Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

V6_Chapter 21: I Want To Pitch Too!

V6_Chapter 21: I Want To Pitch Too!

“What about Maezono?”

After the coaching staff meeting, Coach Ochiai deliberately brought up Maezono’s name.

In just a few months, Ochiai had gradually adapted to life at Seidou High School. He understood his current boss well; as long as a suggestion was genuinely in the best interest of the team, it would be considered.

Coaches who are completely indifferent to their own authority and focus solely on what’s best for the players are becoming increasingly rare.

Working under such a coach means focusing solely on one’s own responsibilities.

Ochiai had previously hinted at the issue of Maezono a few times, but Coach Kataoka seemed to have his own thoughts and had always avoided giving a direct answer.

With team reforms approaching, Ochiai felt the time had come to address the issue directly. Thus, he openly raised the question about Maezono.

Had his boss been someone else, Ochiai might not have pushed the issue. Selecting players was the Head Coach’s job, and any problems that arose were primarily the Coach’s responsibility. Ochiai only needed to focus on training the players and had no reason to worry about it.

However, the environment can change a person. The longer he stayed at Seidou High, the more genuine and straightforward Ochiai became.

Coach Kataoka knew he could no longer avoid the question.

Frowning, he looked at Ochiai. It wasn’t that he resented Ochiai for bringing up the issue; it was just difficult for him to converse.

Kataoka did have his own reasons for selecting Maezono.

Originally, he had planned to explain his reasoning to the coaching staff once Maezono produced results. But Maezono had been disappointing and had yet to show any significant achievements. To defend his decision, Kataoka now needed the support and understanding of the other coaches.

“It’s also for the team!”

“Huh?” Ochiai looked at Kataoka with skepticism.

On the field, Maezono’s performance hadn’t been any better than Yamaguchi’s (the first baseman substitute). According to Seidou’s usual rules, when a player isn’t performing, it’s appropriate to give others a chance.

Kataoka’s continued reliance on Maezono didn’t seem to align with the team’s best interests.

“Maezono’s position in the team is very special. Among the second-year players, he is the one who trains the hardest. If he succeeds, he will serve as a role model for others.”

Hearing this, Ochiai began to understand Kataoka’s perspective. The reason for choosing Maezono wasn’t solely based on his strength but also on using him to set an example for Seidou’s players.

“Although the idea is good, the reality is often harsher than expected. For some players, what can’t be done remains impossible. If Maezono continues to fail, what should we do?” Ochiai said seriously.

A determined look flashed in Kataoka’s eyes.

“If Maezono doesn’t produce results in the next game, I will make the necessary adjustments before our match against Inashiro.”

Kataoka was the Superintendent of Seidou, not Maezono’s personal coach. He could offer Maezono more chances, but he would not condone failure indefinitely.

If Maezono couldn’t rise to the responsibility, Kataoka wouldn’t be to blame.

While Ochiai thought Kataoka was still somewhat indecisive about this, he appreciated the result. Even if he didn’t fully agree with Kataoka’s approach, he was glad to have such a Boss and Coach.

‘Perhaps it was precisely because of Kataoka-san’s character that Seidou had managed to train so many professional players despite its decline.’

‘For most coaches, achieving results is crucial because it impacts their job security, salaries, and bonuses. The players’ futures often come second.’


In the dining hall, the Seidou High players were in high spirits after their recent victory. They excitedly discussed Taiyou’s pitching and shared their experiences.

“Looking great, Kuramochi!” Several third-year players surrounded Kuramochi, praising his performance on the field.

Kuramochi’s performance was truly impressive. Even the professional scouts who attended the game must have been captivated.

Unlike pitching and hitting, which are highly influenced by a player’s current state, speed is rarely affected by condition.

In other words, Kuramochi’s skills were consistently reliable, regardless of his form.

“Hyaa-ha-haa!” Kuramochi basked in the praise.

“I heard you beat Teito. How does it feel?”

“If you keep this up, you should meet Inashiro in the third round. Even though they lost to us in the summer, they’re not to be underestimated.”

“They began training over a month before us and have analyzed our strengths in detail.”

“Be careful in the game. If things don’t go well, we can take over for you.”

“Senpai, you’re no longer with the team. It’s our time now! Hyaa-ha-haa!”

“I see you’ve become quite unruly after a few days off. A few days without management and you’re already getting out of hand.”

With a friendly tease, the Senpais showed concern for their Kohais. Despite still being sore, Kuramochi was thrilled.

Finally, it was his turn to shine!

