Academy Saintess of My Chūni Writing Days

Chapter 17

Thud, thud, and from far away, a booming sound echoed.

It was a deafening explosion, loud enough to pierce through the sound of helicopter rotors, like the roar of a massive artillery shell being fired.

Well, at this point, I probably don’t need to explain much — this world has proper tanks and artillery. You could say most modern weapons, including nuclear ones, exist here.

Of course, humans wield magic and holy power, and while demons and monsters have no technological advantage, the conflict between the two sides resembles a battle of magic vs. science.

Monsters barreling forward wrapped in barriers of magic, while soldiers blast them and the demons riding their backs with heavy machine guns and sniper rifles, bombarding the areas where monsters are suspected to spawn.

If necessary, scouting parties are sent to gather intel and pinpoint coordinates. If a commander is spotted, sniper teams ambush and eliminate them.

At first glance, one might think humans are at an advantage. The power of advancing weapons seems to surpass that of fantasy creatures.

But then you see a bullet fired by an ordinary human, closer to a civilian than a soldier, bringing down a demon presumably stronger than a human, and it becomes clear — the day humans will sweep away those vile demons and restore the world is not far off.

However, there is a blind spot.

It takes about 20 years for a human to grow from birth to adulthood. Under this world’s law, during emergencies, they can draft those over 15, so let’s say it’s 15 years.

This means that when a soldier dies, that much time has been lost.

If that soldier happens to be a seasoned veteran who’s fought for years at the front lines, the loss is even greater. It’s easy to find an adult person, but finding someone who has survived in the chaos of fierce battle and can effectively handle tasks alone, without any orders, is much harder.

On the other hand, what about demons and monsters?

First off, monsters rarely show themselves on the front lines.

Although they managed to secure this world for themselves, their numbers have decreased significantly, and it’s said that only a few survivors can be counted on one hand. Considering they were once hailed as divine by some races, it’s no surprise their numbers were never high.

Monster civilization is a pure magic civilization. While modern humans extract nylon from petroleum and raise silkworms for silk, monsters wear clothes woven from magic and build castles made of magic.

And they also create their troops through magic.

Demons and beasts are born from concentrated magic. This place is called a magic point.

Magic points cannot be physically destroyed. The only way to blow them up is to pour an immense amount of magic in reverse. However, simply smashing it with raw magic doesn’t yield great efficiency; it’s much more effective if a being with powerful holy power pours their energy into it.

Holy power is the amplification of magic by divine strength.

This is also why the church’s knights, who hone their close-combat skills, are occasionally dispatched across the front lines despite the risks.

So, couldn’t the monsters just create magic points far away and gather demons to strike? Not quite.

A magic point signifies a place where powerful magic is concentrated. Naturally, as more demons and monsters appear from there, it will diminish and eventually disappear. While a magic point can generate a sizable force, it’s limited.

Moreover, the magic civilization lacks the powerful weaponry that the material civilization of human society possesses. They may replicate something like a catapult, but they can’t easily mimic advanced technology that has been honed over thousands of years through relentless struggle against nature and each other.

Those ancient weapons created by humans, who found ways to solve problems without magic, are akin to hellfire for the monsters and demons.

Well, there has been some retreat since dimension gates opened and humans could also use magic and holy powers. Medical fields, for instance—explanations of these minor details could make this story way too long, so I’ll skip it.

Back to the main point: Given that the demons lack long-range projectile weapons, they would be swept away by all sorts of missiles and aerial bombs if they tried to group together from afar. Human society’s territory is still vast, resources plentiful, and with magic supplementing the shortages, expecting resources to run out seems unrealistic.

However, humans, who largely make up human society, are particularly vulnerable to attacks that come from very close range.

Thus, the demons hiding in the other world have created the maximum possible magic points as far away as they can, launching attacks to strike government forces and the church. This extensive perimeter has become the entrenched shape of the front lines in human society’s reasoning.

While forming this setting, my own official view is both true and… amusing.

[We have arrived at our destination. We will land shortly.]

After such an announcement, a slight feeling of weightlessness washed over me. Looking out the window, the ground was slowly approaching.

It was a makeshift airfield, distinctly giving off a ‘field’ vibe, with the ground flattened as much as possible and marked with white lines for a helicopter landing zone.

And there, at the edge of the airfield, stood a person.

I couldn’t help but be curious how one could maintain such a perfectly rolled-up appearance, even as the wind tugged at her flowing blonde curls, her posture remained upright, like she was nailed to the ground.

From afar, I could see she wore perfectly polished, stunning white plate armor, on her chest an eagle ripping apart a serpent, with sharp claws displayed.

Indeed. It was the insignia of the Inquisition.

Andrea Bernard.

She was the head of the Inquisition and also the commander of the knights under her command.

Considering the setting, it wasn’t surprising to find her on a battlefield, but since she was waiting for me where I would land, it didn’t seem like a mere coincidence.

