Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 316

Chapter: 316

The plain, stained with a black light due to magic, lay silent, as no living beings existed within it. Suddenly, a small ripple occurred amidst the tranquility.

The magic that flowed around unexpectedly gathered in one place.

The mass of magic that had coalesced in the air eventually took shape as a living being and landed on the ground.


What had just emerged was a being also known as a ‘Lesser Demonic Beast.’

It wasn’t born from the strong influence of a witch’s magic but rather came from diluted magic dispersed in the atmosphere, lacking any particular abilities.

From the moment they were born, these Lesser Demonic Beasts acted instinctively.

Of course, they possessed the basic instinct for survival that any living creature would have, but among them, the most notable desire of these Lesser Demonic Beasts was their appetite.

Instinctively, they sought out living beings around them to hunt and consume.

Why this is the case is still a matter of debate among scholars who study demonic beasts.

The most convincing theory is that the majority of the magic spread across the world was released during the reign of the Gluttonous Witch, thereby influencing the Lesser Demonic Beasts, even if only slightly.

Of course, this is merely speculation, and the exact reason remains unknown.

In any case, regardless of the reason, this newly born Lesser Demonic Beast also moved according to its instinct for appetite.


While wandering around in search of something to eat, the demonic beast discovered a location that appeared to be overflowing with food.

Although the beast was unaware, it was a barrier protecting a human city.

The Lesser Demonic Beast, upon seeing this, quickly ran towards the location.

It was filled with excitement at the thought of a hearty meal.

But in that moment, something unexpected happened.

The front paw that the beast had extended to run forward suddenly vanished.

Not only its front paw, but also the front leg that followed afterward.

Though nothing was visible, the demonic beast watched as if its body were disappearing like an eraser crossing an invisible line.


Only after its front leg had completely disappeared did the beast realize.

Ah, something’s here.

It was somewhere it shouldn’t have approached.

However, by the time the beast became aware, it was already too late.

Even though it had lost its front leg, the momentum propelling it forward carried the rest of its body along, and the newly born Lesser Demonic Beast vanished without leaving a trace.

Immediately afterward, the empty air where the Lesser Demonic Beast had disappeared rippled, and something briefly revealed itself.

At first glance, it looked like a colossal pillar.

However, if one were to look up at the towering structure, they would realize that it wasn’t a pillar but rather the leg of an enormous creature.

So massive that it evoked thoughts of mountains.

Had the Lesser Demonic Beast that had just dashed into that leg seen this, it might have felt it was unjust.

Knowing such a large and terrifying existence was nearby, it would have never dared to approach.

But it was unavoidable.

The Lesser Demonic Beast, devoid of any specific abilities.

Unlike Intermediate Demonic Beasts, which handle a witch’s power to a certain extent, the massive beast was a Superior Demonic Beast, possessing abilities quite similar to those of a witch.

Moreover, this colossal Superior Demonic Beast was likely strong enough to be classified as an ultimate Superior Demonic Beast, potentially even beyond that.

With such a beast hiding its presence and abilities, how could a mere Lesser Demonic Beast possibly detect it?

It was simply an unfortunate victim of natural calamity.

No one could have predicted that such a powerful entity was hiding here, masking its form and presence.

Indeed, truly no one knew.

The reason this powerful being concealed itself and stood here was to play the role of an observer for someone.


“…Bey, could it be that John is now?”


“…No way, now that abilities have been released.”


The giant beast, which had briefly revealed itself due to yawning in response to the words of the girl with violet hair, made a subtle sound as if feigning ignorance and hid its form again.

The way that creature melted back into the air as if nothing had happened was truly an unreal scene.

This was possible because the giant beast was a Superior Demonic Beast capable of wielding the power of Sloth.

With its sheer size alone being intimidating, the giant demonic beast wielded the powerful ability of Sloth, rendering it an utter disaster.

In the past, the dwarves had been so terrified of this giant beast, which trampled their cities, that they referred to it as the Beast of Ruin, Behemoth.

If they could see this Behemoth currently serving as a platform for the girl, they might have cried out in anguish from the afterlife.

Anyway, atop the hidden Behemoth, the girl with violet hair, Beatrice, was engaged in a certain activity.

“…I wonder what Eva is doing…”

It was observance, not merely voyeurism.

To Beatrice, who found little interest in anything usually, the existence of Scarlet Evande had become a rare source of curiosity.

Thus, since she began to call her Eva, Beatrice had been watching her closely.

Even when the Gluttonous Witch was sealed, and when the Lustful Witch led the demonic beasts to invade the city.

And even when she went to confront the Lustful Witch herself.

Though Beatrice, who typically was too lazy to move, relied on the Behemoth to traverse the continent on her behalf.

Regardless, Beatrice had continued to observe Eva in this manner.

The precarious yet determined journey of Eva was quite an interesting sight so far.

“Looks like Eva is in a bit of a pickle this time.”

Having watched closely, Beatrice understood precisely why Eva was in trouble.

Even if she hadn’t known, any witch would have felt it.

The presence of the Gluttonous Witch, who was on the verge of awakening from her seal.

When the Gluttonous Witch first awoke, it was indeed Beatrice who sealed her, which was somewhat surprising.

However, that event had merely been a temporary measure.

If the Gluttonous Witch were to awaken again now, could Eva manage to overcome it this time?

“Hmm, it’s definitely going to be impossible…”

Beatrice could confidently say this.

