Accompany by A Fool to do Farming

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 meet

Opening his eyes again, Zhong Ziqi obviously felt that his body was better, and he lost the sense of weight. At this time, the sky was already dark outside, and his stomach screamed, looking around the room. There were two big boxes in the corner. , There is a square table and two chairs in the middle of the room, without any food.

He braced himself and walked to the dressing table and picked up a copper mirror. His face was sallow and his hair was scattered. He looked like a madman. He put the mirror back indifferently, holding the oil lamp and walking the door frame to the kitchen as he remembered. .

At this time, the moon was high outside, and the cries of frog crickets came one after another. He opened the kitchen door and rummaged carefully. Only one cornmeal nest was found. It was still very hard to the touch. Zhong Ziqi was hungry and uncomfortable, so he opened his mouth to eat. Go to the water tank and scoop some water to drink while choking.

Wowotou is also made with coarse flour. It scratches the throat and swallows it hard. Zhong Ziqi can’t help but ridicule. This family is enough. If his nephew is ill, he won’t ask a doctor for cooking. He won’t keep food for cooking. He will do every bill. Remember, it may be affected by the memory of the original owner, and he especially does not wait to see this family. But it is not so easy to leave here. He is a brother, he is still a newcomer to this world, and it is not safe to go anywhere. It is better to be in this village, at least it is safe and guaranteed.

The next day, when the sky was light, Zhong Ziqi was shaken awake. Was it the annoying uncle that caught the eye? He looked at him silently.

Li Xiujuan pinched her waist and said loudly: “There is still time to lie down here, how bright is the sky? Go out and work quickly.” He gave him a blank glance afterwards.

Zhong Ziqi was silent, and he was going out in the next few days. It is better to do more than to do less. If you talk back to Li Xiujuan, there will be no good results, waiting for him to be free.

After the outside door, the sun just showed his head. The house he lived in was built by his father Zhong Zhenhang on the side, and the tall brick house built in the middle was also the money from his father, but he lived in the house. Does the family still have his grandpa and grandma?

Because his father found a good job in the town, the money he brought back every day made the uncle’s family greedy. They clung to a three-acre land, and they were so lazy. Now, how can someone who is holding money push it outside? When Zhong Zhenhang proposed the separation of the family the next time, they did not agree to the separation. They couldn’t, and Zhong Zhenhang, who was passionate about righteousness, didn’t mention it again.

This morning, Zhong Ziqi didn’t know where to start. He looked at her uncle and walked into the kitchen. He hesitated or went in, and asked quietly, “What do you want me to do?”

“What? What’s not in this job is that cutting wood, carrying water, watering the vegetable field, and the old hens outside are not feeding, which one is not a job…” Zhong Ziqi left before listening, it was really noisy!

Li Xiujuan kept talking halfway and found that the person involved was no longer there. After a sip, a trace of doubt flashed in her heart. It felt like this kid is different today. What’s the specific difference? It seems that he is no longer bullying him as he did before, but no matter what, at least he won’t seek death anymore, so his silver or two will be saved.

Zhong Ziqi went out of the kitchen and walked around in the yard, and found that he was not able to do much himself. In his memory, carrying water and cutting firewood was generally a job for a man to do. He didn’t bother to be stupid and did everything. .

Pushing open the courtyard door, it is a slanting road with many tall trees. Zhong Ziqi found that all the houses in this village are irregular to be found, and behind the village is a big mountain with lush trees and wild flowers in full bloom. .

Zhong Ziqi went into the yard to find a knife, and told Li Xiujuan to go out to mow some grass and feed the chickens. It doesn’t matter if he agrees or not, he goes out. Zhong Ziqi walked to the foot of the mountain with a knife and a basket, planning to mow some grass there.

When the sun rose high, Zhong Ziqi’s grass was almost cut, and he planned to go back, otherwise he would never leave a meal for him in accordance with the personality of the group of people in the family.

“Ziqi!” A crisp voice sounded from behind.

Zhong Ziqi stopped and turned around and found that the person calling him was shorter than him, dressed in a light blue commoner, with a handsome face and red eyebrows. He searched in his memory to know who this person was, Zhao Ning. This physically best playmate is sixteen years old just like him, and he is reaching the age of marriage.

Zhong Ziqi adjusted her expression silently, and smiled: “Xiao Ning.”

Zhao Ning ran to Zhong Ziqi’s side in two steps, looked at him around, and said angrily: “You have lost weight again. We haven’t seen so much weight in a few days?”

Zhong Ziqi knew that the original suicide had been concealed, and he didn’t click it: “It’s okay, but it’s just that I’m not feeling well these days.”

“Is it all right? Did you see the doctor?” Zhao Ning immediately asked worriedly.

“It’s okay, it’s much better already.”

Zhao Ning breathed a sigh of relief, then looked around and saw that no one came to Zhong Ziqi and said in a low voice: “Ziqi, I listen to my Eminem and they say that when you marry that fool Zhao Zhengan, their family will immediately treat you. separate it.”

Zhong Ziqi was very uncomfortable with Zhao Ning’s sudden approach, but was immediately attracted by his words again, split? Isn’t that right with your own mind? Only when you live alone can you be quiet and free. Even if you live with a fool, it is much better than a family. You have to know that there is nothing good about that family.

Zhong Ziqi curled up the corners of her mouth and smiled and said, “That’s not right, it’s not that bad to separate it out.”

“But—I heard from the villagers who said that you can give you two or three acres of land at most, and the money is estimated to be less. This—how will you live by then?” Zhao Ning said anxiously.

The foot of the mountain is not far from Zhong’s house, and the time to speak has arrived. Zhong Ziqi patted Zhao Ning’s shoulder comfortingly: “Don’t worry, I know it in my heart. Go back, I’ll also go back to eat.”

“Oh, okay.” Zhao Ning reluctantly left, wondering if Ziqi always rejected marrying Zhao Zhengan?

Zhong Ziqi entered the yard, first threw the grass into the chicken coop, washed his hands and entered the hall. The family was eating. When he saw him coming back, the uncle rolled his eyes and said sharply on his mouth: “I cut it for so long. If you order grass, you must be lazy. This will watch the meal come back.”

Zhong Zhenping pulled Li Xiujuan, frowning: “Said a few words, Ziqi come over for dinner.” He looked like an old man.

The old man Zhong Wansheng and Wu, who were sitting in the middle, watched the scene in front of them without gnawing. Zhong Ziheng and Zhong Zijun winked and looked at Zhong Ziqi with disdain, and squeezed the dishes on the dinner table into their bowls.

Zhong Ziqi sat on the stool silently as if he hadn’t seen or heard it. The food on the dinner table was the most inferior whole grains. The vegetables were some carrots and cabbage. There was no meat at all. Zhong Ziqi took a bite of the vegetables and found that there was no oil. How much, really stingy.

In fact, Zhong Ziqi really missed Li Xiujuan. Except for the big family, all ordinary people do not use large spoonfuls of oil. You must know that the oil is not cheap this year. Vegetable oil is delicious but expensive. It is better to buy. Two taels of fat are fried out of lard, which can be eaten for a long time, and the remaining few cents can be used to pull a few more cloths.

After eating, Zhong Ziqi didn’t care about other people immediately. He really didn’t want to stay here for a minute, so he hurried back to his house.

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