Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 321

“Yoon Si-woo…”

He said to trust him and to wait for a moment, and then he dashed towards the enemy.

Seeing him running forward, wrapped in the self-devouring power, made my heart race with anxiety and impatience.

The reason for my intense unease wasn’t solely because Yoon Si-woo was using the dangerous power of a witch.

I looked in the direction he raised his sword.

What loomed there was the massive shape of a demonic beast faintly visible in the smoke.

It was a monster against which even my full strength could barely leave a scratch.

While I was trembling at the sight of Yoon Si-woo charging at such a formidable foe, a sudden realization crossed my mind.

Wait a minute.

Does Yoon Si-woo understand what abilities the opponent possesses…?

No, he wouldn’t know.

In my flustered state, I hadn’t been able to convey the information I had to him.

“W-wait a minute…! Yoon Si-woo…!”

I belatedly realized the grave mistake I made and shouted, eyes wide open, but Yoon Si-woo had already leapt toward the beast before my voice reached him.

In that moment, I couldn’t help but picture him vanishing silently, just like the furious beasts did moments ago, along with Ari, who lay on the ground with a detached wing.

In despair, I squeezed my eyes shut.


At that moment, the unexpected sound of a crash jolted my eyes open again.

What I saw as I blinked was Yoon Si-woo being flung backward upon impact.

And fortunately, he seemed unharmed.

Damn it, thank you, God…


Contrarily, while I was feeling relieved, Yoon Si-woo appeared to be in shock that his attack had failed to land on the enemy at all.

He likely didn’t realize how dangerous the situation he had just been in was.

I shouted to Yoon Si-woo, even though it was late, to warn him.

“Yoon Si-woo, be careful…! That guy’s ability is to reject interference…! Not only do attacks not work, but anything that touches him gets erased…!”

“Reject interference…?”

When Yoon Si-woo heard about the enemy’s ability, his reaction was almost identical to mine when I first heard the explanation about Beatrice.

To think it was an ability virtually invincible—it was absurd.

Moreover, for Yoon Si-woo, it was all the more bewildering since this was the first opponent whose attack he couldn’t land.

Since he had never faced the gluttonous witch before, this marked the first encounter with an opponent outside his normal parameters, one who could withstand Lucy’s ability to cleave through anything.

Still, it felt fortunate that at least Yoon Si-woo wasn’t erased instantly by the enemy’s ability, as Lucy’s power seemed to have provided minimal resistance against Beatrice’s.

Well, Yoon Si-woo would understand by now.

That defeating the enemy was impossible.

So I thought to suggest retreating and giving up for today.

It was unfortunate, but there was no other way, and I intended to relay that to Yoon Si-woo.



I saw Yoon Si-woo gripping his sword.

Despite witnessing firsthand that his attacks were completely ineffective just moments ago, he stood up again holding his sword.

Looking at him, I mumbled in confusion.

Why? Why doesn’t he just give up?

Didn’t he just see that we could achieve nothing?

Yet why, why?

The strength of the opponent was so unreasonable that our resistance seemed utterly futile and impossible.

Such actions were foolhardy, and I should have stopped him.


At the same time, unexpectedly, I realized I was filled with hope.

Indeed, Yoon Si-woo had asked me to trust him.

[It’s not too late. I’ll make sure you won’t regret it.]


[Come back, Scarlet.]


He had saved me like a miracle every time I thought of giving up.

He told me to believe in him, making me think maybe this time too he could somehow make it happen.


Perhaps that’s why.

I couldn’t stop Yoon Si-woo, and I had to watch him stand in front of the beast once more.

Yoon Si-woo raised his sword towards the demonic beast.

Even with my crude understanding of swords, his stance appeared beautiful and pristine.

In silence, he drew the sword down.

And almost as if to say, don’t give up.

As if he was telling me to trust him.

Once more, I gazed at Yoon Si-woo as he cut through the impossible, watching in awe.


With a sound like a hiss, a long gash appeared on the leg of the beast that I thought was invincible.

From the scar, crimson blood gushed forth like a waterfall, and the beast let out a thunderous roar, furious at having been injured.

Simultaneously, what seemed to be its concealed power was unleashed, revealing the beast’s true form.

It was nothing short of a colossal creature that could only be described as enormous.

The thing, resembling a cross between an elephant and a rhinoceros, towered far above, with eyes the size of Yoon Si-woo’s entire body glaring down at him.

