Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


I feel myself fall for a long time. Several million years. My mind is slowly worn down as I fight to keep myself sane. My head aches as I feel myself come to a sudden stop. I open my eyes and find a pure black environment around me. The presence from before is nowhere to be seen. I turn around and see a gigantic moon, and notice that the ground around me is pure liquid abyss. The black liquid is dense enough for me to walk on as if it were concrete. I see the moon shimmering on it, giving the entire place an ethereal feel.

I reach down and cup my hands, pulling up a handful. It's heavy. Enough to make me struggle to pick it up. When the liquid starts to push between my fingers, I notice that it has a texture like molasses. It also sticks to my hand. No doubt it would dye my skin if it weren't already pitch black. The inky liquid feels cold beyond belief. Colder than space itself. I take it to my lips and lick a small amount.

As I expected, it's gross. Maybe don't go around tasting liquids in alternate dimensions you were forcefully brought to. It's not my fault the moon makes it so shiny! I sit on the water and look around, trying to find anything of note. Hmm. Nothing. It's weird, in this dimension I feel no different than a regular human. As if my power means nothing here.

"An apt description, young one."

A sweet voice graces my ears as I turn around, facing the moon yet again. Floating in front of me is a beautiful kitsune. Thousands of tails sway behind her, looking similar to waves in an ocean. Her fur is a beautiful white color, along with the hair on her head. She has two red stripes tattooed under her eyes. Her eyes are a glowing silver, mimicking the moon behind her. She lays on her tails which create a gigantic bed of fluff.

She looks down and smiles at me before speaking,

"I see you already have the blessing of cute little Ammu~. I can see why. You're growing fast little one. Merely three cycles and you're already a demi-god. You'll be an inner god soon enough. I wager ten cycles."

She disappears from my vision and walks from behind me into my vision again. I can't sense her at all. It's as if she doesn't exist. As she passes, I notice that her tails have shrunk and combined into nine tails. One of her tails tickles my nose as she passes. I feel my mind grow heavy as I smell her. I'm filled with the scent of vanilla. It takes an immense amount of willpower to resist grabbing her tail and burying my face in it.

I take a moment to regain my composure and say,

"Ahem, may I know your name?"

She jumps and puts her hand over her mouth,

"Oh! My, I've been so rude! My name is Apocolothoth, Goddess of the moon, and this is my dimension, Enno-Lunn. My friends call me Coco."

She bows with grace and continues talking,

"I called you here to see how the abyss' chosen is faring. From the looks of it, quite well. I'm rather impressed by your efforts. Unfortunately, I don't have nearly as great a boon to offer as Ammutseba, though, on your own you have made his technique seem like childs play! To think, little Ammu would be beaten in his own game! Swallowing an entire galaxy! Ah! I can just imagine the shock on his cute little face!"

Uhm. I dunno if I'd call anything about him cute in the slightest. I muster up the courage to ask her a question burning in my mind,

"Uhm, Coco-"

I feel an immense pressure wash over my body and fall to my knees. I look up and find that the kitsune woman has been replaced by a horrific figure of mashed together tails, thousands of limbs, and a gigantic head with a single red eyeball with a small silver pupil staring at me. She speaks and I feel her voice causing my hearts to palpitate,

"You have not earned the RIGHT to call me that, WORM!"

The ocean of liquid abyss begins vibrating as she continues on,

"I may have told you that nickname, but that gives you no right to use it!"

I feel my legs being sucked into the liquid as she continues looking at me. I can't breathe under her gaze. My entire body is shaking, and I can't help but cry as I look into her eye. I try to look away, but can't. The small silver pupil boring into my soul.

[Warning: Psychological damage being inflicted.]

I panic more as I feel the liquid begin reaching up past my stomach, sucking me in further. Her sickeningly sweet voice speaks once again,

"Perhaps in the future, you will earn that right, worm."

My vision is covered as the liquid covers my head entirely. I welcome this darkness, because I can no longer see that terrifying eye staring down at me. I feel my entire body relax for only a second before I feel my back hit something and a burning sensation coming from my chest. My eyes shoot open and I cough, spitting up that same black liquid that swallowed me.

"COUGH! HACK! GAH! UGH! F-Fuck! What the fuck!"

I swear, any time I begin to think I may be strong, some absolute monster appears in front of me! Ammutseba was like child's play compared to that thing! Fuck.

I get out of bed and feel my legs give out from underneath me. The eye flashes in my mind and I feel an overwhelming sense of grief overcome me. I lean on the wall and feel a wall breaking down inside me. I breathe rapidly and hold my neck, feeling that burning sensation lingering in my throat. The eye flashes into my mind again, and I feel that wall get hit once again.

I crawl over to the mirror in the side of my room and look at myself. I look like a mess. My hair is inky and gross, and my clothes are covered in a mixture of that liquid and sweat.

That eye appears again, cracking said wall.


I can't control myself as my body involuntarily releases this pathetic noise.

The eye appears again, looking down at me as though I was nothing. The wall that was keeping something in breaks and I see black tears begin to fall from my face.

"Hic. Hic. Hah-..."

I try to keep them back, but nothing is stopping them. I eventually give up and keel over, crying into my floor.


I'm so weak. I'm absolutely pathetic. One simple gaze, and I break.

As I wallow in my grief, that same eye pops into my mind again. Instead of sorrow, I feel anger. Why the hell would I ever break? How dare that bitch call me a worm!

That eye pops up again, this time appearing smaller.

My room has a sudden windstorm as the magicules in my body flare out for a second.

That bitch… I'll fucking kill her! How DARE she make me look so pathetic!

The eye pops up again, this time, looking up at me.

I'll break that precious moon of yours! I'll rip your dimension in half!

It appears again, with tears falling from the corners.



AN: meh. this chapter felt meh to me. i couldnt think of a good ending.

ʕ · ᴥ · ʔ - also become a sugar daddy. mi paypaI es @sorrestwriting

ʕ · ᴥ · ʔ - or i will cry

ʕ ·, ᴥ ,· ʔ - please...

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