Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Chapter 84: Golden Generation

Chapter 84: Golden Generation

The layman sees the fun, then sees the doorway!

After the match between Seidou High School and Narita Industrial High School, the ordinary Popcorn-EnjoyersTM enjoyed it very much.

Although the fierce and tyrannical confrontation makes people’s blood bump. But like this, Seidou High School fully displayed its crushing strength and domineering might, bullying another Famous school at the Kanto Tournament, and it was extremely enjoyable to watch.

Especially on the eve of the summer competition, Seidou High School showed such perfect and almost impeccable strength, which really made the Players who supported Seidou High School excited.

The pitcher mound has a new string of monsters like Furuya Satoru and Sawamura Eijun. Especially Sawamura Eijun, with the Skills and experience he showed in middle school, and after high school, he can still Swing and Pitch splendidly.

Although he is only an ordinary freshman in high school, with the total enrollment is only two months.

But the current Sawamura Eijun is undoubtedly an important fighting force of Seidou High School!

And not only in Pitching but even in Batting, the current Sawamura is still an important fighting force at Seidou High School.

With his participation, it is a complete blessing for Seidou High School! If you ask which Famous high school has gained the most in recruiting new students this year? It is undoubtedly Seidou. Seidou High School not only recruited Sawamura, the most popular among all the freshmen, but also Sawamura the most suitable newcomer for Seidou.

As it is known, the Powerhouse Seidou High School has not been able to enter Koshien for many years. It is because, for so many years, Seidou High School has not been able to stabilize their situation. This kind of thing is not uncommon in Famous high schools, and the lack of good pitchers for the Powerhouse is basically commonplace.

But other Giant teams just lack good pitchers, not all of them. The situation at Seidou High School was different. The situation at Seidou High School was that there were no pitchers who could even be called National Level Pitchers.

To put it more bluntly, in recent years Seidou High School, there has been no so-called real Ace. The kind of Pitcher who can lead the team forward in key situations.

Even if some pitchers get the Ace number, they’re nothing more than the tall man among the hunchbacks so you put him on the front.

Some have the fighting spirit of the Ace, but not the Skills of the Ace. Some have good pitching skills but don’t have the fighting spirit of an Ace.

This was the embarrassing situation in the last few years of Seidou High School. Although Kataoka is a good Coach, he is helpless about this kind of thing.

It’s different now, Sawamura Eijun, who has joined now, is only a freshman in the first year. But he certainly does not lack Ace's fighting spirit and Skills.

First of all, the experience, Sawamura Eijun as the team’s acting coach, Ace pitcher, and fourth Batter. He has twice led his team to dominate the country twice in middle school.

Whether it is fighting spirit or skills, no one can comment on that. To see if a player has these things, see how he does it in the game.

Eijun proved himself countless times with his practical actions during his middle school days!

Facing the powerful teams in the Nation, Sawamura was not afraid at all and led his team to defeat the powerful enemies again and again.

How would such a person lack the fighting spirit and skills of an Ace?

At that time, Sawamura’s pitching, whether it was applicable in high school, almost no one dared to be conf.

But even so, after graduating from middle school, Sawamura received invitations from almost all the Famous Schools in the Nation, including Seidou High School. And what they invite are all direct special acceptance, without going through the tests.

‘All you have to do is come, and we’ll take care of the rest.’

So sparing effort, what they saw was the strength and Skills of Eijun. To put it more bluntly, it is the charisma of Sawamura Eijun.

Sawamura has the Charisma to lead people to victory!

And that’s exactly what an Ace pitcher must have, and the young Pitcher has it.

It has attracted much attention by itself. In the previous game with Yokohama-North High School, Sawamura showed his skills directly and brilliantly. The way he can handle the ball now and isn’t bothered with the changes from softball in middle school to hardball in High school, not only his Skills can still be useable, but it is better!

“This summer, even if Sawamura Eijun couldn’t wear the number 1 of Seidou High School, he is already the de facto Ace of Seidou High School!”

After the match between Seidou High School and Yokohama-North High School, some reporters directly used this phrase to describe the importance of Sawamura Eijun to Seidou High School now.

Sawamura is like giving help to Seidou High School, whose pitchers are weak now.

And after today’s game, Furuya also emerged!

Seidou High School, which always had the problem of weak pitchers, suddenly became full of talents.

Sawamura Eijun, Furuya Satoru, Tanpa Koichiro, Kawakami Nori.

The luxurious pitching squad is composed of these four people, even if none of them can be called the number one in the Nation, the Pitching lineup definitely is the top level in the Nation. Now, if someone says that the pitchers of Seidou High School are not good enough, means they are asking for a beating.

Of course, today’s reporters don’t know that Furuya, who performed extremely brilliantly in this match, is far less terrifying than they imagined.

Even before mentioning the pitching lineup, the Batters is also classy!

The first Batter Kuramochi Yoichi a super-fast starter, and his Batting Skills are flexible. The second Batter is Kominato Ryosuke, who is good at making contact and has perfect Batting skills. Any course can be hit, the third Batter Isashiki Jun. The unstoppable super fourth Batter, Yuuki Tetsuya. The line was promoted, and the terrifying fifth Batter, Sawamura Eijun, who had a terrifyingly high hit rate. The sixth super heavyweight, Masuko Toru. The worst enemy during hard situations is the seventh Batter Miyuki Kazuya. Steady and all-rounded eighth Batter Shiratsu Kenjiro.

Such a lineup, even if you search all over the Nation, there are very few that can be compared with it!

In the previous two Kanto games, the two opponents of Seidou High School, Yokohama–North High School and Narita Industrial High School, were both National-level teams.

Even Yokohama is a relatively high-level team in the region.

But even these two teams were suppressed and barely able to put up a fight when they faced Seidou High School.

After the second round of the Kanto Tournament, almost all the related reports in the Kanto region had this issue.

If it were the previous Seidou High School, who ate dirt again and again in the Koshien qualifiers, it would be the fifth consecutive year that they have not entered Koshien.

But now, some media reporters have Bragged and directly praised Seidou High School as the first candidate for the National Hegemony of Koshien!

Even if they didn’t do that, Seidou High School’s display of power made other Powerhouse tremble.

Whether it is the media or the audience, after two consecutive rounds of the Kanto Tournament.

They all said very tacitly that this session of Seidou High School is.

The golden generation of Seidou!

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