The earth trembled with the fury displayed by this overwhelming creature, but Yoon Si-woo stood firm, unwavering, brandishing the sword towards the beast as he spoke.

“Come at me, this time I’ll sever its neck instead of its legs.”


Not only had he wounded a creature the size of a speck of dust, but he continued to provoke it.

In a fit of rage, the massive beast lifted its leg to stomp Yoon Si-woo.


“Stop, Beatrice.”

The moment the small voice rang out, everything in the vicinity froze.

The owner of that voice was Beatrice, calmly observing us from nearby.

Then, Yoon Si-woo, in confrontation with the beast, slowly turned his head towards Beatrice.

It wasn’t solely because her single word had halted the beast.

Just her overwhelming presence was enough to make everyone forget even the monstrous beast, reminding us that she was the most threatening presence here.

At that moment, I couldn’t help but hold my breath as I met Beatrice’s gaze, which captured everyone’s attention.

“You hurt Bay. You’re interesting. I might find you somewhat intriguing.”

Unlike her previous vacant demeanor, there was a glimmer of interest in her eyes as she gazed at Yoon Si-woo.

Chills ran down my spine.

Her gaze felt like that of a curious child watching ants crawl on the ground.

“If this keeps going, there might be a little—a puny possibility for Eva.”

Beatrice murmured that and turned her gaze from Yoon Si-woo to me.

Instantly, Yoon Si-woo positioned himself protectively between me and Beatrice.


Though obstructed by Yoon Si-woo, I could feel Beatrice’s eyes fixed on him.

The air was thick with tension when the previously frozen beast exhaled sharply, looking towards Beatrice.

“Enough. We will fight soon enough, irrespective of the timing.”

With that, Beatrice spoke to the beast before turning her languid gaze towards us,

“I’ve seen something entertaining after a long time, so I’ll let you go for today. Don’t forget what I said. We’ll meet again later, Eva.”

As Beatrice uttered those words, the beast’s snout curled around her and lifted her.

In an instant, the beast vanished, taking Beatrice with it as it disappeared before our eyes.


…Did she really leave?

For a moment, I stood there dumbstruck, unable to believe Beatrice was gone.

Slowly, Yoon Si-woo approached me and handed me something.


What he offered me was Ari, who appeared small and was gasping for breath, seemingly recovering from exhausted energy.

As I felt her warmth in my hands, I sagged down onto the ground in relief.

“Ah… Ugh, snif…”

At that moment, tears streamed down my face, momentarily halted by thoughts of the other slain beasts and relief that at least Ari was alive.

And that Ari’s survival was thanks to Yoon Si-woo.

Had it not been for his help, I would never feel this warmth again, and I expressed my gratitude through tears.

“Ugh, thank you… Thank you, Yoon Si-woo… If it weren’t for you…”

While I sobbed and gathered my emotions, Yoon Si-woo silently stood by my side.

Eventually, when my tears subsided, he cautiously asked me,

“…Scarlet, can you tell me what happened with that guy earlier?”


I explained everything to Yoon Si-woo.

About how we couldn’t stop the gluttonous witch without retrieving the sacred relic.

Also, I shared the hide-and-seek tale Beatrice had told me and how if we couldn’t find her and take her down, it would be the end for all of us.

After relaying all that to Yoon Si-woo, I finally realized,


What the only solution to this situation was.

And I sensed Yoon Si-woo might have come to the same conclusion.

But, I couldn’t speak it out loud.

I had seen Yoon Si-woo wound the beast.

I knew that his strength was the only hope we had to take down Beatrice.

Yet he had only just regained consciousness after being in that state where he was almost dead not long ago.

It felt like he had turned a bit pale even after just exerting himself moments ago.

How could I, how could I even say that?

At that moment, I felt Yoon Si-woo’s gaze fixate on me.

He watched me silently.

Urging me wordlessly.

His stare.

But I couldn’t speak.

I shook my head.

“But… But…”

I stammered, struggling to find words.

Yet, instead of scolding me, Yoon Si-woo didn’t raise his voice.

He didn’t get angry.


He looked at me with a kind gaze as if to understand everything and simply called my name softly.

That single word shattered my resolve more than any words or actions could.

“……Yoon Si-woo.”

So, ultimately, I had no choice but to speak.

As he desired.

As we had to.

“Help me… I need your strength to save everyone…”

Help me.

Just like always, I needed him to sacrifice for us.

However, despite such a harsh demand,

Yoon Si-woo responded with a smile.

“I will gladly do so.”

Just like always, he would readily do it for me.

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