Absolute Threshold

Chapter 56 - Unfamiliar Vehicle

Absolute Threshold — Chapter 56. Unfamiliar Vehicle

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 3/3

Inho, who lowered her head in shame, picked up the shattered fragments of glass. She probably felt embarrassed because she had damaged items in the coffee shop.

“Your wound needs to be treated…you’re bleeding a lot.”

“I’m sorry, I should have been more careful.”

“That doesn’t matter. Stay here. I’ll go to the pharmacy.”

“I can disinfect the wound at home.”

“An employee was injured, I must take responsibility as Boss.”

She touched her shoulder with a smile.

“In case you get sick after I disinfected your wound, immediately tell me.”

“…Thank you.”

Quickly, she headed for the pharmacy around the corner. Darkness was coming soon in the winter. So she walked through the darkness. Although she didn’t like the dark, she liked the winter cold. But she was only wearing a cardigan. She didn’t turn back because she thought it would be best to come back after she had bought the products.

She crossed her arms to bear the cold. The pharmacy was not far from the coffee shop, so she believed she couldn’t catch a cold in such a short time.

When she arrived at the pharmacy, she asked the pharmacist for medicine to treat the wound. Her eyes were drawn to the medicines displayed on the shelves. Iron supplements for pregnant women, vitamin D to reduce the chance of premature delivery, etc.

President. I did what you asked me to do. I bought all the medicines and related products that are good for pregnant women.

There were several medicines lined up in the drawing room.

I don’t want to show this world to my child. How frequently must one confront an adversary? Misfortune could ensue.

Sometimes you just hide your true intentions.

Cheolju’s voice was caught in her ear like an echo. She had her hands in her cardigan pockets as the pharmacist reached for the medicine.

“What’s the total cost?”

“10,000 won.”

After she paid, she took the envelope from the pharmacist.

It seemed to her that the wound on Yoongyo’s body would be left with a scar.

“Is there anything I can apply for scars?”

“Do you want an ointment?”


But she did not turn around. The pharmacist cocked his head to one side, because she did not leave even though he had handed her the medicine. Jumi opened her mouth again,

“Give it to me.”

She pulled out the change she had put in her wallet.

Briefly she stopped at the traffic light until the signal changed. When she crossed the crosswalk she was worried that a vehicle was following her. She looked back, but could not identify who was inside the tinted vehicle.

She reflected on Song Hayoung. She was also acquainted with someone else who would spare no effort to achieve her desires. Jo Yami. Jumi had experienced her personality. But they were different. Jo Yami was worried about the consequences, whereas Song Hayoung was determined to pursue her goals, even if she lost everything.

Choi Jumi slowed down, but the vehicle also did the same.

There were people who wanted to hurt her.

Yesterday, Jumi saw her eyes focused on Jung Yoongyo. She didn’t pay attention to her piercing eyes because there was Yoongyo, who didn’t even treat people like Hayoung.

Jumi was worried about the unfamiliar vehicle, so she deliberately changed direction to a busy street. She accelerated her walking speed increasingly, yet the vehicle trailed her more closely with each step.

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