Absolute Choice

Chapter 334

Chapter 334: You have clearly awakened, why are you playing dumb

In a particular quaint village, there lived a blind man.

The blind man was a very unlucky person. He was born blind. Other than color black, there was no other color existing in his world.

However, the old blind man was also a very happy man. Even though he was blind, he had managed to meet a partner in his youth. They loved each other and finally married, eventually giving birth to seven children.

However, this was just the beginning of everything unfortunate.

The old blind man’s wife died due to childbirth issues during the birth of seventh child. It left the old blind man to raise seven children while he was in his middle age.

Although he was blind, he was great at calligraphy, knew how to play the Erhu, and was eloquent with the gift of the gab.

Therefore, the old man would perform on the streets daily, play the Erhu or tell stories to passers-by in exchange for tips.

At night, he would write a bunch of couplets of extremely high quality, but were extremely cheap because of his lack of fame. He sold these in order to make ends meet.

The old man toiled day and night, barely able to feed the seven children. Some people persuaded him to sell a few children, or give them to other families, but the old blind man refused. Every child was loved by him, so he could not bear to part with them.

There were others who advised him to look for a wife before he grew old, even if they were ugly or somewhat slow in the head, because it would at least be an additional helper. However, the old blind man refused as well. He was still deeply in love with his deceased wife, and would always leave the position of wife for her.

The old blind man toiled day and night for ten years before the seven children finally grew up one after another. The eldest son had finally reached the age of eighteen. Ten years of starvation had made the old blind man extremely weak, but maybe it was the grace of Heaven because during the ten years, the old blind man never fell seriously ill. He did not even catch the cold or have a fear.

However, the tragedy began when the eldest son reached eighteen years of age.

The eldest son was a construction worker and could not bear the bullying of the foreman. In his wrath, he smacked the foreman to death with a brick!

It was a bloody and brutal scene, one that the old blind man could not see. However, from the mouths of the prison guards, he heard of the carnage of the foreman dying as well as the savage madness his eldest son had become.

The old blind man refused to believe it because his son was clearly an honest and amiable person. He was kind and timid. He did not even dare step an ant to death, an honest man who never said angry words. How could he have killed someone else in his rage?

But there was concrete evidence. Many workers had witnessed the brutal scene, so there was no room for dispute.

The eldest son was sentenced to death and he was executed.

The family was immersed in grief, but this was just the beginning of the tragedy.

The following year, the second son committed suicide by jumping into the sea. He left behind a suicide note.

The very handsome second son was the pride of the family. He was extremely intelligent and the entire family pinned their hopes on him by investing in his education. He did not disappoint them. His results were always very good. He had recently finished his civil examinations and did a match against the answers. There was a high chance of him being the top scholar.

The second child also had a beautiful lover, and they were deeply in love with each other.

But the more outstanding a person was, the more it would incur envy. An ugly scion who did badly in his studies was envious of what the second son had. He used his money to deprive the second son of everything.

The scion had used the second son’s background to break the lovers apart, and then switched their examination transcripts. He even set up the second son, causing him to lose his reputation. His closest friends began to drift away from him.

The second son was unable to bear the reality of such a stark contrast and decided to commit suicide. He left behind a suicide note to explain everything.

The old blind man was overcome with grief, but he was unable to avenge his son.

However, the tragedy was nowhere close to coming to an end.

In the fourth year, the third son turned eighteen. The old blind man used his tiny amount of savings to hold a banquet for his son. He never expected that his third son who had never had a full meal was so delighted that he gorged on the food in gluttony so much that it ended up killing him.

In the fifth year, his fourth child, a daughter, who was extremely beautiful, married a good family at the age of seventeen. Terrible news came in a few days, with the daughter’s husband dying in bed. The daughter claimed that it was her own fault and also ended up committing suicide. The old blind man was beyond tears. He knew his daughter as an extremely shy and conservative girl, how could it be the daughter’s fault for her husband’s death in bed?

