Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 96: Shoot Towards Dawn (9)

Chapter 96: Shoot Towards Dawn (9)

The pre-dawn darkness was intense. The sky, even bereft of the moon, sparkled with scattered starlight against the fading twilight. Distant, rumbling waves from the Dawn Sea echoed through the chilly night air.

Most floors of the Dawn Tower had their lights on, as many had experienced a tumultuous night. Elizabeth, strolling through the tower’s gardens, let out a tired sigh.

“I couldn’t even get a wink of sleep…”

Her voice, strained from exhaustion, seeped through her parched lips. She couldn’t sleep due to her thoughts about the events of the previous night.

‘What on earth is going on?’

Everything was shrouded in mystery. So much had transpired in just a day.

The culprit behind the attempt to shoot down of the airship was *Sion Synevan de Gracia, the third daughter of House Gracia. She, who had almost burned down the library, was acquitted by the decision of Aun Philara, the acting Tower Master.

Elizabeth initially thought that all of it had been orchestrated by Gracia, but upon reflection, many things seemed amiss. Sion was too young, too frail, and, above all, the favored child of a major noble house. It didn’t make sense that she would engage in such actions.

‘Books manipulating people….’

The strange words spoken by Ronan also bothered her. They were incomprehensible, but one thing was certain: something unknown was happening within the tower.

‘Anyway, where has everyone gone?’

Elizabeth, suddenly feeling perplexed, furrowed her brow. The Tower Master and the librarian had mysteriously disappeared, and even Ronan had vanished without a word.

“Maybe I should try to get some rest, at least…”

No matter how she tried to piece it together, there were no clues. Eventually, Elizabeth gave in to her drowsiness and ended her lengthy stroll. Just as she turned toward the tower, a deafening sound echoed through the night.


It was as if hundreds of thunderbolts roared simultaneously. Elizabeth turned her head in the direction of the noise. From the northwest corner of the garden, a massive column of flame rose, almost as thick as the tower itself.

“Wh-what on earth…!”

Elizabeth took a step back, feeling the intense heat even from this distance. In a matter of seconds, the towering flame began to subside.


In its place, flames and torrents of mana erupted. It resembled the eruption of a small volcano, and mages who sensed the anomaly rushed to the scene.

“Oh my god!”

“Oh no, that’s the direction of where the Forbidden Library is!”

“Could it be Tower Master’s fire? Where are the librarian and the Tower Master?!”

Mages were in chaos due to the unexpected lightning strike, but the fire’s momentum was too powerful to allow for much panic.


Another surge of the fire column erupted, and mages quickly regained their composure. They rushed toward the source, as the danger of the fire spreading to the garden and the tower was imminent.

“We need to stop the fire from spreading!”

If the garden or the tower caught fire, it could lead to a disaster. Elizabeth, who had belatedly regained her composure, levitated herself with telekinesis. Her eyes widened as she arrived at the scene.

“Good heavens…!”

It seemed like a gateway to hell had opened. Destructive flames of an unprecedented scale were erupting from a gaping hole in the middle of the garden. The raging fire, unlike anything seen before, split into two distinct colors.

One side had a clear crimson reminiscent of a summer sunset, while the other was a viscous and heavy obsidian black, resembling the flowing lava from a volcano.

The overwhelming force was carried by the obsidian flames. The sinister flames voraciously consumed the crimson fire, expanding their scope.

Mages, hastily dressed in their nightclothes, were doing their best to contain the spreading fire. The mana shields surrounding the crater melted away only to be rapidly regenerated.

“We… we can hardly contain it! This is almost an 8th-circle…!”

“Still, we have to hold on!”

Despite their efforts, it seemed impossible to withstand the overwhelming force of the flames for much longer. That’s when a familiar face appeared before Elizabeth.



Sion Synevan de Gracia, the prime suspect in the attempted assassination incident, was present. She was vigorously casting defensive spells, taking advantage of the opportunity between the mages engaged in the ritual. The mages who should have been protecting her seemed to have joined in the ritual themselves.

‘What can she possibly do to help!’

Elizabeth narrowed her eyes. Suddenly, with a deafening noise, dozens of fireballs, resembling volcanic eruptions, shot into the sky.

Elizabeth’s face turned pale. One of the fireballs, moving in an arch, was falling directly over Sion’s head. The mages, preoccupied with their defensive spells, only noticed the presence of the fireball right before it was about to collide.

“Damn it, everyone, take cover!”

