Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Galaxy Bites

I teleport off towards the nearest galaxy to Tensura, and manage to find one with no intelligent life. I mean there was a planet with humans on it in the medieval ages, but that can hardly be called intelligent. So, how do I use this ability?

[You need to get to the galactic core. Then, you will grow to your full size and wrap yourself in your wings. Then, activate the black hole function at its full strength. Slowly but surely, you will absorb every planet, star, and black hole, moving them to your own realm.]

I nod my head and teleport near the core. The core of this galaxy is a supermassive black hole. It took all my willpower to not just absorb this black hole and call it a day, but I know an entire galaxy is a much better meal than one black hole. I create a time distortion around the galaxy to make a thousand years take a single day. I have a feeling that this is gonna take at the very least two thousand years.

I wrap my wings around my body like the system said, and activate the black hole-like ability, which from now on I'll be referring to as gravity magic. Gravy magic.

The supermassive black hole starts fighting against me, increasing its own gravity by nearly double. This makes me smile, as this dumb little lump of mass thinks it can out-do me. I start feeding my magicules into the wings, increasing the gravity by hundreds of times. It tries to fight me, but it starts losing steam, slowly trickling away into nothing. After that, I become the center of the galaxy.

I feel energy leaving my body and enveloping the entire galaxy. This process is slow, taking multiple thousand years to complete. My body feels like it's in a weakened state for the first time, as the magicules from my body aren't being used, but expanded. The magicules leaving me aren't the used up ones from before, but live ones. Almost like I'm bleeding out. Luckily, I can sense that there's nothing in the multiverse stronger than me other than Veldanava's soul remnant. I think about another two centuries will finish this up.

When those two centuries finally finish, I feel a burning pain in my soul as it forcefully expands my dimension. It feels like trying to keep eating nails when you're already full of glass shards. This tearing feeling continues on for another fifty years, before I finally hear a popping noise. The magicules that left me wrap themselves around every planet, star, blackhole, and wormhole. They then start compressing each one down into themselves, turning them into miniature versions of themselves.

Then, these bodies start rushing towards me before impacting in the center of my chest. This causes me to lurch backwards a little in shock, but I find that the impact did no damage whatsoever and the planet is gone. This continues on for twenty years. Each star becomes a line of light and color as they travel towards me faster than the speed of light. Each impact makes me feel much stronger than I was before. I feel my body growing as well, and rapidly at that.

Ah, this feeling is so exhilarating.

Finally, my body stops its growth as the last little asteroid crashes into my chest.

[Small Magical Galaxy absorbed]

[Magicules gained: 583,407,139,754 (968,533,428,037)]

[Wingspan: 2.1m km]

[Height: 732k km]

Wow. Pretty soon we'll have to use AU's to describe my size. I unfurl my wings and admire them. My, what big wings I have! All the better to absorb your galaxies with!

I teleport back to tempest after shrinking and then head into my dimension. I find the galaxy I absorbed about 30k light years away. Its core has been replaced by a small shard of my soul that keeps the planets from flying off. I look at each planet, finding a few that don't really make sense to me. One is completely flat like a disc. I guess Veldy wanted to have some fun while making his realm.

Another is a cube with several small villages dotted around its surface. For some reason, every villager looks the same besides their clothes. There's also some dude in a blue shirt and blue jeans… Weird… I guess this planet wasn't in the medieval age after all, but some kind of pseudo-tribal…

Veldy, you're weird.

I leave my dimension and walk out into my throne room again. I would go absorb another galaxy, but it feels like I stretched my soul out too much, so I need to give it some time. I'll keep sleeping till Charybdis is revived. I won't help though, something like Charybdis is barely a snack to me. It'll be fun to watch though. Maybe I'll bring Milim a beignet. You know what? Yeah. I'll do that.

So, I wait a few more days for Charybdis to revive, and then teleport to Tempest. I arrive near the battlefield and see the canon team oh so bravely risking their lives for the sake of Tempest! It's so admirable! I feel a tear forming! Nah, it feels like a bunch of kids trying to fight their older brother. Yeah, they can overwhelm him, but they can't do much!

I look over at Milim and wave while yelling,

"Hey Milim! I brought you a snack!"

She looks over at me and gets stars in her eyes when she sees the little paper bag I have. She runs over and looks up at me with puppy dog eyes while saying,


I chuckle and hand her the small bag. Immediately, the bag is ripped away and the sugary piece of dough has a gigantic bite taken out of it. I hear Rimuru thinking,

'Gee, thanks for the help.'

Hey! You're the one who said this is Tempests problem! I look over at Charybdis and say,

"Oi, Rimuru. Want me to get rid of this thing?"

'Dammit, I forgot you can read minds. No, it's fine. This is Tempests problem to solve.'

I say,

"You sure? Cuz that big flying whale over there keeps talking about Milim. I don't think it's here for you."

Rimuru freezes and looks over at Milim and I. Before he can even get his thoughts out, I interrupt,

"Whoever that Phobio guy is was turned into that thing. He wanted to be strong enough to get revenge on Milim or something. Though, Charybdis isn't much compared to a demon lord, so his efforts were in vain."

I shake my head in faux disappointment. Rimuru says,

"Alright, then… If you could please take care of that thing without killing Phobio, please do…"

I look at him with a 'really bitch?' look on my face. Using creation magic, I negate his regen and cut Phobio out with another spell, and then throw him into the ground as hard as possible without killing him. Then, I peel the scales off Charybdis's body before burning it alive. I knew Milim wouldn't destroy Charybdis like in canon, because of the snack I gave her. I take one of the scales I peeled off and bend it slightly. It snaps. Wow. Completely useless.

"That's disappointing. You can have the scales."

Everyone just looks at me with shock on their faces. Well, I suppose bugs will look up to something that kills a bigger bug.


AN: We reached 1m views!


Well, most of that is bots, but hey, still a big number!

I'd like to thank my family, my friends, the academy, and my wrists for not giving into carpel tunnel.

[For the Scribble Hub crowd, this was the chapter I posted when I reached 1 million views on Webnovel. I'm not deleting the celebration because it was a big moment to me, and I wanna remember it even if Webnovel sucks.]

5000 BBY: During a war against the Jedi Order, the Sith took control of the planet Coruscant, capital world of the Galactic Republic. During their occupation the Sith constructed a shrine over a sacred spire, a powerful light side vergence on the planet.

The Jedi laid a siege to the shrine, burning it to its foundations and defeating the Sith. The Four Masters would eventually construct a temple above the former site of the shrine to contain the dark energy emanating from the corrupted vergence and metaphorically bury the Sith legacy.

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