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Side Story: The Other Drone

(Well, since people wanted more Murder Drones, I'm delivering on that, with a side story. I have no idea how long this Side Story will be or how long the chapters will be. Cause I just come up with this stuff on the fly.)

We start with a close up of a blank Drone visor as rock music blasts in the background, the clacking of a keyboard is barely heard over it. There is a small crack on the lower right of the visor.

"Come on already." A young male voice complains.

Text flashes onto the Drone's Visor.

You are attempting to access Discarded Military Equipment
If you do not cease your actions, the police will be notified and you will be sentenced to prison.
SO... Please stop.

"Awww, great... Anyway." More clacking of a keyboard is heard, before the visor glitches and new text appears.

SYS: Power On

Suddenly a pair of white eyes flash on and stare straight up. A few creaks are heard and the music gets turned off and a pair of footsteps approach.

The Drone sits up, showing that it is a rather large Drone. The drone has metal wielding on its stomach, kinda like a scar. A yellow disposal band is on the Drones right arm. Large cables are connected to the back of its head.

The Drone glances around at its surroundings, noticing that it's in a large room full of electrical and mechanical equipment. Tools of various kinds litter the floor and the table it's laying on. 

"Wooooow..." A voice gasps and the drone glances towards it.

Standing right beside the table is a young teenage boy, no older than 15. He messy dirt blond hair, dull blue eyes, with a few freckles on his smooth white skin. He's wearing a white shirt covered in oil and a ripped up pair of jeans. He sets the tool in his gloved hands down as she leans into the Drones face.

"It worked!" The boy jumps back and throws his hands up in excitement. "I spent weeks working on you after dragging you out of the dump! Um..." He looks at the Serial Designation on the armband. "Unit Y-1101X1XX0... that's a mouth full, so what if I just call ya, Y."

The Drone Y unit stares at him.

"Yeah, that's kinda boring, so why not Psi?"

The drone continues to stare at him, slightly titling its head.

"You know, like the Greek letter for Y? ..." The boy sighs and brings a hand to his forehead. "Why am I trying to explain this to a Drone?"

Psi just blinks at the boy as he rubs some sweat off his head. "Oh, I never introduced myself." He smiles brightly and slams a fist into his chest. "I am Vito Barcley." He proudly puffs his chest out and Psi just stares at him.

After a few seconds Vito scratches his cheek and nervously chuckles. "Um, well... I-I guess I should show you the house. Come on." He unhooks the cables on the back of Psi's head, the drone looks behind him and sees the cables hooked up to a computer.

Vito walks off and Psi just stays on the table. After a few seconds Vito pokes his head into the room. 

"Well, are you coming?"

Psi turns his body and hops off the table, and walks up to Vito, the human being a few inches taller than Psi. Vito is 5'5'' (167 cm), and Psi is 5'2''(158 cm), which is rather tall from a Drone.

The two head up some stairs and come up into a decent size main floor, Psi looks to the right and sees a door that most likely leads to the outside, in front of him is the living room and to his left he can see the kitchen and a door leaving to the backyard.

Vito turns left and heads up another pair of stairs beside him. "Come on, Psi, lemme show you my room. And don't worry, my Dad's busy at work so he won't be home till very late... If he doesn't fall asleep at the office." Psi just stares at him. "hehehe..."

Vito heads up the stairs with the Y unit following him. Vito heads into the first room on the right, Psi looks at the several other closed doors down the hall.

"Come on, Psi!" Vito calls out and Psi follows after him, only to get a face full of a black cat. "This is my kitty Byzan!"

"Meow." The cat meows at the Drones as it's amber eyes stare into his white eyes.

Psi brings up a finger and pokes the cat on the nose, the cat pushes his finger away as it glares at him. The cat then struggles out of Vito's hand and runs off.

"Yeah... He doesn't like being held for that long." Vito clicks his tongue as he looks around his messy room, papers and books all over the room. "If I knew I had guests coming over, I would have cleaned up. Hehehe."

Psi looks at some of the books, mathematics and science books.

"School's been hectic the first couple weeks, those damn teachers like giving out so much homework." Vito kicks a few papers, they just flutter a few feet from him. "I wish I went to Public school, I bet they get less homework."

Psi bends down and picks up a paper, its plans of how to try and fix him. He then looks over at Vito, who rummaging through his closet, and changes into a clean red shirt. Psi drops the paper and continues to look around.

He sees a poster for JCJenson Drones. He tilts his head as he reads the captions.

Drones that'll work for you, cause they to stupid to do anything Else.

Psi purses his lips as he finds that kinda insulting, but then ignores it as Vito slams his closet shut. 

"I should probably do laundry soon." Vito mutters to himself as he starts to clean up his room. "So, you may be wondering why you're... not 'dead'." He glances at Psi, who gives a slight nod. "Well, I wanted a drone and my Dad keeps saying next year, next year. But I know we're living paycheck to paycheck."

