Academy Saintess of My Chūni Writing Days

Chapter 6

The day of enrollment arrived, and things had been pretty quiet until then.

Except for the fact that suddenly, two girls entered the room I was alone in, and those two were continuously competing against each other. Not outright fighting, but trying to secure a position that made them more visible to me. They didn’t exactly insult each other, but they would sneak in little boasts about their respective groups whenever the chance arose.

I could see why Linea would do that.

She looked like a model student, one who followed the rules to a tee, and it was clear she had been told to win me over because of my superior Holy Power. After all, once I entered the Inquisition, they could utilize me as they pleased in the Knights or anywhere else.

It was highly likely they’d want to recruit me into the Knights.

They probably had heard my report where I healed the Cardinal after he had been drop-kicked by me—what a spectacle that must have been. Even if my combat skills were meager, my healing abilities alone would make anyone eager to recruit me, especially since the Inquisition was a place few wanted to go.

But that didn’t concern me at all.

Because I planned to leave the convent as soon as I turned 20.

I had no interest in adulthood or any of that nonsense. Once I finished whatever business Ariel had in calling me here, I’d quickly set up a treatment center and start hoarding money with a giant rake.

In that sense, what worried me wasn’t my abilities or the position I would maintain in the Church; no, what worried me was that Linea had no hesitation in changing her clothes in front of me.

Some might say, “What’s the big deal? They’re just girls!” But I, who had served in the military back in my original world, had never even had a girlfriend!

I’d glance away for a moment after entering the dorm, only to turn back and find her changing clothes!

Plus, Linea usually wore sporty underwear, so when she switched to something more comfortable at night, her appearance changed drastically. The first impression with her pants made her look like an androgynous figure, but once she put on her comfortable clothes, she transformed into a gorgeous image of health.

Calm down. This is a trap.

After all, they’re minors!

Getting my mind back on track, I felt a tad more at ease, but what about Aurora?

Well, she was certainly no better.

While Linea had a slightly androgynous charm with an incredible beauty gap, Aurora was a vibrant, almost obnoxiously cheerful beauty.

Moreover, it wasn’t just cheerfulness; she had a shy girl side that was utterly deadly.

Every time Aurora changed clothes, she got bashfully flustered, as if changing in front of others was something she had never done before—her face turning slightly red as she peeked over at us while cautiously undressing…

While my inner self with handcuffs sparkled, I knew I had to stop thinking that way.

Regardless, this was intimidating, not so much sexually but psychologically.

Calm down. This is a trap.

I keep hearing some voice whispering, “You’re a teenager too, you know,” but I’ll ignore that.

Oh, merciful Goddess, grant me the courage to get through this… sigh


You laughing?

Yeah, I guess I can endure this much. If I just look away subtly or turn around, it will all be fine.

The real problem came when it was my turn to change clothes.

My changing process resembled Aurora’s. Possibly because I had no exposure to women, it was incredibly embarrassing to undress in front of them, and as a result, I was forced to fumble around awkwardly.

Each time, Linea would chuckle saying, “Haha, Sister Clara, you’re so shy. Since we’re all girls here, you could change comfortably!”

Um, no, it’s embarrassing because you’re all girls.

And seeing Linea acting like that, Aurora would chime in, “Oh, Linea, you lack sensitivity! Here, let me cover for you! If they were rolling around on the ground…”

She spread out her blanket to block Linea’s gaze.

But why do you look at me with that excited expression?

And Linea wouldn’t let Aurora’s needless banter slide.

“Hmm? ‘Rolling around on the ground’— are you referring to the Knights? Comparing the honor of the Church’s Knights to dirt, huh? Confirmed heretic!”

I couldn’t help but think she was imitating Andrea when Linea said that, and Aurora retorted, “Oh my, what do you think I am, a mere miracle investigator to be scolded like this? Not quite a knight, are you?”

Aurora’s reply further intensified the atmosphere.

Did I really create this dynamic of rivalry between the Inquisition and miracle investigators…?

…I find it despicable I wanted to share a room with another nun not too long ago.

Anyway, aside from that, things had been uneventful, psychologically heavy as it was!

I couldn’t shake the feeling that both the Inquisition and miracle investigators were diligently monitoring me!

But, I still managed to enroll at the Academy without any issues, so in the end, nothing was wrong—right?

And thus, the long-awaited enrollment ceremony.

I walked alongside my two roommates toward the Academy. They both decided to enroll, apparently. How much were they planning to watch me?

They didn’t even walk beside me but rather half a step behind on each side. Their strides were perfectly synchronized. I could overlook Linea’s precision, but where did Aurora learn to do that?

Ugh, everyone’s looking at us.

Well, I guess that was expected. We were all in identical nun outfits marching in a line as if I were leading the charge; naturally, people would stare.