As evidence, Linnea, who was sitting next to me, looked out the window and let out a bitter smile.

“Commander Bernard?”

Aurora, recognizing the gleaming white armor outside, muttered as if taken aback.

In fact, it wasn’t just the three of us; everyone on board recognized her.

… I set this up, but doesn’t this stand out too much? Wearing something like that on a battlefield feels like a target on her back.

Oh wait. Upon reflection, knights’ armor is generally colorful.

Maybe the white of the Inquisition knights might actually be less noticeable. In truth, that color itself symbolized the most aggressively charging Inquisition, and demons who wouldn’t dare engage in a one-on-one fight might actually avoid her.

With their lack of long-range attack options, targeting the commander from a distance would also be a challenge.

The two soldiers seemed oblivious to her identity as Andrea, their eyes slightly agape, entranced by her evident beauty. The apprentice knights, however, were whispering amongst themselves.

Some of them cast furtive glances our way. It appeared they were trying to guess why the head of the Inquisition had personally come out. Hmm, they probably won’t get it.

With the rotor noise, whatever they were murmuring was inaudible, but considering there might be a heretic among these three nuns, not many would believe that.

The once deafening rotor sound started to fade. The noise dissipated, but my ears felt slightly stuffed. I wondered if special forces personnel who ride these helicopters constantly had intact eardrums. Then again, just the sound of gunfire could likely mess them up anyway.

As the back door of the helicopter slowly opened, light streamed into the dim interior.

“Alright! We have arrived! Please disembark one at a time, starting from the person at the end!”

As the attendant entered through the opened door, they called out loudly.

We gathered our belongings and stepped out of the helicopter.


As soon as she stepped out, Aurora openly groaned.

And I almost did the same.

We had landed in a place that could only be described as a ‘camp’ in military terms.

No buildings made of bricks or concrete were visible. The most well-structured buildings were shipping containers or prefabricated homes, all painted in camouflage.

And even those ‘buildings’ were sparse; most were thick drab-colored tents.

The ground was simply dirt, compacted in a haphazard manner, and each gust of wind whipped up clouds of dust.

… If it weren’t for the enormous wall in the distance, this scenery would have reminded me of some training experiences I had from military days.

Oh no, thinking about it more gives me PTSD…!

Now that I think about it, I had intended to quit being a nun when I turned 20 to avoid joining the knights, and yet here I was, walking in voluntarily.

“Please tell me… there’s a proper bathroom, right?”

“Don’t worry. We have proper flush toilets and showers.”


Aurora gasped at the unexpected voice. Honestly, it was a good thing I hadn’t spoken up; I would have likely reacted similarly.

“Sister Clara, and this is Sister Aurora, right? I’ve heard a lot about you from Brother Turner. Please take care of us for a while.”

As she spoke, Andrea slipped between us, gently patting our backs with both hands, before turning to look at Linnea.

“Linnea, I would like to borrow you for a moment.”


Linnea replied with a voice that still had that old military discipline tone.

“Okay, then let’s head out first. Sisters Clara and Aurora will be guided by the supply officer.”

So, it’s not just any sergeant; turns out this one has a bit more scale to him, flying around in a transport helicopter.

“Yes, leave it to me.”

“Thank you very much.”

The sergeant and Andrea exchanged light bows. Andrea then took Linnea without giving us a chance to respond, leading her among the many tents and buildings.

… Hold up a second.

Didn’t Andrea just say “Let’s take care of each other for a while”?


I felt a strange apprehension bubble up in me, questioning why that struck me, when I was called by the sergeant. Already, the two soldiers who had been with us were unloading two boxes stored separately in the helicopter.

… They looked like super stiff green plastic boxes.

Something… something that seemed like it could be found in a unit’s supply warehouse…

The sergeant held up a differently colored file in one hand and skillfully opened the box with the other.

“Please come this way.”

Following the sergeant to the box, I found inside a silver chainmail, a cloth with the church’s symbol on it, a ‘forest green’ ‘canteen’, ‘belt’, and various ‘ammo pouches’ — a seriously unbalanced mix of supplies.

… Just looking at it, I felt like vomiting.

“These are the supplies. I will help you check the items, as they are mixed between military and church supplies. Let’s start with you, Sister Clara—”

Oh, seriously.

I genuinely felt like I wanted to turn around and leave right away.


April 25, Camp Eliza

0750 (30 minutes before Clara’s group arrives)


Several burly men rushed towards Andrea, brushing off the black liquid smeared on her armor. The massive, thick doors of the wall were slowly closing behind them.

Following Andrea, five knights dismounted, each removing their helmets. Their faces were clearly exhausted, and the black liquid clinging to their armor was the least of their concerns as they sat atop their horses, panting heavily.

Two of the knights quickly assessed the situation and hurried to assist their fellow knights dismounting behind them. The knights who had pursued Andrea were shaking so badly after getting off their horses.