“Lady Gracia, please be careful!”


Sion, who was deeply focused on her task, finally raised her head too late. The fiery projectile was about to land directly on her head.


There was no distance to escape to. At the moment when her short life was about to come to an end. Suddenly, a semi-circular mana shield unfolded, covering the heads of her and the other mages.


The flaming sphere collided with the defense barrier, exploding and creating a deafening noise.

“You’re so reckless, what are you doing?”

“Uh, sister…?”

“Did they not teach you in Gracia that if you can’t be of help, you should evacuate?”

Sion slowly opened her tightly shut eyes, clinging onto Elizabeth’s shoulders. The mages who had risked their lives watched in amazement.

“Oh, Lady Acalusia!”

“How can we ever repay this favor…”

“Stop making a fuss. You fools can’t even protect a single child. You all owe me one.”

Elizabeth snapped sharply, and the mages fell silent. She lowered her hand, releasing the mana shields, and spoke.

“I’ll take it from here.”

Purple energy radiated from her fingertips. Mages, who had been exhausted, regained their composure and stood at attention. Suddenly, loud cries echoed throughout the Dawn Tower.

“Everyone, evacuate!”

The voice was familiar. Elizabeth turned her head to see a massive bird, resembling a 10-meter phoenix, soaring through the western night sky. A swarm of fiery birds followed, trailing behind it. Elizabeth’s eyes widened.

“Aun Philara!”

“Evacuate everyone except the minimum essential personnel!”

It looked like the sun was rising in the west, and it was the emblematic Prominence Bird, the embodiment of the Tower Master’s power. In the blink of an eye, the fiery bird and its swarm of fiery phoenixes plunged into the pit.

With a whoosh, the fire’s form distorted, and the flames significantly diminished. Not long after, the fiery phoenix, now engulfed in black flames, soared into the air. Elizabeth, who had realized that Aun Philara was absorbing fire, exclaimed in admiration.

“As expected…”

It was a more significant achievement than the efforts of all the other mages combined. Aun Philara, who had expelled the fire into the air, began another descent into the pit.

With a crack, a flash of light erupted high above. Soon, the flames receded, revealing the figures of two people.

A young man whose body was on fire was falling, while clutching onto the neck of an old man. Elizabeth recognized the young man’s face and cried out.


[Damn you, let go!]

Simultaneously, a menacing growl echoed in the sky. Elizabeth froze in place. Her legs gave way, her heart raced, and her breath quickened as if she had encountered a fierce beast.


The other mages were no different. Cries and explosions could be heard from all around. They were the side effects of magic gone awry or mana rebounding.

“What… is that?”


Such evil magic power had never been felt before. Sion, who had been clinging to Elizabeth, burst into tears, holding onto her as if for dear life.

[Damn it!]

At the moment when Ronan and the old man were about to collide on the ground, a bright flash of light and a loud growl in the air occurred. The oppressive feeling, which had weighed on them, vanished, and they could finally breathe.


Sion, who had been crying, buried her face in Elizabeth’s stomach. A bewildered Elizabeth hesitated and backed away.

“Uh- please don’t cry… What will the nobility think if they see you?”

“Hnnng… Waaaaah!”

“Stop, stop crying!”

Elizabeth consoled Sion, not even realizing who she was. Still comforting Sion’s back, Elizabeth looked toward the spot where Ronan had disappeared.

“What is he up to this time…?”


[You stubborn fool! If you don’t let go, you’ll burn to death!]

“It’s still worth holding on.”

Ronan was engulfed in flames. His school uniform, which was inherently fire-resistant, seemed to withstand the powerful flames well, but due to his intense focus on the battle, he didn’t seem to be bothered by the heat.

[You… What on earth are you?]

Injured, Vijra was even more furious, thrashing about violently. The powerful spells that were unleashed indiscriminately indicated the strength of his power. With a whoosh, a Flame Arrow fired at Ronan missed and evaporated the nearby forest.

[Get away!]

“If it were you, would you let go?”

They were engaging in an ugly brawl, teleporting countless times. Vijra tried to shake off Ronan using all means and methods, but Ronan never let him go.

[‘This kid is also at his limit.’]

As time dragged on, it became distinctly evident. Vijra was weakening. The fire grew lukewarm, and the rocks were receding.

With a whoosh, the fire column engulfed the two. When Ronan saw the altered background, he let out a bitter laugh. From a distant shore, it appeared that the common night sea was in turmoil.

‘This is my chance.’

