Abyssal Phoenix – Multiverse


Guy calls for a walpurgis immediately after the angels had left. I call Lucy back to accompany me to the meeting and rename her to make her stronger. I just name her Lucy, which causes a spike in her power. She grows to be just barely S-rank. I wait for either Misery or Rain to show up and take me there. Eventually, a green haired maid shows up before Lucy and I.

"Lady Seraph, if you don't mind."

She bows slightly and motions towards the portal. I shrink down to my smallest form and hide my magicules. I land on Lucy's shoulder and tell her to walk through. We're greeted by the same empty hall with a table set up in the center. I mentally command Lucy to sit at the table and I look at the new arrivals. A vampire girl, luminous. An angel of all things, Dino. And a giant, Dagruel. As usual, I arrive before the other three and relax on my subordinate's shoulder. The other three seem to be around middle A-class with only Dino being low-S. Since my aura is retracted, they seem to think that Lucy is the Demon lord. Heh. Cute.

Eventually, Luminous speaks up,

"So, anybody know why a maid suddenly appeared to bring us here?"

I see, she doesn't have a haughty attitude just yet. Dino, who was half asleep, says,

"I dunno, maybe something about demon lords?"

Dagruel just sits in his large chair silently, nervous about who exactly could be late to this party. Ramiris is the first to show up with her little fairy form flying in from the top. She sits on the table instead of her chair and introduces herself,

"Hi! I'm Ramiris! The strongest demon lord of all time!"

Well, I'm her prime yes. In that form, she's just barely B-rank. But she has nothing to worry about because me, Guy, and Milim would all three destroy anyone who would attempt to harm her. She looks over to me and says,

"Oh my gosh! Seraph, you look so different!"

I get Lucy to answer for me,

"Yeah, I went through an evolution after killing those filthy bugs from earlier."

She takes the hint and nods her head,

"Yeah! Those guys were so weak! I could've killed them all in a second, but I wanted the rest of you to have them as training!"

The little pixie nods her head triumphantly while I chuckle to myself. Suddenly, a pink blur grabs me off of Lucy's shoulder.


Milim picks me up and goes around in circles for a while before calming down. She holds me in front of her and continues,

"I missed you! Also this tiny form is really cute!"

I sigh at her and speak,

"I was trying to hide myself from the newbies for fun but… Haaaaaaah… Hi Milim."

I reach out a hand and pat her head. Luminous, Dino, and Dagruel all look at me confused as they hear my voice. Then they look back at Lucy, who plays the part of the servant perfectly. She stands back up and pulls the seat out for me to sit on. I teleport over into a shadowed part of the chair and sit. Milim comes over to the table and sits to my left, closer to Guy. She then continues on,

"I had a lot of fun after seeing how big you are! I saw Veldora destroy some city and got so excited I went and fought something! But that thing was too weak so it exploded with a punch… I wanna come play with you soon!"

I nod my head and say,

"That does sound like fun, Milim. Maybe I could get you a house near my temple."

She nods her head and says,

"That sounds good! Some people who call themselves dragon faithful have started to worship me or something!"

I nod my head,

"My city does the same to me."

I look at Dino and see him mutter something under his breath about "Seraph". Heh. He should know since he was a seraph too. Strangely, I feel no hatred for him. Maybe it's because of his fallen status.

Eventually, Guy shows up.

"Well, everyone. I think you all have a good idea why you're here, correct?"

I nod my head while everyone else doesn't. Oh yeah… Ramiro's and Milim are a little special…

"Well at least you do Sera. We're here to discuss what happened a few days ago. Misery, if you wouldn't mind."

He motions for Misery to start the introductions.

"Lord of Darkness, Demon race, Guy Crimson."

"Labyrinth Master, Pixie Race, Ramiris."

"Destroyer, Dragonoid Race, Milim Nava."

"Titan of the Abyss, Abyssal Phoenix, Seraphim."

"Giant Race, Dagruel."

"Vampire, Luminous Valentine."

"Fallen Angel, Dino."

After the introductions are done, we start the discussion about what happened. Guy starts off,

"So, we were attacked without warning by angels. The beings designed by Veldanava to protect our world. Quite a crazy twist, eh?"

Milim speaks up next,

"Yeah, but they were pretty weak weren't they?"

I chime in,

"Yes, but their numbers is the problem. I was attack by a little over a hundred. However, one of my attacks easily got rid of the fodder and left two others who I killed right after."

I don't wanna reveal my ability to kill souls to Dino who I know will betray us in the future. Da gruel speaks up for the first time.

"Those creatures killed my people and ganged up on me like bugs."

Luminous speaks up,

"Luckily I was able to get a barrier around my city so I didn't suffer any damage."

Dino keeps his mouth shut while Ramiris starts talking,

"Yeah! I got attacked by hundreds upon millions of them and I took them all out with these hands!"

She holds up her fists and makes punching motions with them.

The banquet continues on for a while longer as the names of the Demon lords becomes widespread. No doubt due to Luminous and her racist ass church. I can already sense my church and hers going head to head someday. We have completely opposite teachings. After the banquet is over, I head over to Luminous to speak with her,

"So you're the girl who started another religion huh? I hope our religions never butt heads."

I hold my hand out in a friendly manner. She nods her head and shakes my hand gently,

"Indeed. It would be quite unfortunate."

And then I continue on,

"Well, with how different our religions are it's only a matter of time. Especially because my entire kingdom is built upon the backs of humans and monsters alike. That and we don't allow the preachings of other deities within my kingdom."

Luminous nods her head and walks away, not knowing how to answer me. She's quite cute honestly. Too bad her believers are such bad apples.

The banquet ends, I say my goodbye's to Ramiris, Guy, and Milim. Then, I head home with Lucy, teleporting out with her.


AN: a bit of a timeskip next chapter, as not much is gonna happen besides powering up.

rolling stones at me. also reviews plez

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