If the Gluttonous Witch were to awaken in her current state, then Eva would be powerless.

Even Beatrice herself could not assure victory in a battle against the Gluttonous Witch.

How illogical that might sound, others might never comprehend.

This was something she could say only because she understood how powerful a being she was.

There is a term for natural talent or aptitude.

Based on that, the strength of individuals is distinctly apparent, even among humans.

Witches are no exception.

Beatrice was acutely aware of the extraordinary talent she possessed among witches.

Even if the entire world were to become hostile toward her, she would still be confident in her ability to defeat them.

However, they say geniuses recognize other geniuses.

When Beatrice saw that the Gluttonous Witch possessed abilities that could be compared to her own, she felt an instinctive unease.

Unreasonably powerful as an individual, capable of surviving even if the world were to perish.

The Gluttonous Witch was also such an existence.

Because of such a being, Eva would perish at the hands of the awakening Gluttonous Witch, and this time, the world would come to an end.

That was an inevitable, unavoidable conclusion.

With that thought in mind, Beatrice…

“Well, I guess there’s no helping it…”

Simply showed an expression of indifference, just like any other day.

It would be strange to lament something so obvious.

Even if the world were to perish, it had nothing to do with Beatrice.

In this dull world where nothing beyond expectations occurs, what would it matter if it crumbled?

While Beatrice was thinking this, a sudden flicker of mild displeasure crossed her eyes, filled with boredom.

“Wow, so you were here? I thought you’d hidden so well that I’d never find you!”

It was due to the sudden appearance of an uninvited guest from the air.

Beatrice furrowed her brow and clenched her fist, punching the Behemoth lightly as she spoke.

“…Bey, you got us discovered because of you.”

The one before her was an annoying presence who would find her even if buried beneath the ground without hiding her aura.

Beatrice had been perfectly concealing her presence to avoid interruption in her observance, but because the Behemoth had yawned moments earlier, it lost its power and was exposed.

In any case, as the guest had already arrived, it couldn’t be helped, so Beatrice muttered to the hooded woman smiling widely in front of her.

“So, what is it…?”

“Oh, going straight to the main point without even a greeting? How cold! But I’ll let it slide! The thing is, I wanted to ask for one last favor in advance.”

Upon hearing the woman’s words, Beatrice frowned.

There was an agreement between Beatrice and the woman before her, made the previous day.

In exchange for extricating her from underground, the woman would ask her to fulfill three requests later.

During that moment, Beatrice had accepted the contract without much thought, intrigued by the sudden visit from her kin after being buried for hundreds of years.

Had she known this would lead to such annoyance, she would have refused the contract back then. Beatrice berated her past self for not carefully considering the terms and asked the woman.

“I get it, but this is the last time… What is it?”

“Do you know about the Gluttonous Witch awakening and being sealed, and that the seal will soon come undone?”

“I know…”

“If you understand, then this should be quick! When the Gluttonous Witch awakens, she’ll basically swallow everything and bring an end to the world!”

The woman said with a thick smile.

“If the world indeed ends, I want you to fight the Gluttonous Witch! Until one of you dies! If both die in the fight, even better!”


Beatrice could hardly grasp the reasoning behind the woman’s request.

“You’re not asking me to protect you from her, just to fight her and die, aren’t you? I don’t understand your reasoning…”

“Want to know the reason? Since this is the last request anyway, should I tell you a little?”

At Beatrice’s question, the woman smiled as she said that.

Then, moments later, the woman’s previously cheerful expression shifted to one of complete neutrality.

Seeing this drastic change in atmosphere, Beatrice recognized it as the woman’s true face.

Had her crazed demeanor been an act to hide this true personality all along?

As Beatrice was pondering this, the woman whispered softly.

“After putting on such a show, it feels odd for two uncontrollable actors to behave as they please after the curtain has fallen, doesn’t it? Therefore, I thought I might give those troublemakers a little punishment. What, is that not to your liking?”

I see, so she was not just slightly insane but completely unhinged.

The woman’s words conveyed a sense of madness appropriate for a witch, and Beatrice shook her head in reply.

“No, it doesn’t matter. It’s just me against that witch, right? Fine, just get lost already…”

“Really? Haha, then I’m off! I guess we won’t meet again! See you in the afterlife~”

The woman donned a comical mask again as if her earlier expression was a lie and spoke as she prepared to leave.

However, just before she disappeared, Beatrice, glancing at her, casually asked.

“By the way, you were the one who released the Gluttonous Witch, weren’t you?”

“Hmm? What about it?”

“If I recall, I made a contract forbidding you from touching Eva until I dealt with it… you did that again…?”

“Wha… What!!! Wait!! I didn’t touch her according to the contract, I swear!”


“I-I’m leaving now!!!”

As Beatrice raised her hand as a threat, the woman flinched and fled in a panic.

Beatrice then lowered the hand she had raised.

While she was indeed a bit displeased with the woman’s wordplay regarding the contract, she had no intention of genuinely killing her.

After all, the woman hadn’t lied in essence.

Regardless, if such a type of wordplay was permitted…

The content of the agreement she had just had with the woman was that in the event of the world’s end, she and the Gluttonous Witch would engage in battle.

Beatrice glanced down at the location of the city where humans resided, where Eva was, and smirked slightly.

“Well then, does that mean it’s fine if I finish this before that witch does?”

After all, if fate was determined to end, it wouldn’t matter if it were she who brought it to a conclusion.

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