Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

its the muhfukin b i g


Wow. For the first time in several millennia, I feel like absolute shit. From deep down inside me, I just feel absolutely exhausted. My body feels fine, but my mind just feels like I got hit by a freight train. Fuck it… I'm going to sleep…

I begin waking up and realize my mind feels a lot better. I think I slept for a few millennia.

[You slept for 24713 years]

Well shit, Jinah's dead. Let's fix that. I teleport back to Earth… and am absolutely shocked…

The second I enter the solar system, I can see that… The sun is covered by a large structure… A dyson swarm!

I can also feel several automated defenses aiming towards me and charging up. They're much, much stronger than what I expected. They seem to be gigantic cannons that fire using magic. So I suppose that Jinwoo didn't defeat the dragon monarch and turn back time then.

As quickly as they charged, they stopped altogether. I feel someone teleport into space in front of me. This person… Is about Y-rank? How?

"S-sera? I-Is that truly you?"

There's no fucking way dude. How the hell could a human live this long. But, my confusion fades as I realize something; this girl in front of me is mostly mechanical.


Jinah responds with another question,

"B-but wait…. You're on Earth though… H-how… W-what?"

I sigh and speak slowly to make sure she understands,

"It's a clone. I had left to return to my previous dimension, but something came up and I've been asleep for over two dozen millennia. Haaah… I dunno why I'm explaining this. You won't remember anyway."

Jinah jolts for a second and is confused,

"What do you mean?"

Instead of answering her, I let out my full aura as it begins covering the entire galaxy, and even beyond. Covering every section of the nearby supercluster, then the outer reaches of the universe. Finally, it reaches the edge of this "bubble" and stops. The bubble is rapidly expanding however, but this won't matter for long. I begin turning back time. I see Jinah begin talking again in reverse, and then teleport away. I see the planets surrounding the sun begin orbiting in reverse at speeds faster than the speed of light, becoming a blur. I see several stars in the void shine back to life and several others fizzle out of existence. I see nebulas shrink in back into a star. I see galaxies in the distance begin moving slowly. And then, when I sense that we've gone back enough, I end my spell.

Immediately, I begin vomiting up some sort of black sludge yet again.

[Warning: You have just utilized soul strength for the first time. I recommend not doing that for around 20000 years.]

Yeah, I can sense that. Anyways, tell me about my upgrades now.

[Soul evolution complete!]

[Your soul is now Universe level!]

[You can support 5 Galaxies!]

[Title gained: Eldritch Horror]

[Abilities gained:]

[Eldritch terror: Your mere existence is enough to cause an entire galaxy to lose their minds.]

[Eldritch secrecy: Until seen, your existence will not be acknowledged throughout a universe. Note: beings with higher strength will be able to sense you regardless. The system will block these.]

[Abyssal Phoenix's wrath: Your power is multiplied by 10x, however, you lose all sense of reason and begin to kill indiscriminately regardless of friendship or even family.]

[Rain of Hell: An indiscriminate attack that falls from your wings as you fly. It drops hellfire below you, scorching a large area and rendering it incapable of supporting normal life.]

[Mutations gained:]

[Lesser Universal soul world: Your soul world is at the beginning stages of becoming its own universe.]

[Eldritch form: A glance at your form will cause beings under Y-rank to lose their minds.]

Ah. I guess that explains the weird fullness I get from absorbing galaxies, huh? It's not a different dimension, it's a whole other universe stored inside my soul. Wow this feels very wuxia…

How much bigger am I now?

[Wingspan: 2.1m - 5m km]

(AN: an Astronomical Unit is ~150m kilometers)

[Height: 732k - 1.5m km]

Wow. I. Am. Become.

b i g  b o r b  w i d e  w i n g s

I could probably swallow the earth entirely if I were to get to my full size. My wings could wrap around the sun easily now. I'm literally the size of the sun. Wow. Even I myself am having a hard time keeping up with this illogical size.

Well. That was an interesting development. I suppose that I should be getting back though.


AN: heads up, you can read chapters in advance on patreon! i think i got like 7 extra chapters or something? Cheng Fenfang is also currently being uploaded over there as well! the link is patreon.com/sorrestwriting

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