Acacia Chronicle

Elena’s Requiem Story Arc, Part XII

The town square of Eldia, under the shade of the newborn Sefir…

Under the starless sky, amidst the living dead and ruined buildings smothered in ice and snow, life geminated from the seed of the Sefir, as was promised to me by the Eternal Alchemist herself when I planted it and sprinkled her carefully concocted mixture! It sprouted quickly into a little sapling gasping for life, and soon enough, by the will of the gods of old manifest as alchemy, it grew into a young tree with branches bearing acacia leaves that opened themselves wide both slowly and gently, as if to bear witness to the world of Melodia for the first time.

Indeed, just like the great Sefir, the World Tree of old! Or not! Admittedly, this young recreation was a little tiny when compared to the actual thing, but even then, I could sense the rising divinity in the youth of its earthly bark and the healthy green shade of its leaves. Both of which, if the legends are true, would soon turn crystalline and develop a diamond sheen!

The skeletons from all over the town, perhaps sensing the will of their necromantic overlord, or perhaps intrigued by the sudden presence of life, had gathered to behold this newborn Sefir. I looked at Elena de L’Enfer who remained silent, her crimson eyes still fixated upon the tree’s heavenly aura that seemed to ease the bleakness of its immediate surroundings into calm serenity. There was a glint in those eyes of hers, not tears, but an expression of remorse and sorrow rolled into one. But also, hope!

“Wait! Is that…”

Joining her, I looked up towards the skies. Rays of golden sunshine had broken through what had once been cloudless skies, its shy warmth upon us all. It was dawn, perhaps the first in centuries for the Deadlands, and for Eldia. And it was all so very pretty, for a lack of better words! Because, to be honest, I can’t think of a better place for this newborn Sefir to take root. The devatas of the Central Church, and the Lightsworn Guard, will come here at Iris’s command, soon enough, to protect and nurture it. Easily, their combined efforts and the Sefir’s purity will overpower the malaise of undeath and corruption far beneath the snow, and heal the land to some semblance of normalcy. I’m sure of it!

“Right. What’s my end of the bargain, again?” Elena de L’Enfer asked me, her gaze still upon the newborn Sefir. “Being your, uh…”

“Vizier of the Eye!”

Upon hearing this, she grimaced and chuckled.

“Yeah, that thing. What does my dark lord desire, hmm?”

“On your knees!” I exclaimed, succinctly. “It’s time!”

There was a brief moment of hesitation from Elena de L’Enfer as she looked me in the eye, as if she wasn’t sure if I was joking or if I was serious. She realised, soon, enough, that I hadn’t stuttered! I suppose I can’t blame her, since she’s got the look of someone who usually makes demands of such nature. So, perhaps it was probably a rather new experience for her!

No matter! Eventually, she knelt before me, offering up her phylactery!

“I’m yours, my Lady. Now, and forever.”

Gleefully, I extended my hand out towards her, relishing in the warm and most tingly sensation of magic coalescing upon my palm. Notably, the crimson pupils of her eyes widened when she beheld the bloodlessness of mine, and the purple light of my eye-shaped sigil!

“You’re using magic, but you aren’t bleeding… how?”

“That’s easy!” I answered, my hand and its magics coming to rest upon her phylactery. “I’m Hellbourne! Particularly, I’m a Beholder!”


“We’re from the realm of Chaos!” I answered again, which did little to ease her puzzlement. “Beings of pure magic, little different from the spell patterns and incantations of Enochian that sorcerers use to focus minds and cast spells!”

It’s true, really! From the smallest of imps to the largest Malphas, the Hellbourne materialise upon Melodia through the summoning rituals invoked by the beings of this world! The physical forms of our many variations, are much like the many nightmares that plague the hearts and minds of mortal men and elves. Scary, maybe, but that’s just how it is!

“And you serve this… Elicia? You said she’s a human god, didn’t ya?”

“The Hellbourne serve Elicia. Most of us, at least! Not all of us want the wars of old to be over. It’s always so complicated, yes? Anyway…”

“Right, of course. Please proceed with this ritual-thing you’re gonna do to me…”

There were no words, after that! The magic of my Command Spell worked itself slowly, but surely, weaving itself into what remained of her soul, kept within that ruby shell! When Elena de L’Enfer got back up on her feet, she was no longer a Countess, but a Vizier of the Eye in service of me and mine! There was a small smile upon her face, once again, like a massive weight had been taken off her shoulders.

Indeed, indeed! It was a joyous occasion, a veritable cause for celebration! Even with all the skeletons watching on with their creaky bones and soulless gazes, I leapt into the arms of my newly-anointed Vizier and embraced her as tightly as I ever could!

“Woah! My Lady, what the hell are you…”

“Welcome aboard, my little Elena! You’re my new best friend!”


Ah, well! She was cold, and a little scrawny. But soon enough, she returned my embrace, hugging me tightly as I ever could if I, Nhaka Mezalune, could ever give myself hugs!

“Thank you… my Lady.”

Under the shade of the newborn Sefir, may we be together, forever!

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