It’s only a ten-minute walk, yet my stomach was already churning.

Plus, they would probably act the same way inside the Academy.

I could already envision how unusual I was perceived by fellow students.


The enrollment ceremony was incredibly uneventful.

In the novel, it skipped right through, stating there was just a speech from the principal—logical enough. It was boring in reality too; a staggering level of dullness. If it hadn’t been for the opportunity to confirm that narrative portions could easily fit within untouched parts of the description, I’d consider it a failure of an experience.

The speech occurred in the auditorium, and as the Academy assigned seating, I was flanked by Linea and Aurora again, which had become unsurprising.

Considering the school’s title was St. Ariel Academy, there was no escaping the Church’s influence.

We were assigned to Class A. Just because it’s labeled A doesn’t mean it’s filled with exceptional students; following A, there are merely B, C, D, and E classes. Each class has around twenty students, so if we ballpark it, the total for a year would be about a hundred.

Not every graduate becomes a hero, and students can be scouted during their enrollment for their talents, so not many heroes emerge in a single year. Naturally, I had no intention of becoming a hero, not in the slightest.

But of course, protagonists will become heroes.

The sequence of class letters doesn’t determine students’ abilities, but in my notebook, Class A’s students were undeniably ‘A-tier’ simply because all the main characters were there. Just a common sense observation.

So, my allocation to Class A was most likely not a coincidence.

Clearly, if I wanted to solve the issues of this world, I had to associate with overpowered protagonists.

Thus, being placed in Class A may have been more the Goddess’s doing than the Church’s. Grappling with the probability or some revelation, either way…

And so, Linea and Aurora appeared in A class as well due to the Church’s influence.

It’s my fate.

Suppressing a sigh, I approached the classroom door, and before I could open it, Linea swung it open for me. Aurora then spread her arms wide, securing a clear path.

Please, don’t hold the door for me. Don’t escort me.

What do you think a school is? You’re drawing attention by parading around in the hallway.

Plus, as we entered the classroom, the students inside stopped mid-conversation to stare at us. What’s with this stifling atmosphere? Are they trying to embarrass me to death?

Massaging my throbbing head with my index finger, I hurried to a corner of the room as casually as I could manage. Luckily the students seemed quite attentive to the class, so most seats at the back were available.

I found a seat right by the window and settled in. However, Linea promptly sat in front of me, declaring, “As expected of Sister Clara! Sitting at the very back ensures a quick escape in emergencies. If needed, you could always break the window to get out!”

This is the thirteenth floor! This building isn’t your regular school; it’s built like a skyscraper! If I fall, I’ll just… thud.

“Oh, what do you mean, Sister Linea? Sister Clara is merely averse to noisy places. The sunny spot by the window shows Sister Clara’s refined taste, don’t you think?”

That’s not it! I just wanted to catch a few rays and not get caught napping by the teacher! Just sitting by a window doesn’t make me refined! If that were true, every light novel protagonist would be classy.

…Wait, I feel like I’ve become the novel’s villainous noble.

With followers on each side, I almost felt like I’d have to cover my mouth and laugh diabolically like, “Oohohoho!”


Uh-oh, it seems the heroine in this story isn’t a noblewoman after all.

Fiery red hair tied in twin braids. A tempting figure with a promising future, radiating vitality with healthy skin; bright red eyes glistening down upon me.

It wouldn’t be strange for someone to call her a ‘tsundere heroine’ as she gazed right at me.

Simultaneously, Linea and Aurora sprang up, and I hastily tugged them back by their wrists.



Startled by the sudden move, neither could react as our faces nearly touched.

“The person who just spoke to me was someone I met at the funeral I attended on behalf of the Church. You must be the sister of the hero, Elisa Lowell. You’re not someone who should be doubted like that.”

I whispered softly to them, and they simultaneously swallowed hard. Awkward!

Had I not let them know, they could’ve both ended up in a predicament! You’re welcome!

“Rather than caring about whether she’s that person or not, it’s important to understand that every person has their own story. Rejecting everyone approaching you means you’re giving up communication. If that happens, you wouldn’t be able to differentiate between those you should get close to and those you shouldn’t.”



Though they didn’t respond, their serious expressions indicated they understood my point.

I released their wrists, and Linea and Aurora both stared blankly at the spots where I held them, then absentmindedly rubbed their arms. Seeing them do that made me wonder if I grabbed them too tightly.


“Uh, we’re sorry…”

They both apologetically murmured toward Selena. Apologizing is fine, but if you look that despondent, it’s even more uncomfortable for me!

“Hmm? What’s wrong? You two didn’t say anything,” Selena waved dismissively.

“There’s nothing to apologize for! You must’ve had something you wanted to say but couldn’t,” she said.

Then, Selena moved a bit closer to me.