In the sixth year, the humble fifth child, a son, offended a martial artist who was filled with pride and was beaten to death. The reason being the humility the son presented was thought of as posturing by the martial artist. The prideful martial artist detested others posturing in front of him and was trying to force the son to use his full strength, but he never expected the son to really be extremely weak. He ended up accidentally killing the fifth child.

In the eighth year, the sixth child, his illustrious daughter worked in the textile industry, but because of the sloth a few senior women had, they piled all the work on the daughter. The daughter worked hard and respected her seniors. Without a word of complaint, she ended up dying from exhaustion.

In the tenth year, the upright seventh child, a son worked for the civil service. However, the magistrate he was working for was extremely greedy. He had committed many sins in secret, and when it was about to be discovered, he made the son the scapegoat. The magistrate was very powerful, so the old blind man was unable to seek redress for his son. He could only suffer his last son being executed.

As such, the old blind man who had struggled alone to raise seven children for ten years had lost them all within a decade.

The way they died made the old blind man disappointed with humanity. He even grew to hate it.

How could his honest eldest son kill someone after having his wrath incurred? It had to be too much bullying that he could not bear any further.

How could his shy and conservative fourth child cause her husband to die in bed? It must be the husband’s lack of control of his lust, causing his own death.

How did his third son gorge himself to death because of gluttony? It was all because the world was too cruel to poor people. Even a full meal was a dream.

There was no need to even mention the second son who had been forced to his death by the scion in his envy, the fifth child who had been killed by a martial artist because of his pride, and how his sixth child was worked to her death because of the sloth of those women, as well as the magistrate that caused his seventh child’s death because of his greed.

The deaths of his seven children were not their fault, but the world’s fault. It was the fault of all those ugly humans.

The old blind man lived the rest of his life in grief and indignation, but he was only a weak old blind man. He did not have the ability to seek revenge. All he could do was curse in the night at this world alone, cursing all of humanity.

If he possessed power…

Suddenly one day, the old blind man opened his eyes and saw the color of the world.

It was an ice-cold world that was only black and white.

“I heard that the color of blood is red?”

Having suddenly recovered his sight, the colorblindness that seemed to screw the old blind man made him think of adding a new color to the black and white world.

And at this moment in time, he finally possessed the power to do all of that.

After the old blind man opened his eyes, Shi Xiaobai opened his eyes as well, ending the long sorrowful but extremely realistic dream.

After opening his eyes, he noticed that he was lying on a soft bed. Golden willow branches cascaded down like a waterfall, blocking the clear sky. There was a faint fragrance in the fresh air around him.

His right hand was leaning on something soft.

Shi Xiaobai was slightly surprised as he looked to his side. There, he saw a purple-haired girl holding his right hand, adhering tightly to his right side. She was fast asleep with her eyes closed.

The purple-haired girl was none other than Kali. At this moment, Kali had returned to her original appearance. She was dressed in a black gothic dress, and wore a white patch on her right eye. Her delicate appearance was one of a pixie.

Kali’s original appearance was in fact more beautiful than Ka Xiaozi, especially if she took off her eye patch, but for some reason, she wore it.

Shi Xiaobai gently moved his right hand, trying to retract his right hand from the soft embrace. Kali stirred and opened her eyes.

“You are awake!”

Kali smiled in delight. This was because Shi Xiaobai’s eyes had returned to a clearness and his hair had been restored to black.

Shi Xiaobai nodded and asked, “Where is this place? What happened?”

Shi Xiaobai only remembered himself using his superpower of Power Siphoning to extract the corruptive powers from Kali’s body. After that, he gradually lost his consciousness and had a long dream. In a dream, he was just a bystander, witnessing the tragic life of the old blind man. His mood was still heavy, but he did not know what happened after that.

“This is the world of the seventh level…Nothing happened after you had fallen unconscious.”

Kali whispered. It was best if Shi Xiaobai had forgotten what he had done in his rage, therefore she did not mention it.