Vito sits down on his bed as he sets a stack of books on his nightstand.

"I know it looks live we're rich and everything, but we really aren't. My dad tried his best to hide it from me, but I see the way he looks at the bills he gets. He wants me to have what he didn't, a stable childhood. But that kinda went out of the window when he and mom got divorced."

Psi just blinks as he still stand at the entrance of the room.

"But back on topic, I went to a Drone Dump and found you in near perfect condition! Just had to fix some external wiring and weld your stomach back shut, and boom, I fixed you right up!" Vito stands up and walks over to Psi. "But you must be a special Drone, I've never heard of a Y unit, and there was something about the military back when I was turning you on." Vito gets excited. "So what kinda stuff can you do?"

Psi holds up his right hand and it changes into a rocket launcher, Vito blinks in surprise a few times, before he starts sweating.

"O-Oh, that kinda stuff. I didn't think it was that kind of military." Vito holds a hand out to Vito. "Can you please put it away? You're making me nervous."

Psi nods and his hand returns to normal.

Vito smiles. "But that's so cool, you have weap-" He then realizes something. "I have a very dangerous Drone in my house, and if someone finds out you're a Drone designed with weapons, I could get into so much trouble... BUT YOU'RE SO COOL THOUGH!"

Vito hops around Psi, the drone following his every move.

"I should show you off to Tessa!" Vito then stops. "I just remembered, she has a Y-unit drone too." He puts a hand on her chin. "Huh, maybe you two came from the same place?"

Text flashes across his screen.

Access To Memory Files: Denied
Higher Clearance Needed to Access these Files.

Psi's eyes return and sees Vito giving him a really look.

"You're not working for the military anymore, can't you show me them anyway?"

Psi shakes his head.

"Oh, come one. Why must you be annoying now?"

Psi gives him a really look.

"What? What part of me is annoying?" Vito asks and Psi gestures to him. "You just gestured to all of me." 

Psi nods and Vito sighs as he shakes his head. Then he claps his hands together. 

"Well, I got school tomorrow, and there is a rule where a student can bring their personal Worker Drones with them." He looks Psi up and down. "You're not really a Worker Drones, but no one needs to know that!" he points at Psi. "You better not say anything to anyone about that!!!"

Psi just gives a thumbs up.

Vito then looks to his right, where he sees himself and Psi in a standing mirror. The human then smiles. "I think we should give you a little more personality."

Psi grows a confused look.

A few minutes later Psi is staring at himself in the standing mirror. He has a silver wig on. The hair is swept to the right with a bit of it hanging down in the middle of his visor. He's got a leather jacket on with a white shirt underneath and dark pair of jeans on.

Psi glances down at his attire and frowns.

"What, you don't like it?" Vito walks over, his hair is all spiky now.

Psi gestures to himself. 

"Right, Drones don't always wear clothes." Vito taps his chin. "But all the drones at school either wear Butler or Maid outfits... Cause like everyone there is totally super rich. And I'm pretty sure I was the only student there without a Drone..." Vito sighs and walks over to his bed and flops down face first onto it. "They're all stuck ups over there." he raises his head. "All, 'I must have the new phone.' 'Look at how pretty my new Drone is' 'My dad just bought me the new sports car'" He rolls over and flips off the ceiling. "Well fuck you, Chad. I have a military Drone and you don't."

Psi glances down to the side and sees Byzan, the cat looks up at him. Psi motions to Vito in confusion, the Cat just shrugs and walks off.

Vito then looks over at Psi. "Though, I do hope you don't turn out to be like Cyn. She really creeps me out, with all that shuffling around and narrating her actions. Though N is really fun, V is nice, but J... She's just... weird. I think she loves the company then her own Owner. There are a few other Fixed Drones over there, but I kinda forgot their names... They don't ever stay online enough for me to interact with them."

Psi just stares at Vito in silence... like normal.

Vito sits up. "You don't really talk much do you?" Psi shakes his head. "Can you even talk?"

"Yes." Psi replies, sounding very similar to a certain drone we all love.

"Oh! So you're not mute!" Psi shakes his head in response, making Vito sigh. "And right back to not talking." He stands up. "Well, let me show you more of the house, and the type of chores I do!"

Hours go by and the moon shines down into Vito's room as he yawns, he's in pajamas now. He sits down on his bed and looks out the window.

"Well, it looks like Dad isn't coming home." Vito sighs in sadness as he lays down.

Psi is standing in the corner of the room, staring at Vito.

"Well, at least I was bored today." Vito chuckles as he climbs under the sheets. "Well, goodnight Psi."

Vito rolls over so his back is facing Psi, and he closes the blinds, turning the room dark so only Psi's eyes illuminate.

"...Goodnight." Psi mutters as Text appears on his visor.

Sleep Mode: Activated

Psi's head tilts down as he enters sleep mode. 







1992 words

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