…Last time I saw her, the funeral hall was a mess.

Mostly because of me.

It’s probably better to apologize.

As I stood up from my chair, Selena appeared flustered.

“Oh, you can just sit there; it’s fine.”

“No! I don’t think it’s right to apologize from a seated position.”

I said as politely as possible, and she tilted her head.


“That time, at the funeral…”

“Oh, that.”

Before I could even finish, Selena interjected.

“Thanks for that back then.”

“Uh… excuse me?”

As the unexpected compliment caused my voice to rise awkwardly, she chuckled lightly.

“Back then, it was refreshing. So, I really appreciate it.”

Suddenly, she extended her hand toward me.

“I’m Selena Lowell. What’s your name?”

“Um, I’m…”

I glanced back and forth between Selena’s outstretched hand and her face before responding bewilderedly as we shook hands.

“I’m Clara. Clara Anderson.”

Selena’s hand was warm and soft.

Thus, I began my school life surrounded only by girls, something I had once considered a wild fantasy in my previous world.

Ah, is this what a harem feels like?

Of course it isn’t; damn it.


Extra Chapter
~A Day in the Convent Goes by~

The convent had upgraded many of its facilities since the olden days, but the building was at least a century old. Therefore, no matter how much modernization was done inside, there would always be some shortcomings.

For instance, take the showers.

While they used to draw water from a well over a hundred years ago, that was long gone. Decades ago, plumbing had been installed, allowing the nuns to maintain cleanliness daily without such back-breaking labor.

However, that didn’t mean everything was perfect.

The plumbing had been installed decades ago as well, and of course, it had aged significantly, causing performance issues. Water pressure was particularly problematic. While the toilets had good pressure, it wouldn’t be enough for four girls showering simultaneously.

The showers, designed for four people, had only enough pressure to trickle out when three were in there, so they tacitly agreed to take turns—one goes in and then the other two would wait to shower afterward.

That was the surface excuse, but in reality, Clara felt incredibly embarrassed undressing in front of the other two nuns, so Linea and Aurora, in their own way, were looking out for her feelings.

Having lived in the convent since childhood, Linea and Aurora had long grown accustomed to such inconveniences.

As such, the two of them, sitting together, realized the best way to spend time together was through conversation. Although Linea and Aurora didn’t have the closest bond, they didn’t completely ignore each other either.

So that day, the pair continued their back-and-forth banter as usual.

“By the way.”

The first to speak was Linea.

“Whenever Clara is changing clothes, why does Aurora stare at her body with such fervor while trying to shield her? Are you perhaps hiding any ulterior motives?”

Of course, it was a cutting question that could hardly be seen as friendly.

“Oh my.”

Whenever Aurora faced an attack from Linea, she had to fight back.

“Isn’t it Sister Linea who glares at Clara while trying to shield her modesty? Perhaps it’s you, Sister Linea, that has ulterior motives?”

Rumors about who fancied whom or not had been circulating around the convent for ages. No matter how much they were gathered in same-sex groups, teenagers at the height of their interest in love, would always giggle and make such stories.

Most of the time, these were just playful discussions; few bore any truth.

“Well, to hide while doing so suggests a kind of possessiveness.”

“That’s true; Clara does have a lovely body, but I’ve never thought that way about her! If anything, my glances are genuine admiration. What about you: isn’t the way you look at someone appears suspicious?”

Aurora replied, looking disdainfully at Linea.

“Hmm, in that case, could it be that Aurora is here for something ‘holy’ instead? Perhaps looking for signs of holiness?”

“Well, as a miracle investigator… hup!”

Caught in an undeniable trap set by Linea, Aurora quickly covered her mouth, but it was already too late.

“Just as I thought.”

At this, Linea let out a small, satisfied sound, while Aurora, clearly flustered, exclaimed:

“Talk about a character from the Inquisition! You only lay traps and deceive others, hmm?”

“No, I didn’t consciously deceive anyone. You just walked right into my trap!”

In response, Linea made a valid counter-argument, causing Aurora’s eyebrows to twitch.

“No way! It was all Sister Linea’s trap! I’m not at fault here; from now on, I won’t say a word in front of Sister Linea!”

“Good luck with that.”

Aurora said, but Linea knew she wouldn’t keep that promise.

So, about that holy sign…

Linea narrowed her eyes while imagining Clara’s body.

As Aurora had said, Clara’s body was indeed beautiful. Not a single scar or scratch to be seen, smooth skin without blemish. While Clara held no visible marks of injuries at all, even Linea’s trained eye couldn’t find a single sign of holiness.

“Indeed, stories are just stories after all.”

But also…

“How I envy her! If only I could grow to such levels… I’d want for nothing!”

True, outwardly she had the appearance of a knight, but ultimately, Linea was still just a girl of her age.

Another day passed at the convent.

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