Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

“It’s an incredible breakthrough to have manifested the ability to control flames like the Witch of Fury. It seems that giving emotions was indeed the right answer,” Sator exclaimed joyfully as he watched Subject No. 10 writhing in pain, spewing flames from her body.

After confirming that her power grew with each twinge of pain, No. 10 was subjected to intensive experiments daily, living with wounds all over her body.

She resembled No. 9, but perhaps due to her emotions, it was unmistakably clear that No. 10 loathed suffering during the experiments.

Every time Luke treated her injuries, he tried his hardest not to think of her. But on the day he witnessed her intentionally conjuring flames as if to show gratitude, he realized a truth he had been desperately trying to ignore.

They hadn’t merely created an emotional homunculus for combat, but rather a being with feelings, capable of communication, and who could contemplate ways to bring joy to others. What other word could define such a being but “human”?

From that moment onward, Luke began to feel that No. 10 was like an innocent child, newly brought into this world.

Was it right to commit horrible acts against such a being in the name of saving people?

The guilt stemming from this contradiction constantly swirled in his mind.

No. 10 was full of curiosity. After he had shared a few stories about the outside world, she began tapping on the wall, requesting more tales every time Sator left the room.

Despite her movement difficulties due to the intense experiments, No. 10 crawled to the wall and tapped, a curious child asking for stories.

When Luke told her about heroes and the Aegis Academy, No. 10 showed genuine interest. Luke then said, “I hope you can become someone who can protect others.”

In response, No. 10 blinked slowly, as if to convey she understood.

Though trained to obey commands, Luke felt sincere emotions in her blinking, and all he could do was apologize.


As the intense experiments continued, No. 10’s body, much stronger than that of an average person, had significantly diminished healing abilities due to the repeated healing spells.

When Luke mentioned this, Sator responded dismissively, as if it was of no consequence.

No. 10 had decided to give up and prepare for the next one.

This thought sparked a whirlwind of ideas in Luke’s mind.

No. 10 would end her life like the other subjects, cold and burning in an incinerator.

And he would continue to create beings like her until a perfect specimen was made.

But Luke couldn’t voice his objections. He was also an accomplice who had crossed into forbidden territory.

It felt too late to stop now; they had come too far.

However, the opportunity to halt this madness arrived just a few days later.

In a quest for minimal atonement, Luke sought to spend a little more time with No. 10, visiting the laboratory at dawn after everyone had left, only to be greeted by the laboratory engulfed in flames.

As he dashed toward the lab in shock, he saw someone slowly striding toward the entrance, completely engulfed in flames.

Through the roaring fire, Luke could clearly see the crimson eyes he had come to recognize all too well.

He knew it was No. 10 who had set the laboratory ablaze.

Just like the Witch of Fury in the tales, No. 10 was surrounded by flames, incinerating everything around her.

Luke recalled what they had done to No. 10.

It wouldn’t be surprising if she was filled with vengeance and sought to hurt people, emitting flames powerful enough to escape a fireproof room.

Thinking that he needed to stop her at all costs, Luke approached No. 10 and caught the emotions within her gaze.

Surrounded by flames, the child, burdened with overwhelming power, was asking for help.

Luke made up his mind.

It was his fault for bringing this child into the world and subjecting her to suffering.

Thus, it was his responsibility to end it.

Luke murmured softly to No. 10, “I won’t let you suffer any longer.”

Upon hearing this, the flames enveloping No. 10 began to extinguish gradually.

Luke caught her gently as she started to fall, feeling the weight of responsibility in his arms.

Determined, Luke vowed to make sure this child, who had only known pain because of him, could live the rest of her life as a human being.

The first thing Luke did was give the child a new name.

Her hair, tainted the same color as her eyes after using her powers, was as bright red as the wounds she carried.

Having endured so much pain and knowing its depths, Luke wished for her to become someone who could treat others kindly.

With that in mind, Luke named her Scarlet.


Never having relied on his family’s influence, Luke sold the name of Aegis for Scarlet.

The first thing he did was create an identity for her.

To remind her of what he had done, he shortened Evangeline Desimus to Evande, and as the legal guardian of Scarlet Evande, Luke pondered how she could live the most human life possible.

When he asked her if there was anything she wanted to do, Scarlet, who had become noticeably less reactive since leaving the laboratory, showed hardly any response to his question.