Well, if trained warhorses were panting this heavily, how worn out must those riding them have been, absorbing all the vibrations of the galloping?

Yet amid their fatigue, their eyes sparkled with excitement.

They had all witnessed how Andrea forged a path through the chaos. Even while holding a commander’s position, she charged ahead, cleaving through demons with her shining sacred sword, clearing the way.

Whether that constituted rational decision-making was another matter, but watching her effortlessly chase away demons with just a few sword strokes was reminiscent of an angel in the sacred paintings.

“Is everyone okay?”

Andrea asked with a concerned look over her shoulder, smiling wryly. It was evident that they didn’t look too okay.

“Yes! We’re fine!”

But the response came back, affirming their well-being.

Still, thankfully, there were no serious injuries; no knights had lost limbs or lives — well, it was sensible enough to declare they were fine.

“That’s a relief.”

Andrea said, dismounting the horse. After passing the reins to a nearby knight, she affectionately stroked the black horse’s mane and said,

“Good work today. Rest well.”

Whether it understood or not, the horse simply whinnied loudly in response.

“As for the armor…”

“I’ll keep wearing it. We’re expecting guests. Still, it seems I managed to arrive on time… Oh, but I can’t meet them in this state, so I’d appreciate it if someone just wiped off the monster blood.”

“Yes, understood.”

The knight quickly answered and made his way off in a hurry. Another knight pulled out a map from his pocket and stood beside Andrea naturally. Taking a pen, Andrea drew a long line on the map while speaking.

“… I checked this route, but I didn’t find any magic points. Still, we shouldn’t let our guard down just yet. The monsters are encroaching from too close for comfort. I think it might be more prudent to ask the government forces to conduct another leveling operation.”

While magic points cannot be physically destroyed, the terrain surrounding them is a different story. Bombardments and artillery fire will expose any magic point suspended in the air, revealing its location.

“The military refused. They said conducting firepower strikes near uncertain zones wastes resources…”

“Tch, it’s the very work meant to clarify the uncertainties…”

Though she clicked her tongue, Andrea understood the military’s reasoning. It wasn’t a genuinely dire situation yet, and wastefully consuming resources on areas where threats may not even exist was an unreasonable act. This was something even the church was more familiar with, given their own resource limitations compared to the government.

“Is there really going to be an offensive? This camp has been relatively peaceful until now…”

Even on the front lines, the stretches can be remarkably long. If some areas have strong assaults, others are correspondingly weak. Camp Eliza is situated in one of those relatively peaceful spots. It had been several years since the last magic point appeared.

“Who knows?”

Although she didn’t verbalize it, Andrea had her suspicions.

The timing of the demon’s offensive becoming increasingly aggressive had coincidentally begun right after it was decided that Clara would be dispatched to this camp.

It was as if the camp needed to be intact until Clara arrived, and the monster forces had ceased to lay low, launching attacks with obfuscated intensity only since this morning.

The monsters could be dealt with through firepower, but the magic points from which they spawned had to be diligently tracked down and extinguished. Thus, it was Andrea, holding the church’s highest holy power among personnel present, who personally took her knights out to scout.

“Could it be coincidence?”

Assuming this wasn’t mere chance implies that even a single nun being dispatched could be noticed deep within human society, meaning demons had infiltrated even into the church.

Clara would eventually unveil that.

Was she the target, or were the demons merely taking advantage of human complacency, built over prolonged peace?

“Regardless, we need to secure an escape route. The three young nuns arriving today should be prepared to withdraw to the rear if necessary.”

“In that case, I’ll prepare a truck.”

“Good. It’d be best to divert towards Camp Christof in the rear.”

“Understood. I’ll relay the message.”

The knight answered while jotting down some notes, but from a distance, someone was rushing towards them, clutching several clean white cloths.

It seemed to be a very junior knight, recently appointed.

Seeing that comical appearance, the senior knight beside him tightened his fists, prompting a wry smile from Andrea.

“I’ve brought the tools.”

The knight said in a slightly shaky voice.

“Could you help me with some of the cleaning?”

Andrea asked in the gentlest tone possible.

“Yes, of course… huh?”

“Hmm, it seems I won’t have time to remove my armor. Guests are expected soon.”

“Y-yes? But…”

The senior knight’s helmet rattled as he nervously spoke. But the junior knight was too flustered to even notice.

“That’s fine! I won’t feel anything through thick armor anyway.”

Even after saying that, the knight hesitated, and in the end, it was the furious senior knight who snatched the cloth away and began wiping off the blood.

“Don’t be too harsh on him.”

Andrea said with an amused smile, trying to ease the tension, but the senior knight replied,


He answered as if gritting his teeth in agitation.

Well, this is something, Andrea thought.

Perhaps it would’ve been better to enter wearing a helmet.

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