Kali suddenly thought of something and tsked, pretending to be angry, “Shi Xiaobai, how can you do this? Don’t you know how worried I was? That power is something you are unable to control for now. What am I to do if something happened?”

Upon hearing this, Shi Xiaobai said with a laugh, “What’s there to worry? It’s just a corruptive power and it’s nothing that can do a thing to This King. Look, isn’t This King just fine? That so-called corruptive power has surrendered beneath This King’s feet!”

Kali rolled her eyes. That was entirely not the case! However, she could not tell Shi Xiaobai that he had nearly been devoured by the corruptive power!

If not for experiencing the endless brutal massacre to vent his anger, Shi Xiaobai could have completely lost all reason.

But thankfully, after killing the four masterminds, which were the Level Lords of the sixth, fifth, second, and first level, Shi Xiaobai’s rage came to an end. He had temporarily been restored to his original appearance.

Kali whispered, “In the future, you have to pay attention to controlling your emotions. When you encounter something angry, remember to take deep breaths to calm yourself. Do not be angry.”

The corruptive power of anger still existed in Shi Xiaobai. If he was ever infuriated, it was very likely for him to transform into the state with silverish-white hair again.

Shi Xiaobai was taken aback and said with a laugh, “Don’t worry, the fury of a King isn’t so easily triggered by anybody.”

Upon hearing this, Kali had mixed emotions.

Shi Xiaobai had mentioned the fury of a King several times, but this time it was genuine. Infuriating Shi Xiaobai would only result in death.

Shi Xiaobai ruminated for a moment before he prepared to get up. It was as though he had been lying down for an extended period of time. His body felt somewhat stiff.

However, Kali prevented Shi Xiaobai from retracting his right hand. She gently said, “Lie down a little longer. I still have questions to ask you!”

Shi Xiaobai pondered for a moment before nodding. He had questions for Kali as well.

He turned his head slightly, and since they were very close to begin with, their foreheads nearly touched.

An ambiguous mood emerged as Kali held her breath.

Her azure eyes and his black eyes looked at each other, reflecting each other’s reflection.

Their lips began to approach each other like magnets.

Ever since he received the corruptive power, Shi Xiaobai had accepted Kali from the bottom of his heart. He felt that maybe it wasn’t a bad thing after all. There was no need to mention about Kali obviously. Having been alone for ten thousand years made her to yearn more than anyone for a partner.

Just as the kiss was about to be completed, a loud bang gave the both of them a scare.

The two looked up spontaneously and saw a hole in the sky, as a tiny black-lit person emerged out of it!

Kali was immediately jolted as her expression changed drastically!

The deadly sin, Gluttony, had broken through her seal and had managed to chase to the seventh level?

Just as Kali was about to get up to suppress the tiny black-lit person again. This time, it would not be in the deep depths of the sea, but the abyss!

But at this moment, a hoarse voice came from the sky.

“You have clearly awakened, why are you playing dumb?”

This was the voice produced by the tiny black-lit person. Furthermore, it was said with the language of modern humans. Furthermore, its words were complete and the accent was standard and very clear!

These clear words landed in Kali and Shi Xiaobai’s ears. There was nothing around them, so clearly, the words were directed at the two of them.

Kali felt like she was struck by lightning as her face immediately turned pale. The meaning behind the words the deadly sin, Gluttony, said was something she knew very well. It was also the thing she was most afraid of. A cruel fact that she was trying to avoid!

When Kali suppressed Gluttony, she had told it to ‘Stay deep in the sea and practice how to speak’, but she had never believed that Gluttony would really listen to her and hone its ability to speak.

What the heck!?

Kali immediately felt so depressed that she wanted to cry. Gluttony’s words had torn through the final line of defense she used to avoid reality.

There was no way for her to escape it any further.

Kali turned her head to look at Shi Xiaobai, who was just inches away from her, as she felt tortured by a certain pain.

Shi Xiaobai, are you really the Original Sin of Calamity?

Furthermore, you have already awakened?

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