Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Demon Lords are Scary

After absorbing the black hole, I feel like I just ate a big meal. Like I literally can't eat anything else or I'll throw up. Phew, that hit the spot! I teleport back to my temple and wait for Milim to go off towards Tempest. It doesn't take long after the orc lord's death for Milim to find out about the slime and think it might be fun to go see it. I feel her flying over, so I teleport over there first in smol borb form.

Rimuru managed to sense her a little while after, and ran off into the wilderness on a hill to avoid her going into Tempest. Milim lands with a bang and does her little 'I'm the demon lord Milim Nava!' thing.

The ogres come and ignore Rimuru because plot and Milim starts getting excited. She's about to start fighting Rimuru before I turn into my human form and say,

"Alright Milim, you've had your fun."

Everyone looks over at me as I'm a woman sitting on a tree branch, casually talking to a demon lord.

"Awe! Not fair! Sera, we're not supposed to interfere with each other!"

I chuckle and say,

"I'm not interfering at all, Milim. These guys aren't able to fight you."

I tune into Rimuru's convo with great sage,

'Great sage, what is she?'


[I do not know. Though, it is likely that this individual is somehow completely hiding their magicules.]

Heh, great sage doesn't seem so great after gaining all this knowledge. It would feel like more of an assistant. I'm not copying it just yet, as I have an idea for during walpurgis where I'll mass copy everyone's skills. Dunno if I'll actually do this as most demon lord skills are useless now that I've got creation magic.

Milim says,

"Mmmmmmm, not fair… You'll have to fight me again then! I'll win this time!"

I smile and teleport to her before patting her head,

"Alright, dear. We'll do it after the next walpurgis."

Milim nods her head with a wide smile. Then, I hear Rimuru ask,

"Erm, who are you?"

I look towards him and say,

"I'm also a demon lord."

I hear Rimuru's thoughts,

'T-Two demon lords?! Why are they here?!'

I say,

"I'm here because little Milim here flew over. I came to make sure she didn't cause trouble. Also, yes. Two demon lords."

He freezes and thinks,

'D-Did she just read my mind?'

I chuckle and say,

"Indeed I did."

It's a spell I created. It only works on beings below 10b magicules. I then take Milim's hand and lead her towards the city. Since it's developed a lot, I assume they'll start having some traditionally Japanese food, and spices. Honestly, I want some ramen and sushi. Though, honestly, I like Chinese food more than Japanese food. I just feel that it has stronger flavors, and me with my previously American brain, strong flavors = good.

Rimuru stops me as I start walking towards the town and asks,

"Would you mind answering a question for me?"

I turn around and say,

"Depends on the question."

He nods and say,

"Why are you walking to our town?"

I laugh and say,

"Because I want to, why else?"

Me and Milim then keep walking as Rimuru just sighs and walks with us, before saying,

"Alright, but you have to promise me a few things. First, don't wa-"

I interrupt him,

"Alright, let me stop you there. You seem to have a sort of naivety to you. So, let me get this straight. Milim and I are demon lords. You understand this right? And not the ones who claim the name, true demon lords. While this may seem unfair, or even relatively barbaric to you, Milim and I would have no problem completely wiping your town off the map along with every single individual you've met. Not saying we WILL do that, just that we could. Alright, with that out of the way, let's revisit what you just said."

I smile at him with a slightly threatening smile. While I may be relatively placid, I won't stand for someone to command me to do anything. If he had asked me politely I may have agreed to whatever he would ask, but an ant doesn't command godzilla to not walk over its nest. I wouldn't expect something like Veldanava to listen to me either.

Shion gets an angry look on her face and is about to yell at me before Rimuru puts his hand up,

"As much as I hate to say it, you are indeed right. It's like an ant trying to tell Gojira what to do."

Heh, now I feel like the slime is reading MY mind. Shion and Milim get confused and say,


Rimuru says,

"Ah, ignore that."

I laugh and say,

"Indeed, that is quite an apt comparison."

Rimuru gets confused and asks,

"Wait, you know what gojira is?"