While racking his brain, he recalled her previous interest in the stories about Aegis Academy.

He thought that if she could learn to control her powers at the academy, it would put his mind at ease.

Thus, for the second time in his life, he asked his brother for a favor.

The first was to ask him to take over as the principal of the academy when they were young.

The second was to allow Scarlet to take the entrance exam at the academy, even though the registration period had already ended.

Although Luke received a scolding for making such a request from someone who needed to remain impartial, he didn’t ask for her to be admitted, only to allow her to sit for the exam, and after a sigh, his brother reluctantly agreed.

Then Scarlet literally crushed the measuring scarecrow.

In a way, it was only natural. Her body, having undergone various enhancements typically avoided due to side effects, exhibited strength beyond that of a regular physical enhancement user.

Even though she hadn’t demonstrated her ability to control flames, her strength alone was enough to earn her a passing grade, making her a prospective student at the academy.

After ignoring calls from Sator and announcing he would resign to return to his original work, Luke learned that Sator was looking for him. To avoid suspicion, Luke found a new place for Scarlet.

It was a shabby building in District 15, scheduled for demolition, with only one other person living there. Although it seemed too tiny, it was the only place Scarlet had shown any reaction, so Luke bought the entire building.

He figured that a place like this would be great as a hideout since Sator, who had a severe germ phobia, would never dare to come close.

Fitting nearly complete with just a bed, a wardrobe, and a small fridge, the tiny space appeared almost full, but every time Luke visited, Scarlet was almost lifeless, lying on the bed.

Even though Luke stocked the fridge with food, Scarlet never touched a thing, and ultimately, he had to throw it all away.

Worried about whether she could live on her own, Luke recognized he wouldn’t have much time to check on her while dodging Sator, who was fervently searching for her.

Scarlet began to show change after starting at the academy.

Perhaps due to the aftereffects of the experiments, she had lost some memories, yet she was now able to converse and seemed to be getting along well at the academy.

As he mused that perhaps seeing her ordinary, human-like self could bring some comfort, Luke received a call from his brother.

Scarlet had lost her left arm and was hospitalized. The news that many lives had been saved thanks to her brought tears to Luke’s eyes.

His tears were for her lost arm, his guilt, and his overwhelming gratitude.

Though she had lost her memory, just like the request he had made previously…

To think that she had become the kind soul he hoped she would be when he named her Scarlet.

For Luke, that represented the greatest redemption of all.


Luke hurriedly crossed through the nearest portal at the address sent by Sator. The location was quite far from even the nearest portal.

Now, with age weighing on him, running wasn’t easy anymore, but driven by concern over what Sator might do to Scarlet, he sprinted until he nearly ran out of breath.

Finally, he spotted a lone building isolated from others.

The heavy door of the building appeared slightly ajar, as if waiting for him.

As Luke passed through the open door, it clicked shut behind him with a clank.

Inside the building, it was dark and hard to see.

Wondering if he had entered the wrong place, Luke took a breath and shouted, “Sator!”

A familiar voice echoed back, submerged in the darkness.

“It seems you rushed over here without even having lunch. Didn’t I tell you to eat first? At your age, running on an empty stomach can be quite detrimental, my friend.”

“Where is Scarlet? You said she was with you!” Luke inquired, and a loud laughter boomed in the shadows.

With that laughter, Luke felt a whirling dizziness.

As his vision blurred, the building’s lights flickered on.

The inside was filled with smoke.

Sleeping gas.

Luke realized the nature of the smoke immediately, but it was too late, having inhaled way too much.

Through his hazy vision, he caught a glimpse of Sator wearing a gas mask.

Sator chuckled and said, “Looks like this object has a name. Don’t worry; you’ll be seeing her soon.”


Sator was an outstanding researcher.

He had never encountered failure in his life.

Though his family had ordered the disposal of the subject, the specimen remained intact.

Now, he simply needed to yield results with what remained.

He was certain that the flames grew stronger with the emotion of anger.

Since he treasured Scarlet, she must also have some importance on her end.

Seeing something precious breaking down right before her eyes should definitely stir some feelings.

The experiments must continue.

He would restore the glory of the great Astra with a perfected creation wielding the power of a witch.

He would do whatever it took, whatever it took, whatever it took, whatever it took.

Sator scratched his neck, chuckling.

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