Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Is That a Woman?

I hear the ORCA start blaring the sounds of a fake Alpha call. Luckily, I got alpha call resistance so it doesn't annoy me anymore. Same can't be said for Rodan. Rodan starts bursting from the volcano the same as before, and Ghidorah starts moving the hurricane towards him.

Rodan is just about to take off after the giant jet that leads him OVER THE FUCKING TOWN, before I call out to him telling him to go back to sleep or else. Of course, being Rodan, he takes that as a challenge and flies up through the clouds towards me. He burst through a cloud and sees the BIGGEST TITAN HE HAS EVER SEEN.

He stutters for a second, but starts back up and slams himself into me. He doesn't even budge me as I wrap my arms around him and start plummeting to the Earth with him. He tries pecking me and even spitting magma on me, but neither do anything. Not even scratching my feathers anymore. Some of the venom from my wings starts eating through his skin though. As we're about to crash into the volcano, i unfurl my wings and let go of Rodan. He smashes into the volcano with a deafening screech as I land on top of him and do the iconic Godzilla move of stepping on his chest and roaring in his face ( with Sonic scream added for extra effect). I tell him to stand down and go back to sleep or else.

He says something along the lines of the fake alpha call and I say I'll deal with it. He nods his head and stands back up before doing his kneel where he lays on the ground with his back exposed. I nod my head at him and start walking to the town, towards the ORCA call.

I come to a radio tower that should be used for evacuating and rip it out of the ground. The call stops. Ghidorah is about to arrive along with the G-man so I get out of the town and start taking off, heading in the direction of a certain drone flying around the town.

Emma and Alan Jonah (eco terrorist that wants to wake up all the titans) look on in horror as the same bird that fucked up Ghidorah and Rodan is headed straight for the drone they had going around the town. It reaches out with one of its arms and… speaks?

"You fucked up."

Then the camera turns to a black screen that says "signal lost".

Emma looks at the black screen completely stunned, while Alan says,

"Did that thing just talk?"

I crush the drone in my hand and wait for the Oxygen destroyer to go off. I hear a void rip open and guess that that's the oxygen bomb. Sure enough, Godzilla's energy is weakening and he's swimming towards Castle Bravo.

I dive in the water after him, but before that I hear Ghidorah's alpha roar, which means the titans are about to go ballistic, so I surface for a second and release my own alpha call saying,

"Fuck that. Sleep if you wanna live."

A few titans, specifically Behemoth, Methuselah, Mkele Mbembe, Rodan, Abadon, and Sargon all go back to sleep. The rest decide they wanna be rebellious.

I don't have time to deal with them right now, but I will. I swim after Godzilla and charge up my own atomic breath attack. He senses this and stops running. He swims over to me and points his dorsal plates at me, sensing my intentions.

I release a bright blue blast of energy directly into his dorsal plates and fill him with as much energy as the nuke could give him.

Time to put the children in their places. I fly over to Scylla and cut off one of her legs since she can regenerate and I scream in her face with a Sonic scream. This sufficiently scares her as she runs away and goes back to sleeping.

Then, I head over to Quetzalcoatl and smack the feathery bastard around a bit before they go to sleep.

Then, I head towards Cairo and smack around Sekhmet a bit.

I release another alpha call basically saying

"If you wanna get smacked around like the others, keep doing what you're doing. If not, go back to sleep."

The rest of them, except for Bunyip in Australia, go back to sleep.

So, I fly to Australia and see the giant platypus like creature destroying Sydney.

I fly down and stomp its head into the ground before coating its head in death mist. It doesn't take long for the creature to die, and I take its body with me to try getting poison spurs on my feet. I drop its corpse off at my new home and head to Boston, as Madison has started using the ORCA at the baseball stadium. It is indeed a bad time to be a red socks fan.

I circle over Boston, looking out at the horizon and waiting for the right time to strike him down. I want Godzilla and Mothra to feel grateful to me for helping them. I also want to show off my human form. I look over at where the facility is that Madison came from, and see Emma driving a hummer out of it. This is my cue, as I land in front of the cave and speak in a Sonic scream,

"For killing so many people with your stupid ideas, you have to die."

And I breath death mist all throughout the building, controlling it to stay there for ten years straight so NOBODY survives it. I also coat the entire hill it's built on to get into any ventilation system they have. However, I don't let it stay because it would probably kill an enormous amount of innocent life. I just keep it there for about five minutes before sending it away.

Then, I take off once again and circle the city of Boston waiting for the right time…


Mark Russel POV:

Godzilla is getting his ass handed to him.

He was destroying Ghidorah, but he somehow took power from the power plant beside him, and is now destroying him. Mothra has been helping him for a long time, but it just wasn't enough.

Ghidorah walks over to Godzilla, while Mothra covers his body with her wings and screams at Ghidorah. She then flies up, and is about to get hit by Ghidorah's lightning attack, but…


A black figure lands in front of Ghidorah and is hit by his attack. The figure takes the attack head-on and doesn't even flinch at the attack. Then, it's wing moves and I get a clear view of it…

"A woman?"


I crash down in front of Ghidorah in just the right time. Mothra was about to be blasted out of existence, and I don't want the pretty girl to suffer!

I get hit by his Gravity attack and feel a small tickle as the electricity moves throughout my body.

I chuckle lightly and grab the three head in my hands. They start charging another gravity attack trying to aim it at Mothra and Godzilla, but I quickly take my other arm and cut off the three heads. The body keeps squirming, as Ghidorah is able to live like a worm without its head, just not create two Ghidorah's. I breathe out some death mist and fill his body with the mist, killing his body quickly.

