Absolute Threshold

Chapter 67 - Ominous Foreboding

Absolute Threshold — Chapter 67. Ominous Foreboding

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 2/3

“I want to go.”

Those words escaped her mouth. It had never happened to her in her life. She couldn’t understand it, but the ominous foreboding persisted. She grabbed his arm.

“Choi Jumi.”

Honestly, even she couldn’t define their relationship.

The man she met on a blind date ended up becoming the father of her children.

Someone had already hurt Jung Yoongyo in the past. This time someone might kill him. She would feel alone if he were to vanish.

Everyone knew he was not a kind man. However, he would do things for her that he wouldn’t do for anyone else. She could trust him.

She still didn’t understand her feelings for him. But she felt safe when she was around him. That’s why she was certain she didn’t want him to leave her side.

“Even if I’m not around, you must take care of the baby.”

“What? Where are you going?”

“Pay close attention.”

Yoongyo placed his hands on her trembling shoulders.

“It is said that even in the womb, the baby senses its mother’s feelings. Let your baby know that you are a strong person.”

Her mind became stable with only his presence. He stroked her back so she could calm down. Although he was a little rough, she understood that he couldn’t control his strength. At times, she felt so embarrassed by his behavior that she wanted to disappear, but despite finding him offensive, she couldn’t bring herself to hate him.

His clumsy attempts at expressing himself touched her deeply.

“I always take responsibility for what I say.”

“I’m afraid.”

“Don’t worry.”

“I’m really afraid you’ll die. I don’t want to be left alone. I’ll live with the guilt. That would be painful. I don’t want to let you go. I won’t.”

Her eyes trembled. She didn’t want to be alone like when she decided to leave school.

“Stay safe. Look after the baby.”

His hand descended to her belly. Even in the s#x#al #ct, where she feared losing the child, he would wrap his arms around her belly to protect the child. But it was really an excuse to p3n#trate her h#rder.

He was lost in thought for a moment, but then removed his hand from her belly.


“Don’t worry. I’ll sacrifice my life to protect her.”

The bald man bowed his head, then stepped on the accelerator.

Yoongyo disappeared from her sight.

Jumi clutched her belly with both hands.

“Mommy will protect you, honey. Mommy regrets having negative thoughts. Just be patient.”

She whispered to the life in her belly.

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