Acacia Chronicle

Scarlet Dreams Story Arc, Part IX

Day #7, of Elena and Claire’s stay at Fort Maria…

Been a whole day and night ever since that whole… mess. Now, Claire falls asleep at daybreak, and wakes up at dusk. Naturally so, if we of Amon’s creations can ever be considered natural in this world of Melodia created by Sophia, that Elicia now holds within her grasp.

That’s just me musing out loud, though. Personally, I’m just glad that Claire’s taking the mix of blood and wine rather well. Last night was her second feeding, and it was a lot… easier, I’ll say. I had the shackles ready, of course, but it was far more… tame. Lot less shouting and bad manners, for one.

It’s almost afternoon now, I think? I can hear the footsteps of servants and guardsmen outside, moving together in small groups to their lunch at the dining hall downstairs. The curtains are still drawn to keep out the sunlight, because of its ill effects upon a Vampire. It’s not fatal by any means, far as I know, but it weakens them significantly in both mind and flesh alike. And I’ve heard that it’s quite the feeling, actually, like a combined sensation of having one’s mind destroyed while their body burns to ash.

It feels just about what you’d think it’d be like, with a little bit more on top. I’ve seen it happen before my very eyes one too many times. For Claire’s sake, I pray to Elicia with all that I have, that it’ll never happen to her. And I say this, as someone who thinks that praying is a big ol’ waste of time. Not even a decade of living in the Ancient Cathedral has changed my mind on the matter. Really.

Yeah, oh well. Times are tough, eh? Hate to say it, but divine intervention ain’t all that reliable in ensuring these kinda things, y’know? But with this, I’ll take what I can get. I mean, for Claire’s sake, I’d easily…

“I trust you’re in there, de L’Enfer? I would speak with you, right now.”

It’s Eris’s voice, accompanied with the rapping of her knuckles lightly upon the door. When I open it, I’m greeted by both her and Ser Kuarloc, who’s still doing that whole thing of standing behind its mistress and towering over her petite frame in stoic silence, like it always does. And this time, however, I’m feeling pretty good, because I’m all dressed and ready in my favourite red longcoat, hood and all.

“Yeah, sis?” I say, as I look at both her and her Dullahan bodyguard. “What’s up?”

Eris shows me a purple crystal held within her left hand. It’s a Telepath Stone, packed with enough magic from the Arcane University’s enchanters to be good for a single instance of two-way communication via psychic means, that only an Archon and their respective Viziers can use. And I can see, so clearly, the ever-esoteric symbol of the Beholder’s Mark etched upon its smooth and almost mirrorlike surface.

“Your Archon wishes to speak to you at your earliest convenience, sister.”

“Like, right now?”

“Yes. This came for you by courier raven two days ago, after I informed Lady Mezalune of your situation. Forgive me first for taking the liberty of speaking to her on your behalf, and for withholding this from you. Given your situation with your servant, I thought it prudent to…”

“Give me that!”

With little more than that as a verbal cue, I reach forward and swipe the Telepath Stone out of Eris’s hand. And I can see Ser Kuarloc attempting to make a move against me in defence of its mistress, only to have said mistress order it to stand down with a mere gesture, before it can make any meaningful attempt to cleave me in twain with that massive weapon it keeps with it all the damned time.

“My bad, little sis,” I say, glaring at Ser Kuarloc momentarily before I look her in the eye. “Dunno why I did that in that moment, to be honest…”

“I understand fully,” Eris tells me in reply, turning to leave. “Or not. Regardless, Ser Kuarloc and I shall take our leave of you. We’ll talk later, shall we?”

“Yeah, sure. Thanks, by the way.”

“It’s always a pleasure, elder sister.”

With my fingers wrapped around the Telepath Stone, I watch as Eris and Ser Kuarloc leave the hallway, before closing the door shut again. And I sit down upon a nearby sofa, closing my eyes shut as I take a deep breath, stilling the thoughts of my mind and the sounds of the outside world so as to tap into the Telepath Stone’s enchantment to reach out to Lady Mezalune consciousness. Wherever it may be, if she’d answer my psychic call at this time of day when she’s probably having lunch like the inhabitants of Fort Maria.

This form of communication is a two-way thing, after all. The Telepath Stone’s enchantment works like that, drawing upon the latent psychic link that exists between an Archon and any and all of their Viziers. You see, as per the Archon’s Privilege in Elicia’s Law, a Vizier is magically bound to their Archon, to obey and serve. Whatever the pact may be, the link that’s established is largely the same. It allows for an Archon, amongst a great many things, to be aware of their Vizier’s whereabouts and feelings. On a subconscious level, at least.

It’s through that, which they communicate their will. For some, at least. Most of us are still allowed a large measure of independent action, though. I can’t say that I’ve seen ‘em all, but I’ve seen quite a cast of creatures over my years of service to Lady Mezalune, that serve as fellow Viziers alongside me to other Archons of Elicia. Mortals, Lightsworn, Hellbourne, fellow monsters of the old world of Sophia and Amon like me, and everything else in between.

Oh, that reminds me. Speaking of Lady Mezalune…


From the Telepath Stone, an image of my mistress, Lady Mezalune, crystalline eyestalks and all, appears in vivid colours within the darkness of my thoughts. I’d assume, now that she has accepted my request to speak, that it’s the same experience for her on her end of the line, even if she’s got way more eyes to close shut than I do. And her tone is unlike herself, it’s mellow and… strangely serious.

“My Lady, I…”

“Nevermind the delay. Is she doing alright, Elena?”

“Yes. She is,” I answer, as I clench tightly against the Telepath Stone. “For now, yeah. She’s just had her second feeding, and it went… well. Very well, considering… everything.”

