs. Its horseshoes had disappeared and replaced by a pair of claws. The horse monster stopped suddenly and turned back to push the carriage. The original speeding carriage hit the horse monster to push it far away, and he was about to stop.

The guard hurriedly fired a gun at the horse, but he did not hit the horse in the fierce shaking. The mutant horse, whose body was bruised by bullets, was irritated by the attack. It grabbed the guard with one paw, and the guard shrugged to avoid it. The paw penetrated the driver’s chest at once.

At this time Morey flashed a lightning bolt at his fingertips, hitting the horse monster’s eyes. The horse monster screamed and lost its sight. The guard pulled out the short sword from his waist, carried his grudge, and cut off the horse monster’s head with one sword.


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