Academy's Second Seat

Chapter 175: Head (9)

Chapter 175: Head (9)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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Yuni glared at the wall with a sulky expression.

Ever since she realized that the atmosphere between Rudy and Rie was unusual, she spent her free time brooding like this.

"Yuck... my sister..."

Jealousy, or something like it, was growing inside Yuni's heart.

Just when she had finally started to get along well with her sister, Rudy had come between them.

She wondered what he had done to cause this.

Rie, who was prickly with others and kept her distance, acted differently around Rudy.

She looked at Rudy with a dazed expression.

"Well... someone as remarkable as Rudy..."

Yuni had been around Rudy since her admission.

From the student council to the laboratory, they had spent time together.

That's why Yuni knew Rudy's capabilities well.

She understood why Rie might be drawn to Rudy.

"But, not now!"

If not now, she wouldn't be able to spend time freely with Rie.

Once Rie became a third-year, she would be away from the academy for a semester, and after graduation, both being princesses, they wouldn't be able to move around freely.

So, the only time Yuni could spend freely with Rie was now.

She didn't want to lose these moments to someone else.

Also, she wanted to see for herself if Rudy and Rie were a good match.

If she thought they didn't suit each other, she planned to prevent Rudy from getting any closer.

After much contemplation, Yuni lifted her head.

"Yes, I'll do what I can as a sister."

Yuni nodded firmly, humming an affirmative 'Hmm!'


Raei Translations


The next day.

Yuni went straight to Rudy.



Rudy's eyes widened upon seeing Yuni.

He then immediately prepared to run.

Yuni quickly grabbed hold of Rudy.

"Senior! Don't run away, let's talk!"

"I don't think I have anything to say..."

"I do."

Yuni looked around.

"If you don't like crowded places, shall we go somewhere else to talk?"

"Proposing a bet?"

"Yes. Let's bet on something involving my sister."


Raei Translations


I wondered what she was going to say, but her proposal was more absurd than I expected.

I stared at Yuni, who wore a confident expression.

"Why should I do that?"

"Are you not confident? Or is your affection for my sister not that strong?"

Yuni spoke arrogantly, as if trying to provoke me.

But it didn't feel like a real challenge.

"But Rie would hate something like that, wouldnt she?"

Knowing Rie's personality, she would be annoyed if someone made a bet involving her, likely retorting, 'Who are you to use me for your bets?'

Yuni pondered for a moment and then furrowed her brows.

"Now that I think about it"

It seemed Yuni had the same realization.

After a moment of contemplation, she looked at me.

"Then let's keep it a secret and still have the bet."

Her persistence was quite fitting.

I sighed.

What am I going to do with this princess...

"So, what's the bet exactly?"

I decided to hear Yuni out, at least.

After all, as long as I win the bet, it should be fine.

When I asked, Yuni pointed her finger at me.

"The joint assessment for first and second years! Lets see who ranks higher. Thats our bet."

"The joint assessment?"

I couldn't believe it.

I had secured the top position in my class.

Compared to other students, I had more experience and was theoretically superior.

Being in the top of my year, I couldn't imagine competing with Yuni.

I smiled slyly.

"Do you really think you stand a chance against me?"

"We wont know until we try. But,"

Yuni raised her index finger.

"If we directly compare ourselves, there's a high chance I'll lose. So, lets base it on our year rankings."

"Year rankings"

Yuni was currently second in our year.

The top position was held by Diark Verds, a magic swordsman.

Despite studying both magic and swordsmanship, he proudly held the top spot in our year.

I had heard he was getting along well with Borval, though I hadnt seen him in a while.

"Fine, lets do that. But what happens if you lose or we tie?"

It would be unfair if only I stood to lose something.

Yuni looked puzzled, as if she hadnt thought that far.

"I didn't think about that."

Yuni wasnt known for thorough preparation in such matters.

In this regard, she was the complete opposite of Rie.

Or not.

Rie also acts impulsively sometimes

Are they similar, then?

"Alright, so for when you lose, I get to set the condition?"

"Yes, sure."

"If you're proposing a bet, you should be prepared for the same conditions."

