Acacia Chronicle

Land of the Demon King Story Arc, Part V

Elena’s last words with the Demon King…

I took on a relaxed pace, advancing slowly towards the Demon King and his cultists with a smile upon my lips. From what I could spot in their eyes, they didn’t look too keen to stick around. And yet, they also seemed too afraid to run.

Surely, my Lady, what I’ve done must’ve put a big dent into their collective confidence. The Hellbourne inspire madness in the hearts and minds of mortals. Some might go as far as to call it courage. But it crumbles all the same, enough that even the comfort of madness and mass hysteria can’t hold it off for long.

Even so, the so-called Demon King remained relatively unbroken. Defiant, and mad. First, and briefly, he looked me in the eye, his gaze filled with fury. And then, he looked to his followers, who had retreated without him, weapons still in hand.

“Don’t bother,” I stated, stopping just a few steps away from him. “They’re not gonna help.”

“Idiots! Fools…”

“That’s not very nice of ya,” I pointed out to the Demon King, crossing my arms as I gave him a sly grin. “They believed in you, and look how that worked out for the lot of ‘em…”

“This isn’t how it’s supposed to be…”

“Not the first time I’ve heard that one.”

“The Daemonlord, she promised me… that I’m… invincible…”

“Invincible? You. Really?”


I looked upon the Demon King, this former occultist of the Black Legion, forever lost to the dark forces that had seduced him and those under him. His eyes were bloody and spent from using his sigil to command the Malphas in battle against me, but his hatred, his fear, were clear to see even beneath the bloodstains.


He was upset, to say the least of it. Oh well.

“What are you gonna do about it?” I taunted him. “I’m right here.”


“Even without the Malphas?”


“Really?” I mocked. “Kill me without it, then. If you can.”

Maybe it was the way I said it out loud, my Lady. But somehow, maybe, it looked like my words had cut through his delusions of grandeur like a knife into butter. Even the promises offered by his Daemonlord, didn’t give him enough confidence to come forward for a summary execution by my hand.

“Right in front of ya,” I offered again, spreading my arms wide. “C’mon. Haven’t got all day.”


“The Black Legion will be here, soon. Kill me real quick before that, maybe?”

I waited a while. He wouldn’t move an inch to strike me, my Lady. I even gave him a little bit more time. He was scared, and it showed. Momentarily, I shot a glance at the cultists, those former prisoners who had surrendered to madness and spilled blood for his sake. There was a whole lot of terror in their eyes just like him, besides their insanity. But also, anger. Bitterness, and fury.

Not towards me, though.

“Have fun,” I stated, smiling at him one final time. “Got work to do.”

I left the so-called Demon King to what remained of his little army. Didn’t even turn around to have a look on my way to the mines, of what became of him. The bloodcurdling screams, the cries of anger and rage and madness, and the sound of wood and metal and stone smashing down upon flesh and bone ringing out loudly behind me, were more than enough.

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