Absolute Threshold

Chapter 65 - Ointment

Absolute Threshold — Chapter 65. Ointment

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 3/3

[Easy-to-read prenatal care for dads.]

She was sure she saw this book when she went to the bookshop.

It looked like he had just bought it because the book was spotless.

Maybe that’s why Yoongyo knew about the stable period.

To her, it seemed pointless for him to read a book since he would inevitably do whatever he pleased. She fiddled with the book. She felt a little confused.

Jumi, who rummaged through the books, found an ultrasound photograph. Sure enough this ultrasound photograph was taken when they went to the hospital. She thought she had lost it, but he had it. He acted like a person who didn’t care about children.

She placed the ultrasound photograph back among the books, exited the office, and walked over to him as he sat on the drawing room couch in his bathrobe. He was drinking beer.

“You mentioned you wanted pizza, did you place the order?”


“Have something to eat so you don’t collapse again.”

She started to envision both sweet and savory foods.

“How long do you plan on standing there?”

“Huh. Is your wound truly alright?”

She pulled the ointment from the cardigan she had taken off. She had bought it for his wound. She approached the couch as he held a glass with ice inside. She didn’t want anything strange to happen, so she sat on the couch as still as possible.

“When I went to buy medicine for Inho, I bought this ointment because I remembered your wound. It’s applied to scars, so I thought it would be useful.”

As she opened the top of his bathrobe, she noticed his wound that had not yet healed. She had not detailed the wound when they bathed. The wound had healed enough for the bandage to be removed, but he still needed to take care of herself to prevent any complications. Additionally, Yoongyo was reckless.

Although she rubbed the ointment with her index finger, Yoongyo just looked at her. He did not make any movement. It seemed that it did not hurt.

“Your wound seems to be healing well. Are you considering a visit to the hospital?”

His expression made it clear that he didn’t want to. Though it was just a casual suggestion, his piercing look made her look away.

“I’m curious if this ointment would be suitable for the baby.”

His voice did not sound like a question.

“Would you like me to apply for it?”

She sensed that this was a suggestion she should avoid.

She came to her senses.

“I feel better than I thought I would.”

Her heart felt like it was about to burst when their eyes met.


She didn’t know why, but she felt she had helped this man wake up.


“What? Is he a person close to our boss?”

The staff whispered among themselves about a man in a suit who had ordered an Americano. He had sat at the table near the window. The other man at the table looked like his companion. Inho, who knew the man’s identity, lowered his head every time he made eye contact with Gwangmyeong.

“Inho, don’t you know anything?”


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