Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Attack on Milim

The past 140 or so years have been rather uneventful. Every ten years or so, I'll go and absorb a star. So far, the strongest one I've absorbed was an A-class. It gave me about 3 billion magicules, but I had to wait for around twenty years after that one. Yet… Even that A-class star is pathetic compared to what's in front of me now…

A gigantic bright blue star, nearly purple. It's incredibly beautiful, yet also incredibly hot… Enough that even with my bio-volcanic nature activated, this is overwhelmingly hot… Though, not even close to enough to harm me.

I hold my hand out, feeling the warmth of the corona wrapping itself around my hand like a puppy begging for its owner's attention. I activate my ability and feel my chest immediately heat up. My cracked skin and veins filled with lava glow brightly. I become brighter than the sun of Earth. The corona starts flowing into the cracks in my skin, dying the lava blue. I fall into a deep slumber as I absorb the star. I orbit around this blue giant and glow brighter and brighter as time goes on.

I feel incredible strength welling up inside of me, greater than all other stars combined. My skin grows just as bright as the star as the star slowly gets absorbed into me. A beautiful array of colors flashes in my eyes, causing me to open them. I see a few other stars moving towards me. Weak stars, but stars nonetheless. They merge together with this giant star, trying to strengthen it. This only adds to what I can absorb though. My body grows to be brighter than this star, overtaking it, and turning into a beacon in the night sky of all nearby solar systems.

I feel such incredible strength.

Just before the star's death, I hear a voice speak up.

"Very well, ancient one. I concede."

Then, the last bit of the star gets absorbed. I feel something new engraved into my brain.

[O-class supergiant star absorbed]

[Cooldown: 50 years]

[Magicules have been hidden until host consents to view]

I told the system a while back to hide my magicules till I say otherwise to surprise myself. But, the new feeling isn't from magicules.

[Ability gained]

[Abyssal Supernova: Your body expels abyssal energy with the strength of an O-class supernova. This ability can destroy entire sections of a galaxy, use with extreme caution. Don't use around anything you care about.]

[Mutation gained]

[Biostellar Nature: Your body can become a living O-class star.]

These are some pretty cool abilities. This supernova ability seems pretty terrifying honestly. Alright system, gimme a sit-rep on my magicules.

[Magicules gained: 83,395,324,753 (98,863,990,104)]

No wonder. I feel like something within me is trying to break through its limits. Maybe I'll evolve when I reach 100b. I can feel that something at the center of the galaxy is watching me. Though, this thing is beyond my comprehension even now. I don't wanna piss something off that can possibly swat me like a fly. It's nowhere near the same as that one thing that gave me the ability to eat stars, but it's strong nonetheless. I also feel that the Abyssal Star Devourer skill is about to evolve as well.

I can sense that it has been about 9 years since I left Tensura to absorb this star. System, show my status for a sec.



[Name: Saraag!$@$(^, Seraph, Mama, Mommy, +6]

[Race: Divine Abyssal Phoenix]

[Class: Divine Titan, True Dragon, True Demon Lord]


[Titles: Divine Titan of the Abyss, Demon Lord of the Abyssal Plane]

[Wingspan: 364km - 573km]

[Height: 59km - 103km]

[Magicules: 13,975,610,653 - 98,863,990,104]


Hmm. I didn't grow as much as I thought I would. Well, whatever. I don't particularly want to grow to the size of something from Gurren Lagann. Seriously, who the fuck thought making a robot that big was a good idea?

I look around and see something new. My vision has increased greatly. I can see a leaf on a planet in an entirely different galaxy. This world has no intelligent life, and instead is full of non-magical animals. The only beings with magic on this planet are three dragons. One seems to be a western style dragon, controlling the ground, another is an eastern type dragon controlling the water, and the last is a mixture of western and eastern, controlling the air. The entire planet lives without war. The three dragons are brothers, born from Veldanava. They aren't anywhere near as strong as the beings from the world of tensura, or even godzilla, yet it doesn't matter. They are the sovereigns of this world.

Seems rather beautiful. I won't ruin it by introducing magic. I'll name it Eden. Hmm. Nevermind, there is a human-like species on it. But they are primitive, using sharpened sticks to hunt and protect themselves. Interesting. I hope those dragons deal with them before they ruin the planet.