I laugh and say,

"Another good comparison would be Yamcha to super saiyan god Goku."

Rimuru's face gets more confused and says in his mind,

"Wait, is this person reincarnated too?"

I laugh and say,

"Indeed I am. Though, it's been so long that I can't even remember my name from before."

With that, I leave the confused Rimuru on his own to think for a while and take Milim to a few places to eat. I get her a jar of honey, because I know how much she loved it in the story. I also teach her one of my favorite uses of honey, putting them on warm rolls! You know, it almost doesn't feel right if the roll isn't thrown at you.

(If you get that reference you get ten points answer in the author notes for the non-rural U.S.)

Milim loves the snack, and eats while we walk. We stop at one of the places that sells shrimp tempura. Honestly, Cajun fried shrimp is pretty hard to beat. This is good, and definitely the best I've had in hundreds of millions of years, but Cajun is just so hard to beat. I'll have to teach a few people in my city about Cajun food. After finishing that, Milim and I get some ramen. Now ramen, I love. As a college age student with an unpayable amount of debt, ramen was my lifeline. Personally, my favorite types of ramen were the ones with thicker noodles. I just felt like they held more flavor.

Milim wasn't too big a fan of these two, as she has more of a sweet tooth. I'll have to take her to a pastry shop in Abyssia.

Overall, it's pretty nostalgic having food that comforted me during the worst time of my life. Though, I don't really see it as that bad anymore. Mostly because I don't remember it much. While Milim and I are sitting on a bench, having some ice cream, Rimuru comes up to us with Ranga. Before he can even speak, Milim speaks up,

"So, Mr. Slime, are you trying to become a demon lord?"

He just shakes his head and says,

"Nope. I'm Rimuru by the way."

Milim gets confused and says,

"But being a demon lord is fun! People also respect you and stuff! You also get cool!"

"I said I won't."

"Well, how do you have fun then?"

"Well, I have a lot of things to do. I'm busy most of the time."

"Really? You get to boss monsters around and have fights with strong people!"

"That sounds boring."

Milim and I both gasp. Of course, I do it because I knew Milim would do it, but nobody except me will get that joke, I made myself chuckle though. Milim then grabs Rimuru by the shoulders and shakes him before saying,

"Not fair! You're having more fun than a demon lord? Let me join too!"

Rimuru looks at me, almost like he's expecting me to do something but I say,

"Nah, that last time was cuz I was bored. You can deal with this."

I stand up and say to Milim,

"Alright Milim, come visit me sometime, I'll take you to a few pastry shops."

I then use creation magic and make a time stopping spell. It stops time for the people of tempest. I teleport to Rimuru, who I kept unfrozen, and give him a warning,

"I'd avoid going into an onsen with Milim, Satoru Mikami. I will know. If you do that, you can say goodbye to that human form of yours."

Rimuru freezes and asks great sage,

'G-great sage, what did she do?'

[She has stopped ti-]

"I stopped time, yes great sage. Astounding observation. Let me say this, I have no issue whatsoever with you living your life as you please, but Milim is off limits. You will treat her with respect, or you will face the consequences. Follow that, and we can be friends."

I unfreeze time, and Milim feels that something is wrong, but just chooses to ignore it. I hear Rimuru's thoughts once again,

'Huuuuu… Demon lords are scary…'


AN: yeh, she won't stand for anybody preying on Milim's innocence!

so, that reference was to a restaurant in southern rural america called lamberts. in lamberts they throw rolls at you if you raise your hand, and its up to you to catch them. those rolls fucking slap dude. i always added honey to mine lol.

also, seraphs preference for chinese food comes from my own because chow mein is the best noodle imo.

The Battle of Nemea (394 BC), also known in ancient Athens as the Battle of Corinth,[4] was a battle in the Corinthian War, between Sparta and the coalition of Argos, Athens, Corinth, and Thebes. The battle was fought in Corinthian territory, at the dry bed of the Nemea River. The battle was a decisive Spartan victory, which, coupled with the Battle of Coronea later in the same year, gave Sparta the advantage in the early fighting on the Greek mainland.

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