Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse

Messing with Canon

Past this point there will be spoilers for the webnovel of Tensura. You've been warned. If you complain about it at all, I'm putting your comment on a T-shirt and ridiculing you for the rest of your life.


Well, it seems that fantasy world might finally start heading in the right direction. I sit in my throne room, and look out over the world. Honestly, it's rather boring to be here. I suppose those stories about bored gods are true heh. Most the rest of canon is rather uneventful, with the only major thing happening being Hinata getting ambushed by generic bad guy (Yuuki) and getting "killed". Honestly, at this point I may start fucking with canon. I was waiting to get whatever that evolved form of Great Sage is, but I'm probably smarter than it.

Yeah, let's fuck with peoples plans. Starting off with… Hmm. Yeah, Yuuki. I'm gonna fuck with him. I wait for the day that Hinata gets ambushed. I wait a few months, I received an invitation to some sort of tournament in tempest, but ignored it. My country's army is too strong for a little tournament. Eventually, I can sense the group, including Hinata, Rimuru, and Luminous fighting a group of people. I teleport over while being as small as possible, and see Hinata dodge a hit from some blonde dude before getting flung away in a clash. They yell at eachother like all anime people do during fights, and continue clashing as everyone else just stands around like DBZ characters when Goku fights. Granbell decides to attack a literal child, and Hinata goes to block the hit with her own body. I suppose it's time to make a grand entrance!


Rimuru POV:

[Warning: According to the results from Predict Future Attack, His target is individual Chloe]

Immediately, I bolt towards her. I know I won't make it in time, maybe if I were to use Beelzebuth I could consume the entire space in front of me…


I see Hinata get in the way of the attack and time seems to go by slower. I feel my stomach drop as I see the attack move at the speed of light towards her. This is it. Hinata is dead. I can't save her. No. Fuck… Then…


Someone teleports behind Hinata and takes the hit instead. Dust is kicked up from the surrounding area and obscures our vision. I hear a feminine voice chuckle,

"Heheheh. My my, I thought heroes were supposed to be stronger?"

A gust of wind shoots out of nowhere and clears the dust. I see her, black skin, wings, and a glowing black halo. The Titan of the Abyss, Demon Lord Seraphim!


Back to Sera:

That attack this blondie used seems like it could become pretty useful. Using a sort of mass copy skill, I copy the abilities of everybody present, including Rimuru. Raphael seems to exist, and I honestly don't want Ciel. Seems pretty useless for me.

I turn towards blondie and speak,

"So, you get off on killing kids, huh? Doesn't seem very heroic to me. Let's change that!"

I run towards him, faster than the speed of light and slap him on the forehead.

(Fanon territory)

His soul leaves his body, and has a small glowing orb. It's gold in color, but seems slightly tainted. I look at the soul held in my hand and say,

"Damn, I suppose you were really tainted huh?"

I reach my hand in and yank the golden orb out of the soul. A ghostly houl echoes throughout the forest as I toss the soul back into the body. As soon as the soul hits it, his mouth and eyes shoot open and he yells in pain,


I cast a pain relieving spell on him, which should eliminate most of the soul pain he's feeling now. Not all of it, but yeah. He jumps to his feet and starts talking as his body rapidly ages.

"Wh-Who are you!?"

I chuckle and look at him,

"Simple, I'm a demon lord motherfucker."

I shoot forward and rip his head clean off his body. I then turn around to face Hinata, Luminous, and Rimuru. I hold up his head and speak,

"Uh, sorry, were you guys wanting to kill him or something?"

Luminous sighs, while Hinata, Rimuru, and Chloe all stare on in horror. I speak to Hinata,

"You sure a kid should be seeing this?"

Hinata reaches forward, and in the most blatant show of "plot reasons" I've ever seen, Hinata starts to glow, with the light vanishing into Chloe.

Chloe shakes her head no and starts speaking,

"N-No! You're lying! I didn't know about this! Why?! It's not time yet!"

Rimuru calls out,

"Oi, Chloe?"

And with that, Chloe vanishes. Just poof, gone. Luminous starts trying to resurrect Hinata to no avail. Well damn. I guess if the world wants the plot to continue on like this, I'll just have to fuck your story up even more, bitch!


AN: sorry for the short chapter, i had to take my car to a mechanic for a checkup. i also had a dentist appointment. my gums hurt.

hey... pssssst... over here!


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ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - gimme money. my paypal is @sorrestwriting.

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ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - anyway, catch ya later

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