I shrink myself back down and teleport directly into my temple. As I teleport in, I'm greeted by Milim who says,


She has a pouty face on as she grabs my arm and holds it. I chuckle and rub her head before speaking honestly,

"I'm afraid you're not my match Milim. Even Guy would be unable to do a thing against me. I just had a big power up. I'm almost as strong as Veldanava now!"

[This is false. Veldanava is a being above Z-rank]

Oh? And what rank is that?

[Inner God rank]

Inner god? Is that what a demi-god is?

[No. Inner gods are beings that rule over a single universe, or even dimension. Demi-gods are beings a single rank below that, ruling over worlds or galaxies. While you may have a skill that can destroy a part of a galaxy, an inner god can destroy multiple galaxies or even universes at once.]

Hm. That must be what the being at the center of the universe is then.

I come out of my thoughts and see a teary, puppy-dog eyed Milim looking up at me. I sigh and acquiesce.

"Haaaah. Alright. Hold my hand, I'll take up somewhere we can fight without holding back."

She jumps in the air,


She grabs my hand and I teleport us into the void outside our galaxy. I teleport a few kilometers away from her and say,

"Alright, let's start."

She shakes her head and says,

"Nuhuh! You're not facing me at full strength! Become a bird and grow!"

I sigh and say,

"You sure you wanna face me at full size?"

She shakes her head yes and looks at me with stars in her eyes. I wonder if I could devour those stars, heh. So, I teleport even further away and grow to my full size. I also stop hiding my energy, allowing her to feel the weight of my strength. Milim looks up at me, her brain nearly overheating from having to comprehend my size. I chuckle as I see some steam leave her ears,

"Hah. Cute."

She then gets a giant smile on her face and says,


She goes into her battle mode. This causes her magicules, that were just over 1 billion, to catapult to over 20 billion. As of right now, Milim is most definitely the strongest naturally born creature in Tensura. If only I could copy that. Too bad it isn't a skill, but rather her just showing her actual race. I need a good power up ability. Maybe I could go to DBZ and get super saiyan hehe. I don't wanna yell for ten chapters though.

As Milim finishes powering up, she yells out,


A blue beam of energy blasts forth from her palm. I cast a shield spell and pump 50 billion magicules into it. I angle it to make the Drago-nova deflect instead of blocking it directly. Then, I cast a fire spell and pump 20b magicules into it. In the palm of my hand appears a condensed blue star. I point my hand out at Milim and a glass cone shaped around the star. Lines of energy come from the star and focus in on the point of the cone. I smile at her and say,

"Corona beam."

The blue point turns into a laser that immediately hits Milim. She uses her arms to block the beam, causing the armor on them to start melting and her skin underneath to burn. After about three seconds, she realizes that the beam is returning to a sphere on her arm. She tries to run away but I then say,

"Coronal Ejection."

The small sphere explodes out in a wave of energy, causing Milim to yell out in pain,


She fights against the explosion for a few seconds, but then gets flung deeper into the void.

[Abilities created]

[Corona beam: You create a miniature star in your hand and focus its energy into a beam.]

[Coronal ejection: You create a miniature star and cause it to explode. When used in conjunction with Corona beam, it's power is amplified.]

Milim looks over at me and smiles. She flies towards me at the speed of light, being unrestrained by tensura's voice of the world. I smile at her as I create several thousand miniature stars around me, and simultaneously activate my Biosolar nature,

"Create star."

Milim flies even faster and starts giggling madly as she wants to take my attack head on. I smile back at her. While I'm not going all out, I am indeed having fun.

"Coronal Mass Ejection."

The stars all shrink to about the size of a penny. Then, suddenly…


The pennies explode outwards with the energy of hundreds of billions of magicules. However, due to their weak power individually, they are nowhere near the strength of an actual attack power by hundreds of billions of magicules.

Milim feels her body burn, the top layer of skin turning to ash as she takes the attack. She screams out once more as her body is overtaken by the burning energy of the stars.


The energy slowly dissipates and I see an unconscious Milim, floating in the void, with a satisfied smile on her face. I smile at her and pick her up in a princess carry. She's already recovered completely. What a little monster. I teleport the two of us back into my temple and set her down on my bed. And I lay down beside her.

Honestly, that might be the most fun I've had in a while. Nothing has really made me go all out in thousands or millions of years.

[Title gained:]

[Creator of magic: gained by creating your first original spell.]

[Ability gained]

[Creation Magic: You are able to use magicules to create something from nothing.]

Well, that's an interesting development.


AN: surprise mothafucka

some fries mothafucka

all rise mothafucka

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