Academy's Second Seat

Chapter 182: Direction (2)

Chapter 182: Direction (2)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 5/Week Wed-Sun

Illustrations: Posted in discord.

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In the Academy's vice-principal office, Cromwell sat reviewing exam questions.

Usually, one professor does not review another's exam questions.

It's seen as overstepping and disrespectful, even if a professor might make a mistake.

However, Gracie was having her questions reviewed by Cromwell.

"What's going on here..."

Cromwell never intended to review the questions.

It started when Cromwell was compiling the exam papers from various professors.

One question, previously set by Cromwell himself last year, caught his eye.

It was so familiar that he recognized it at a glance.

This prompted Cromwell to review other questions.

"I asked for questions, not for copying..."

"I'm sorry... so sorry,"

Gracie apologized repeatedly, looking distressed.

Cromwell sighed, unable to be harsh with such an apology.

He realized his own fault too.

"I was too harsh on a new professor..."

Cromwell knew Gracie, so he didn't treat her like a new professor.

Though she often complained and seemed clumsy, she handled her tasks well, feeling like a veteran professor.

"It's my mistake..."

Cromwell had given too much responsibility to a new professor.

Even someone as resilient as Gracie could break down.

Cromwell skimmed through the questions and laid the exam paper on the desk.

"Is the midterm in 3 days?"

"Yes... I'll redo the questions in these 3 days!"

"No, there's no time to redo and prepare the exam papers. We can't afford that."

Gracie looked despondent.

"I'm sorry... I'll take responsibility."

"Take responsibility?"

"I'll... resign from my professorship."


Cromwell stood up abruptly.

"No, Gracie! You did nothing wrong! It's my fault for overburdening you. I'll take responsibility."

"No, it's my fault. I should be punished..."


Cromwell was firm.

If Gracie was punished, she wouldn't be able to teach for a while, which was unacceptable.

"I'll take responsibility. We'll use these questions."


"These copied questions are from Mcguire and Robert. If we don't raise the issue of plagiarism, it can be overlooked. Many professors set similar questions, so it won't become a serious problem."

Cromwell organized the papers in front of him.

"Let's drop this matter. I said I'll take responsibility."

Gracie was moved by Cromwell's stance, yet she had her doubts.

Why was Cromwell reacting this way, not even scolding her?

'Gracie is a slave... no, a talent that can't be easily let go.'

Gracie didn't know Cromwell's thoughts and was just grateful he was protecting her.


Raei Translations


On the day of the midterm exams, I slowly walked towards the classroom.

The hallway was bustling with students.

Usually, there's a palpable tension in the air on exam day, but today it seemed unusually relaxed.

Perhaps because midterms aren't as pressure-packed as final exams, even my classmates and I feel more at ease.

Yesterday, we all gathered for a last-minute study session.

Using the study guides I had, we quizzed each other as a final review.

Even Luna and Rie seemed more light-hearted than usual, though there was some nervousness, likely due to the upcoming joint assessments rather than the midterms.

"I just want to get this over with and focus on training,"

I muttered to myself as I continued towards the classroom.

"Hey, you're here?"

Rie greeted me as I entered.

"Looks like we're in the same exam room, huh?"

"Yeah, it's the first time we're taking an exam in the same classroom,"

Rie replied with a bright smile.

"You seem well-rested. Did you sleep okay?"

"There was no reason I wouldn't. I've pretty much finished studying, and I wasn't worried. I'm feeling so confident I might even nab the top spot."

Rie said with a shrug, her playful tone lightening my mood.

"Everyone, start wrapping up your preparations. The exam starts in 10 minutes,"

Announced a professor at the front of the room.

"Yeah, good luck with your exam."

"You too, dont let me steal the top spot from you."

Rie said before heading back to her seat.


Raei Translations


A little while later, the professor said,

"Alright, let's start the exam."

We received our papers and started to read through the questions.


While reading, I came across a question that was eerily familiar.

No, it was identical to one we had reviewed the night before.

Initially, I thought it might just be a similar question, but even the choices were the same.

Perplexed, I looked up and caught Rie's eye.

She seemed to have noticed something odd as well.