“That’s good, Elena.”

“Yeah, sure is.”

“So, what’s next?”

In light of my mistress’s question, I remain silent as I think of the Archon of Elicia, the Vampire Lord who’s the Caliph of Oasis, Lucid II. She’s one of the oldest vampires upon Melodia, and possibly one of the most powerful to boot. And while it’s probably true that a newborn fledgling like Claire is definitely out of her league, perhaps there’s still some lessons to be shared between them both. Like, uh, getting used to the Blood Curse’s… hunger.

“You intend on making your way to Oasis, yes?” Lady Mezalune asks me, with that devilish grin of hers suddenly appearing out of the blue as her usual demeanour rears itself towards me in this psychic communication. “To speak with Lucy, on Claire’s behalf?”

“Yeah, I guess?” I answer, with a shrug of my shoulders. “I mean, in here… my thoughts are laid bare to you, so…”

“You say that, and it’s true! But...”


“I’ve already taken the liberty of writing ahead, to help you request an audience!”

“You’ve sent another pigeon to Lucid II?”

“Firstly, it’s a messenger raven,” Lady Mezalune states, correcting me with a wag of her finger. “And secondly… of course I did! When Eris told me about your situation, I thought it’d be a good idea! That, and great minds think alike, yes?”

“Seems like to be that way right now, yeah.”

“And so…” Lady Mezalune declares out loud, with all of her eyes and eyestalks gazing unblinkingly upon me. “Starting tomorrow, you, my dearest pet, shall travel with Claire to the City of Dreams! You’ll prepare adequately for the trip ahead, and travel by night, because you’ll be…”

“That’s a little too soon, don’t ya think?” I quickly point out, much to my mistress’s dismay. “I’d rather stay here, for one more feeding for Claire’s sake. Even then, I’m still not sure if she’s good to travel such a long way, even with the Dread Expanse’s weirdness with its unending night. If I had my way, I’d wait for one more week of feeding and nursing, before leaving Fort Maria. If Eris allows it, I mean.”

“True… the Lightsworn aren’t too fond of vampires, yes?”

“Or any undead, really.”

“But you’re pretty chummy with Eris, right?” Lady Mezalune points out with a tinge of excitement, as her crystalline eyestalks twitch with wonderment. “Seems like it…”

“Yeah. She and Orcus weren’t on the best of terms, seems like. Y’know, she’s a sister elf, and that sick bastard who was once her former colleague was so into elven extermination...”

“No wonder she’s so fond of you, my little pet Lich! Always so endearing to everyone, you most definitely are!”

“Indeed, my Lady. Anyway, those are still good travelling tips for the road, when we’re still on the Ecclesiarch’s snow,” I add, smiling as I do. Even if much of it comes naturally with common sense… I’ll still give you credit where credit’s due, my Lady.”

That, perhaps strangely enough, puts a big and bright smile upon my mistress’s face.

“Still, meeting the Caliph won’t be easy,” Lady Mezalune adds grimly, with that smile of hers disappearing just as quickly as it came. “Lucy and I go way back, but…”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing comes for nothing in the City of Dreams. You know what I mean, my pet?”

I know what she means, of course. Quid pro quo, basically. I suppose the people of the Dread Expanse, take that phrase quite seriously. Benefits, connections, exchanges, that kinda thing.

“I hope it won’t dampen your enthusiasm, though!”

“Of course it won’t,” I state in reply, grimacing as she nods approvingly at my show of it enthusiasm, only to suddenly frown at me as my voice cracks. “Like always, I’ll do what’s necessary. Whatever it takes, and more. I’ll…”

I’d go on, but I think my voice just cracked. There’s a strange feeling welling up within me, and it feels… awful. So awful, like I’m about to puke if that’s even possible for me, and I’m find myself reaching for my mouth as I gasp breathlessly, pressing a hand against it and covering it as hard as I can.

“It has been tough on you lately, Elena,” Lady Mezalune says to me, both quietly and softly as she watches on. “I’m sorry.”

“My Lady, I…”

Damn it. I don’t know what this feeling is right now, but I think I would be in tears if it’s physically possible. Probably, but… I can’t, because I am who I am. And that’s impossible, and not allowed for a Lich, apparently. I suppose I can thank Amon for that, no?

“It’s okay, my dear. Let it all out now, my pet…”

“It sucks, honestly! Everything, right now! I just wish… I could fix this… somehow! But I don’t even know what else I can do, to change things back to the way they were...”

“You’ll pull through, though!” Lady Mezalune squeals assertively, before smiling brightly and firmly at me. “You’ll do it for yourself, and everyone!”

There’s a moment of silence, between us both. My mistress is still smiling at me, and a part of me, in my heart of hearts, wishes her to be here, in this room in Fort Maria. I’d hug her, and maybe I’d feel a little better. Maybe.

“Yes, my Lady,” I eventually say, removing my hand from mouth as I do my best to smile in turn. “I’ll keep a stiff upper lip and a smile, like I always do.”

Before I can say anything else, however, our psychic connection begins to waver. The enchantment bound upon this Telepath Stone is running out, I’m afraid. And Lady Mezalune knows it too, probably, because she simply smiles and bows out of our conversation, her image fading slowly but surely into the recesses of my mind. Leaving me, within my thoughts, all alone once more.

I open my eyes wide, and my dimly lit surroundings are visible once again. Claire is still asleep, and as I watch her slumber peacefully in her bed from where I sit, my thoughts wander once more to the golden sands and eternal night of the City of Dreams, and the one Vampire Lord who claims dominion over it all.

Lucid II, is it? May all three of us meet soon enough, Elicia willing.

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