Absolute Threshold

Chapter 91 - Fragile Body

Absolute Threshold — Chapter 91. Fragile Body

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 3/3

“Didn’t you say it was still a week before delivery?”


As soon as he learned that she was going to the hospital due to labor pains, Yoongyo took a flight from Tokyo to Seoul. It seemed that the baby had the same personality as he did, he couldn’t even wait for the scheduled date. If the baby was like his mother, he would have quietly waited. He was concerned that the baby would cause problems for his mother.

—I am Gwangmyeong. I think she will be in the delivery room soon.

His voice was urgent. Feeling frustrated by the car’s sluggish pace, he anxiously checked his watch. Cheolju urged the driver. Although he slowed the car down because he was close to the hospital, he felt very anxious. People who knew him would have laughed at him. Choi Jumi had defeated a strong man. He even had to cancel his business trip.

“This way.”

The doctor had said she was in labor. She was in a spacious one-person hospital room, sweating profusely. He could grasp Gwangmyeong’s urgency, having listened to moans of pain for an hour. He mocked himself because he had fallen into foolish love, the walls he had erected melted.

Jumi, who was curled up like a shrimp, looked back.


Her eyes were moist. There was no way she wouldn’t cry.

“It hurts.”

She believed he was to blame. He gently brushed her eyes with his hand.

“Doesn’t that seem fair?”


Jumi shook her head with her eyes closed. It was uncertain whether it was an answer to her question or a grimace. Yoongyo, who lay beside her, hugged her shoulder. He was afraid because she had a small body.

“You can do it. You’re not going to die here.”

Yoongyo buried Jumi’s head in his chest.

“No matter how small the baby is, it’s bigger than my m@nh#od.”

“You shouldn’t say such words at this time…!”

“But it’s true.”

“Shut up, shut up.”


She wanted to strangle him, but she hugged him. He stroked her back to comfort her.

Unaware that Yoongyo had advocated for a female doctor to be assigned to this delivery, Jumi declared she would successfully deliver the baby.

It made no sense that it didn’t matter what sex the doctor was. No matter their profession, everyone is driven by their inherent nature. A doctor was also a human being with desires. There was no way he would trust a male doctor. He also thought about a home birth for her, but decided that a hospital would be better where she can get more help.

“I’ll protect them forever, so don’t worry. We still have time for a kiss. Maybe the baby will be surprised and come out!”

“You’re bad…”

“Or do you w#nt to s#ck it now?”

“You’re an idiot…!”

Although she was very upset, she cried because he had promised he would protect them. Jumi felt safe when she was on his chest.

“I want to see where it hurts.”

“Don’t look!”

“I didn’t say where I would look, Ah!”

“You’re such a p#rvert.”

She thumped his chest. But she couldn’t hate him.

“You can hit me all you want after you give birth.”

Then he kissed her. He would have taken on her pain if she could share it with him. He had great tenacity, he could handle pain easier than Choi Jumi. He ins#rted his thick tongue.

He feared for her life during childbirth, doubting her body’s ability to deliver the baby. He pressed his sweaty forehead against hers.

“Cheer up.”

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