Abyssal Sovereignty

Chapter 19: Ongoing War

"Are you hungry?"


In a luxurious room, Yverantheia sat on the bed, studying a map of the ocean, while a small tentacle crawled up to her feet, emitting sounds resembling 'hungry, food.'

"It's about time for a meal. Let's go eat."


During this period, Yverantheia had been staying in the palace of the merfolk, studying the ocean map and practicing magic.

To her surprise, the vastness of the ocean exceeded Yverantheia's expectations. Despite drifting for so long, she had only crossed less than a third of the ocean.

By the way, she had successfully improved the magic of breathing underwater into one that allowed her to breathe in any environment. This was mainly thanks to the knowledge provided by the merfolk.

Upon Yverantheia's inquiry, she learned that the merfolk did indeed have interactions with other races. To facilitate their visits and life in the city, they had developed magic to allow them to live underwater long-term without adverse effects. Yverantheia had adapted her magic based on these spells.

Arriving at the restaurant, the Fishmen King happened to be there.

"Oh? Miss Yverantheia, how have you been lately?"

"Not bad."

Yverantheia placed the small tentacle on a raised seat resembling a baby chair, then took her own seat.

Servants brought out various dishes to the table, mostly seafood due to the location in the deep sea, but there were also other foods traded from elsewhere.

"I've been meaning to ask for a while, what exactly is that... peculiar creature?"

The Fishmen King looked at the small tentacle next to Yverantheia, happily absorbing blood, and asked her.

"I don't know either, but it's quite capable, and it seems to have a particular fondness for my blood."

"Hmm... with my knowledge, I can't identify what kind of creature this is... but never mind, that's not the point."

After saying this, the Fishmen King's expression immediately turned serious.

"Miss Yverantheia, the situation in this city hasn't been very stable lately..."

"I'm aware."

Yverantheia calmly placed a piece of meat into her mouth. As a former saintess, she still retained her manners and her movements were very elegant.

"Just from observing the soldiers in this palace, it's clear they're preparing for war, aren't they?"

"...You're right."

The Fishmen King thought he and his soldiers were being discreet, but Yverantheia easily noticed.

"Let's cut to the chase then. What do you want me to do?"

"Can you really help us!?"

"It wouldn't be very charming of me not to help, would it?"

"Thank you. We will certainly offer you a substantial reward."

However, both knew well that this was merely a surface statement. The Fishmen King had brought up the matter hoping to gain Yverantheia's assistance, and Yverantheia had simply voiced it first.

She wouldn't help for free; assisting in the merfolk's war undoubtedly served her own purposes.

"Well then, let's not delay. Tell me about the war... Oh, the servants and soldiers here won't cause any problems, so don't worry."

As they dined, the Fishmen King explained the details of the impending conflict.

Technically termed a war, the Fishmen King actually aimed to prevent it from escalating into full-scale warfare.

War, wherever it occurred, inevitably consumed significant resources—be it material goods or lives—and would severely impact the merfolk's development.

"At present, we have received intelligence that one of our generals has become disloyal and is preparing to revolt. It's the same general who was near me when you first arrived at this palace."

"What's the difference in strength between your forces and the enemy's?"

"The enemy has one thousand soldiers, while we have four hundred. However, in terms of power, our side is two levels higher, a difference between low-level third and high-level third. There are also some strong individuals on our side, besides myself."

Balanced like this, the strength of both sides was relatively equal, with the Fishmen King's side holding a slight advantage.

"But didn't you mention not wanting to cause unnecessary harm?"


The Fishmen King knew the Fish General's weakness; if pushed too hard, he might use civilians as a bargaining chip.

As for why such seemingly foolish actions could occur, well, considering the revolt against the merfolk's development, don't expect much intelligence from him. He only became a general because of his sheer strength and the guidance of his deputy.

"...How about a preemptive strike? If we eliminate the leader, the rest of the soldiers will scatter."

"I'm afraid not. Although I still have some authority, it wouldn't be appropriate to act against a general without evidence, especially with his cautious deputy."

"I see... then how about this..."

Yverantheia explained her plan to the Fishmen King.

"...That might work. I'll handle it immediately."

Upon hearing Yverantheia's plan, the Fishmen King hastily left, abandoning his meal.


Somewhere in the city.

"When will we strike, RNM dried fish!"

A muscular merfolk threw everything on the table fiercely against the wall, creating one pit after another.

"General, please calm down. The wait during this time is for the limitless honor in the future."

A thinner merfolk, but emitting an unmistakably strong aura, advised the general called the Fishmen General.

"I can't take it anymore! Now! Immediately! Act!"

The thinner merfolk's eyebrows twitched imperceptibly, then returned to a pleading expression.

"Absolutely not. The human who supposedly defeated the calamity is still in the palace. She is an unknown factor and could severely impact our plans."

"Tch!... Bring me some wine!"

A female merfolk, wearing a red dress with a fish head on top, walked in, carrying a wine bottle and handed it to the Fishmen General.

"General, please don't get agitated. At most tonight, I'll be with you..."

The tone of the female merfolk already hinted at her thoughts, and the Fishmen General gradually calmed down.

"Well, that's fine then. Vice-Admiral, I leave these matters to you!"

Seeing this, the Fishmen Vice-Admiral frowned, even his lips twitching.

But as a vice-admiral, he could only obey.


Suddenly, a merfolk soldier rushed in.

"We've received intelligence that the human who defeated the calamity has left the city and is heading towards the mainland!"


Upon hearing this, the Vice-Admiral couldn't contain his joy. He turned to the still bewildered Fishmen General.

"General, the time has come. The plan can begin!"

"Ho ho, has it finally come?"

The Fishmen General pushed aside the female merfolk next to him.

"March! Forward to the palace!"

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