They had reached the upper atmosphere of the Dawn Sea. With a deep backward thrust, Ronan delivered a headbutt to Vijra. Unexpectedly, Vijra whimpered.


Vijra’s nose broke, blood gushing out. Ronan delivered headbutts consecutively.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Their teleportation stopped, and they continued to fall.

“Stop bothering the poor old man and come out of his body.”

With a final push, Ronan landed a headbutt on Vijra, causing him to spit out blood. Vijra’s nosebleed erupted, and they both plummeted into the water.

‘I’ll put you underwater.’

Usually, paper becomes unusable when it gets wet. Moreover, the type of magic that Vijra was using would likely render it even more ineffective underwater. Regardless, all he had to do was throw it in water and fish out the remains that resembled a drowned body.

[You’re mocking me… Die!]

They were about five meters from the surface. Suddenly, Vijra extended his arms as if trying to grab something.


Suddenly, a palm-shaped reef rose up towards them. Ronan’s eyes widened. The two people fell and collided on the palm-shaped reef.


It was a reef larger than an average sailing ship. Ronan, who had fallen, rolled on the ground. Fortunately, the altitude wasn’t too high, so the impact wasn’t severe. However, he lost his grip on Vijra.

“Damn it, where did he go…”

It was the moment when Ronan hastily tried to stand up. With a loud crash, a huge fiery whale descended from above and caused an explosion. Then, five spear-like rocks erupted from below, crossing each other and piercing the spot where Ronan was standing.


Finally, the hand-shaped reef they had landed on grabbed Ronan. With a jolt, the reef burst into flames, and a gruesome sound rang out.

[Ugh, ack…]

Kneeling on one knee, Vijra, who had landed on the reef, fell over. It felt like his body had grown significantly heavier. Once again, he muttered with an unbelievable tone.

[Why… is this happening…]

His injuries weren’t healing at all. He had lived for a long time, experienced various things, but this was the first time he had encountered the symptom the mortals referred to as ‘excessive bleeding.’

[Hurry up and recover. It’s dangerous…]

He needed to heal his injuries by consuming a mana-rich life form. This was what he had prepared to return to the Dawn Tower.


In an explosive sound, as if hundreds of people were whistling at the same time, a corner of the reef exploded. As Ronan emerged from the spot where he had been trapped, Vijra’s eyes widened.


“It seems you’ve weakened.”

The crimson Lamancha in Ronan’s hand was radiating light, except for the burns from the teleportation. There were no noticeable wounds on Ronan’s body.

“Let’s finish this.”

With an adjusted stance, Ronan charged straight toward Vijra. He was frozen and seemed incapable of moving.


Ronan swung the hilt of his sword, striking Vijra’s carotid artery. A sinister voice echoed above the sea.

[That’s why you’re just a brat.]


The hilt of the sword passed through Vijra’s head as it was. His form dispersed like smoke. Realizing it was an illusion, Ronan turned around.

From the void, Vijra’s hand emerged and grabbed Ronan’s head.


[It was a bit lengthy… It could have been dangerous if I had continued like that.]

“You bastard…!”

[But history remembers only the victors. I will use your body well.]

Ronan had no chance to respond before Vijra chanted a spell. His original form, resembling a black book, emerged from Lorehon’s chest.

Simultaneously, Vijra’s consciousness, which had been residing within the Tower Master Lorehon’s body, transferred into Ronan. His pupils started to darken, and eerie moans escaped from his parted lips.

“Ugh… you… shit… toilet paper…. bastard…!”

[Do not resist. You will soon feel comfortable.]

Vijra sneered. Though resistance was strong, the corrosion had already been successful. It was only a matter of time before he would be fully absorbed into the body. Suddenly, Vijra felt an unease and tilted his head.


It was an uncomfortable sensation, completely different from the others. It was an unimaginably powerful and sinister presence that differed significantly from the rest. Each of these entities took on the form of common shadows. The writhing shadows slowly began to approach Vijra, one by one.

[Why is something like this inside his body…? Don’t come closer…!]

However, the shadows did not stop. One of them bit into Vijra, causing him to experience a burning pain. He suppressed his scream.


Subsequently, the other shadows rushed in, and Vijra’s consciousness was swallowed by the darkness. A piercing, bone-chilling scream echoed within Ronan’s mind.


“It’s not a very nice place to live in, is it?”

Ronan sneered, stroking his seawater-drenched hair. His eyes, which had been dyed black, were regaining their original color.

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