I looked at Yuni and smiled.

"If you lose, you'll stop approaching Rie."

Yuni's eyes widened as I laid out the condition.

"Me too?"

It was the condition she would fear the most.

Her proposing this bet was probably driven by her desire to monopolize Rie's attention.

I could see right through Yuni's intentions.

With such a condition, she'd likely back out without needing to follow through with the bet.

The loss would outweigh what she hoped to gain...

But Yuni's response was unexpected.

"...I'll do it."


"I said I'll do it!"

I was taken aback.

"I'll decide for myself if you're suitable for my sister."

Yuni said this firmly, clenching her fists.

I found this interesting.

I had assumed she was driven by mere possessiveness over Rie, but it seemed she had other motives.

Given her determination, I was willing to compromise.

"Then we just need to agree on what happens if we tie."

"Yes, what should we do?"

After pondering for a moment, I spoke up.

"Let's call it even. If we tie, it'll be as if it never happened."

Yuni smiled, seemingly pleased.

"Sounds good. Let's do that."

After saying this, Yuni turned to leave.

"Train hard until the joint assessment."

"Sure, you too."

I waved at Yuni as she walked away.

"I guess I need to put in some effort too."

I had a prior commitment before meeting Yuni today.

It was an appointment to train for the joint assessment.

I had made gloves for the assessment, but their practicality hadn't been proven yet.

I only knew they were usable.

Therefore, an experience close to real combat was necessary.

There's a big difference between using something in practice and in actual combat.

A technique that works in practice might fail in combat.

It was important to identify such details.

For that, I needed a strong opponent who knew my weaknesses.

With these thoughts, I soon arrived at the training ground.

The training ground, located on the outskirts where few people came.

I chose this place not because I didn't want to reveal my abilities or attract attention, but to prevent bystanders from getting hurt.

As I entered the training ground, I heard a voice.

"Oh, you're here."

My opponent was none other than Astina.

She knew me well and was among the strongest people I knew, aside from the professors.

Lately, Astina had been enjoying her leisure time.

It seemed she had already completed her thesis for graduation and met all other requirements with room to spare.

Now, all she had to do was wait until graduation.

That's why I sought out Astina.

As I approached her, I started to speak.

"I apologize for being late. I was delayed by some work."

"It's fine. I know you're busy. I just came here early to train."

Lately, Astina had been practicing her magic alone.

With her free time, she was focused on enhancing her own abilities.

That's why I had asked for her help, knowing she was focused in her training.

For both Astina and me, sparring with each other was the fastest way to improve. f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

However, there was a problem.

Astina's abilities were particularly well-suited to counteracting mine, which was concerning.

My biggest weaknesses currently were defense and mobility.

The only way I could move quickly was by enhancing my legs.

And my defensive skills were almost nonexistent.

In contrast, Astina possessed abilities that were excellent for pushing opponents back and maintaining distance.

Her capabilities were just too challenging for me to face.

Although I had more than enough power to break through an opponent, I lacked the means to reach them.

At the very least, I needed to advance while defending or move at a speed that the opponent couldn't react to.

I hadn't met either of these conditions.

While such tactics might work against weaker opponents, I wasn't confident against stronger ones.

I hadn't yet had the chance to properly fight someone that strong.

In a way, this was a good opportunity.

It was a chance to find a way to penetrate the defenses of a strong opponent.

Astina looked at me and smiled.

"You have a lot on your plate with the student council and other responsibilities. Are you sure you can afford to train with me?"

"The lab work should be on hold for a while, and the student council work isn't that tough."

Astina shook her head at my response.

"That's not what I mean. If I take you on seriously, there's a chance you might get hurt. Wouldn't that hinder your other activities?"

"You don't need to worry about that. If I was afraid of getting hurt, I wouldn't have approached you. Just do your best against me."

"You seem quite confident."

"Would I say this if I wasn't?"

At my words, Astina's smile grew wider.

"Alright then, let's get started."

Astina threw off her outer garment and untied the ribbon around her neck.

"Please, do your best."

I put on the gloves I had brought and replied.

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