I look around for the heads that went flying, and only manage to find two.

Guess plot armor really works, huh?

I gather the heads, breathe some mist on them, and place them on Ghidorah's body.

I then walk over to Godzilla and extend my hand to help him stand back up. Mothra flies up and lands on my shoulder while nuzzling into my face. I rub her head and help Godzilla up. As soon as he's on his feet, Mothra flies over and lands on his back.

She gives him what's left of her energy and looks at me, before dying.

Well shit. I was trying to save you, but alright. Go be a baby again.

Because Titans talk with feelings instead of words, I can sense her saying something about me getting stronger because of her body, and get the gist of it.

Godzilla feels right as rain after Mothra helped him, and he seems to feel slightly annoyed that i so easily dispatched of Ghidorah. Well, I'm a Sigma Titan for a reason! Godzilla turns around quickly and releases his Alpha roar, summoning the titans to come to him.

A few are apprehensive, especially Rodan, as they acknowledged me as the alpha and think that showing up would be a slight to me. I let out my own alpha call, telling them to listen to him.

It takes a while for them to arrive, so I basically tell Godzilla that I'm going to sleep and turn around to leave. I see Serizawa, Vivienne, Emma, Mark, and Madison all staring at me with wide eyes as I'm sure they don't recognize me.

I walk up in front of them and start speaking with a slight grin,

"What? You can't recognize such beautiful wings? Or my amazing handiwork?"

I gesture with two of my hands towards my wings and my toga. Madison says something, but I can't hear her because of how high up I am.

"You do realize my ears are about 110 meters away from you, right?"

Madison blushes as she realizes that, and stops talking.

I giggle slightly and lay down in front of them on my stomach with my head right in front of them. I whisper,

"I can hear you now."

Because of how close I am, talking normally would kill them.

"Uhm, I was asking if you're Sera."

I look at Madison and smile,

"If that's short for Seraphim, then yes. That would be me."

I then look at Emma and scowl at her.

"Your business partner is dead, Emma. Along with everyone else who followed such a maniac. Now, what do you think I should do to you, who willfully followed his plans, and directly lead to the awakening of the titans and subsequently the deaths of thousands of innocent lives?"

Emma starts shaking as the words break into her head like the kool-aid man.

"You aren't getting out of this by ending your life either, as that's not the way to atone for your sins. I may have killed all the people working with that terrorist, but I assure you, their deaths weren't quick and painless. They slowly lost control of their limbs, being trapped in their own bodies, before slowly and painfully losing consciousness. What should I do with the person who causes the titans to go berserk to begin with?"

Emma keeps shaking and falls to the ground, Madison and Mark who see this attempt to comfort her.

"You two. Back away."

Mark realizes that pissing off the giant woman who could vaporize their entire existence may not be the best idea, so he grabs Madison and drags her away.

"Truth is, I've already thought of a good punishment for you. And no, it doesn't involve death. At least, not if you know a good doctor."

I take my arm blade and push it down on her legs, cutting them off. She starts screaming as her legs are easily turned into a bloody pulp.

"Here's your reminder of what you did today. All the families you ripped apart. All the parents you've left childless, and the children you've left parentless. I could have done much worse to you, Emma. Be grateful I only took your legs." I stand up and start walking away and say,

"If you want to find me, I've got a new home. A cold hell-scape isn't exactly the most comfortable of homes. I'll be in Yellowstone."

I walk over to Ghidorah's and Mothra's corpses and use my atomic chain to keep them together before flying away. A single flap of my wings destroys that entire part of the city, flattening it. Honestly, it was already a dump, may as well flatten it some more for added dramatic effect.

I take off with the corpses of Mothra and Ghidorah in tow, leaving Godzilla to go back to sleep, and Emma to get herself saved maybe.

I land in the middle of Yellowstone and find a mountain to carve into. It's not the big volcano one, but it's still a big enough mountain for me.

Oi, how big do you think I'll get after eating Ghidorah and Mothra?

[I cannot say for certain, but I would assume you would grow by around a quarter of your current size for wingspan, and nearly double your height. Your wingspan will not grow by as much, as your body is attempting to catch up to your wings' unimaginable length]

Well. I'll be leaving the planet soon enough.

I finish carving the cave, just a bit bigger than I thought it would have to be, and strengthened the walls with silk.

I shift back into my birdy form and make a bed of silk for me to sleep on.

I step outside of my cave and begin my feast.

Ghidorah's scales seem to have gotten less strong since his death for some reason. I easily bite through them and start gulping down the bloody meat.

His meat is tough compared to the other titans I've eaten, but not difficult to eat. His skeleton is weaker than that wolf titans was, so I'm able to eat that as well.

Then, I move on to Mothra.

It's… weird. She's fuzzy, so it feels like you're eating a mammal… but her meat is much more insect-like, similar to a Muto.

I finish both of them and walk into my cave, sealing the entrance with silk.

I'm sure Monarch will get in here eventually, but I wanna keep anything else out.

[Titan energy gained: 31756 (59150)]

[Wingspan: 740m - 920m]

[Height: 114m - 243m]

[Ghidorah DNA: 100%]

[Mothra DNA: 100%]

[Abilities Gained: Gravity beam, Conjure hurricane, Unnatural Regeneration, Reincarnation, Sacrifice, God-Ray]]

[Mutations gained: Full body brain,Void-born, Bioluminescence]


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