Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Mean Green Giants

(Note: This * means that the person speaking isn’t speaking a language understood by Jinah.)

As Jinah sits in her class, drinking up the newfound attention, she hears a noise coming from down the hall. A girl screams suddenly,


The teacher hadn’t arrived yet sadly, so one of the boys slowly gets up and looks down the hall. As he walks over, several people begin speculating,

“D-do you think it could be terrorists?”

“Fuck! Is it a psycho?!”

The boy looks out the door slowly…



He slams the sliding door back suddenly and turns to the class,

“O-Orcs! There’s orcs outside! They- they’re killing everyone!”

Amongst the gasps and freak outs and students barricading the door, Jinah turns her mana sensing back on and is absolutely smacked with signatures. Almost 180 in total. Jinah suddenly stands up.

“Holy fuck…”

She mutters under her breath. One of the students suddenly speaks up,

“O-orcs are C-rank, right? J-Jinah should be able to take them!”

The students look to Jinah, who is about to say she could, but then… 


The barricaded doors are suddenly blown open, the weak wooden desks offering no resistance. In the doorway, three orcs walk in. They look at Jinah and say,

“It’s that woman! DIE!”

An orc suddenly charges at Jinah, raising its axe. The high orc in Jinah’s shadow attempts to jump out and protect her, but feels itself being forced back into her shadow by some unknown force. As the axe comes down, Jinah activates her Abyssal Body and grabs the blade of the axe. She pulls the axe, knocking the orc off balance, and punches it up in the jaw, popping its head like a grape.

The other orcs get stunned by this and watch as their friend's headless body falls down with a slap. Jinah turns to face the other orcs and takes a horse stance, putting one hand in front of her and holding the other by her side. She taunts the orcs with a “come here” hand motion.

The orcs, raging about the death of their friend, charge her blindly. Earning each of them a tap on the temples that makes their brains into a beautiful painting on the floor.

After killing the last two, Jinah drops her Abyssal Body and lets out a sigh of relief. She falls back and lets out a sigh,

“Haaaaah! Thank Sera! That’s the strongest monster I’ve ever fought!”

The students all crowd around Jinah, praising her for saving them. All blissfully unaware of what was to come…


Meanwhile, the United States is in an uproar after the giant bird sitting on Philly suddenly began moving from its resting state. It shakes slightly, and looks up towards Korea. Specifically Jinah’s school. As she looks up, she mutters something under her breathe,

“Heh. A good chance to build up a following.”

She goes back to her resting position, waiting for the perfect time.


As Jinah fights off another wave of orcs, she feels an incredible pressure suddenly fall on her, pushing her to her knees. Around the corner, he appears. Guroktaru, the S-rank chief of the orcs. He looks at the bodies of his orc soldiers and speaks in Orcish,

“*So, a weak little human was able to stop our hunt? Pathetic.*”

Despite her haggard and slightly injured body, Jinah pulls up her Abyssal Body. Gurok suddenly appears in front of her and punches out. Jinah reacts just in time.

Three black bullets of energy slam into the ribs of the orc, knocking his punch just off course and causing the air pressure from his punch to knock the head off of an unlucky female student.


Jinah yells out as the other students fall backwards in fear. Jinah points her fingers towards the orc, who’s coming back with another punch. A black marble appears on her fingers as energy climbs up her arms rapidly. The energy shoots out and hits the orc square in the chest. His fist misses again, causing the ground behind her to crack.

Gurok follows this up with a speedy side kick. It comes towards Jinah, cracking the air as it arcs towards her. Jinah ducks backwards to avoid it, a rookie mistake. The orc stops his kick midway through and moves it towards her legs.

With a loud crack, Jinah’s legs snap.


Jinah yells out as she lands on the ground. Gurok laughs as he sees her begin crying, and speaks in orcish again,

“*HAHA! After seeing your mana, I thought you might actually last a few seconds. Truly pathetic.*”

He lifts up his leg above her head, and is about to stomp…

Suddenly, every orc in the school has to stop in their tracks. Gurok falters, falling backwards onto his ass. The air seems to grow heavy as a deafening screech rocks the school, shaking its very foundation.


Gurok mutters,

“*N-no… W-what is…*”

Jinah’s pained eyes begin watering as she speaks,


Hovering above the school is a gigantic black bird. Its body dwarfs even the clouds in the sky. The air around it seems to warp as its aura envelopes the entirety of the city. The birds body begins to shrink and change, morphing into the shape of a woman with two long wings behind her back.

A black halo graces her head, while all light seems to avoid her. Just as quickly as she appeared, she vanishes.

In Jinah’s classroom, space seems to warp for a second before a hand tears through, forming its own gate. The same figure that was in the sky walks into the classroom, earning fear from both the orcs, and the students.

This figure looks at Jinah and speaks,

“Oh my little apostle, what have they done to you?”

Jinah chuckles through the pain, just barely managing to squeak out,

“Guess I won’t be a dancer, huh?”

Sera smiles at her,

“You already had two left feet. Nothing much will change.”

Sera looks at Gurok, noticing the disgusting puddle under him. She speaks, her voice being understood by humans and orcs alike,

“*Who would’ve thought? The mighty Guroktaru, wallowing in his own piss. I suppose the Japanese might’ve been right, orcs might just be overgrown pigs.*”

Sera walks by Jinah, with her aura healing Jinah’s wounds. Gurok speaks with a shaky voice,

“*A-ah. W-why? Why protect the- the humans?*”

Sera looks at him, and speks purely in orcish,

“*Oh, if you had attacked any other school I would’ve done nothing.*”

Gurok speaks again,

“*Th-Then why!-*”

Sera interrupts,

“*But, the one you chose had the one human I must protect. Though, I knew you would attack this school from the beginning.*”

Gurok, enraged by a combination of Sera’s blatant disregard for him and his orcs and the voice telling him to kill, charges her. Sera calmly looks at him and speaks again in the combination of languages,

“*Truth is, the game was rigged from the start!*”

She points her finger at him and releases a thin beam of black light. The light cuts into his head, cutting a hole clean through. The area around the hole begins to blacken, before turning to ash and disappearing. This effect continues on throughout his entire body, turning the S-rank orc into nothing more than vapor.

Sera turns around to Jinah and speaks,

“Now, THAT, is how you make an entrance!”

heads up, you can read chapters in advance on patreon! i think i got like 7 extra chapters or something? Cheng Fenfang is also currently being uploaded over there as well! the link is patreon.com/sorrestwriting

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