"Please, no looking around. Its exam time."

"Oh, right Sorry."

We both murmured and returned to our papers.

Seeing Rie's reaction confirmed my suspicion that something was off.

I quickly scanned through the exam.

To my astonishment, several questions from our study guide were on the test.

This was bizarre.

Was this some kind of dream?

I pinched my cheek.

Despite the pain, the situation remained unchanged.

Well, there was nothing else to do but solve the problems.

Though I wondered what the professors were thinking in setting such questions, I couldn't help but chuckle.

The only issue was that I wasn't the only one who had seen the study guide.

Could such an exam really differentiate students' abilities?

While I was concerned, all I could do was my best.


Raei Translations


The day after the exams, I found myself staring intently at an apology notice pinned to the bulletin board.

"I knew it would come to this"

After discussing with Luna and Rie post-exam, we were convinced that the exam was a mess.

Upon revisiting the study guide, we realized that the choices in the exam questions matched those in the guide.

Eventually, Cromwell had to issue an apology to the students.

The notice was filled with odd phrases about the lack of communication and misunderstandings, but in summary, it all boiled down to Gracie's mistake.

Many professors were out on business, and Gracie had ended up shouldering their burden.

My gaze drifted from the apology notice to the adjacent board.

There, the students' rankings were listed.

[1. Rudy Astria 1. Rie Von Ristonia 1. Luna Railer

The day after the exam, I was staring at the list of top scorers, still in disbelief.

"There were 38 perfect scorers."

It seemed that everyone who had the study guide ended up tying for first place.

"This is ridiculous"

"I know, right"

"What's this?"

Startled by the sudden voice, I turned around to find Yuni standing behind me, hands clasped behind her back.

"Senior, hello?"

"You scared me there."

"I did make some noise coming here. You just didnt notice because you were so focused in your thoughts,"

Yuni said, raising her hands in a gesture of innocence while smiling.

"Anyway, this is a real mess, isn't it?"

Yuni commented, pointing to the second-year rankings.

"Indeed it's a complete mess."

I continued to gaze at the rankings.


Something struck me as odd.

A name that should have been there was missing.

Evan's name.

Among those who had tied for first place, I couldnt find Evans name anywhere.

I widened my eyes and scanned the rankings.

[41. Evan]

Lowering my gaze, I finally saw Evan's name.


Evan was in a low position.

Seeing this ranking made me feel uneasy.

Should I be happy about this?

Many had benefited from having the guide, but it had caused others to suffer.

I had been lucky to avoid this fate, but my name could easily have been in that lower position.

'Luck is part of skill,' they say, but this type of luck didn't feel very satisfying.

"The joint assessment is going to be a battlefield"

Cromwell's apology hinted that the joint assessment would be more challenging to offset the skewed midterm results.

It meant that even if there was a significant difference in the midterm rankings, it could be overturned in the joint assessment.

"The joint assessment is going to be even more intense. Still, I bet I'll win."

Yuni said confidently.

"Are you sure you can win?"

The joint assessment is an activity involving both first and second years.

With the second-year rankings in disarray, it was clear there would be a desperate struggle.

In such a fierce battle, it's the first years who stand to lose the most.

Who knows what the second years might do to earn points in the joint assessment.

They might target the first years.

The format of the joint assessment hadnt been announced yet, but it was clear that the first years were feeling uneasy.

However, Yuni didn't seem particularly bothered.

"Actually, I'm starting special training with Professor Gracie today."

"Is Professor Gracie even in the right state of mind for that?"

After all the chaos of the exam

"Professor Cromwell told her to lay low for a while. So, she's using the time to help me with my magic."

That made sense.

Gracie wouldnt have been able to handle this situation alone.

Cromwell stepping in gave her some breathing space.

I nodded.

"Alright, then. Lets give it our all in the joint assessment."

"Sure, good luck, senior."

Yuni said and walked away.

I was about to head off for my own training.


Before leaving, I glanced back at the list again and looked at Evan's name.

Winning this way didnt feel right.

But there's still a chance to compete fairly in the joint assessment.

Still, there was a lingering bitterness in my mouth.

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