Nearby, Maezono watched silently as Kuramochi basked in the spotlight, feeling a mix of envy and frustration.

After a while, he stood up and said to his dorm mate, Kominato Haruichi, “Let’s go practice our swings!”

‘I need to make up for my lackluster performance in today’s game, especially after being moved to the fifth hole in the lineup.’

He couldn’t afford to give up. Why had he left his hometown to come to Seidou to play baseball?

Maezono never forgot this. He wasn’t a genius; all he could do was work harder than anyone else.

‘Sweat never lies. I will do it!’

Sooner or later, Maezono’s ambition, which is bigger than the universe, would be achieved.

“That's a bit cool.”


As Kominato and Maezono headed out, others couldn’t help but feel that the two of them were incredibly impressive.


Although Asou still was annoyed at Maezono acting cool, he too sneaked out secretly to train. As his performance in today’s game isn’t much better.

During the first round of matches, Seidou’s players discovered various problems.

The new team still has shortcomings and needs reform, but this hasn't dampened their spirits.

In this world, a perfect team doesn’t exist. If there were such a team, there would be no need for games; the Koshien trophy would simply be awarded to them.

It’s that simple! Problems will be solved one by one. What the players need to do is to actively prepare for the next game.

Before that, the teammates who just defeated the East Tokyo King were bound to be excited for a few days.

But not now.

Although Seidou had become the Champions, that was with a team led by third-year, not their generation.

‘Now it’s our era!’ This thought was shared by all the second year.

They will continue Seidou’s glory with the goal of getting the Championship again and they will keep striving for it.

Maezono and Haruichi went off to practice their swings.

“Are you going to work on strength training later?” Miyuki asked Kuramochi.

“Sure!” Kuramochi replied.

Excitement aside, the necessary practice still needed to be done.

Although there is a significant gap between the main players and the substitutes at Seidou High, it’s not an insurmountable one. Even Kuramochi knew not to be too complacent.

Not just the main players, but the substitutes were also highly motivated.

Watching his teammates' enthusiasm, Watanabe stood in the corner, gazing at everything with a forlorn expression.

“Nabe, what’s wrong?”

A plain-looking boy beside him asked.

His name is Kudo, a second year at Seidou High School.

“Kudo, I often wonder. Given our current state, is it really good to stay on this team?”

“What do you mean?” Kudo looked at his friend, puzzled.

Watanabe sighed and stood up. While others went to training, they were preparing to wash up and go to bed. It was a strange irony.

Seidou has 18 spots for the first-string and 20 for the second-string. After the third-year seniors retire, if they, as second-year students, do not make it into the 40-player roster, it’s almost certain they won’t get to wear the Seidou High baseball uniform again to represent the school in future competitions.

Next spring, when even more talented freshmen come in, the chances of making the first and second-string roster will only decrease.

No opportunities left! People have to learn to face reality. When there’s no chance to wear the Seidou High baseball uniform and represent the school, they have to focus on their future education.

Even if they continue their daily training, they can no longer devote all their energy to baseball like their teammates.

“I will find a chance to talk to Miyuki,” Watanabe decided.

The next day, school resumed as usual. Watanabe and Kudo visited Miyuki and Kuramochi’s class.

The two were discussing team dynamics.

“Sawamura caught a cold and will need two days off before he can resume training. He’s so spiritless, catching a cold over something so minor…” Kuramochi complained.

“He’s more anxious than all of us. He’s been preparing for his match against Mei for a long time,” Miyuki said.

“Forget about that unlucky Ace. His cold is actually a good opportunity for Furuya and Nori,” Miyuki continued. “I heard they trained very late last night.”

“With more games this weekend, even if Sawamura recovers, he won’t be able to pitch both games. Not to mention he’s still sick…”

“This is their chance. If they catch up while the Ace is sick, the competition for the new Ace in the team might heat up again.”

“What did Sawamura say about this?”

“That stubborn idiot said he would never give others a chance,” Miyuki said with a smile.

‘That’s so typical of Sawamura.’

‘He’s sick and watching others fight for his spot. It’s no wonder he’s not accepting it easily.’

While they were talking, the class rep. approached.

“Miyuki-kun, the groupings for the school trip are out. We’ve put all the baseball team members into one group.”

“Hyaa-ha-haa, that’s just like the dormitory,” Kuramochi joked.

“Kuramochi, don’t say that. I had no choice. I had to group everyone from the baseball team together since no one else was available,” the monitor said.

‘Why the tone was different when she was addressing me.’ Kuramochi wondered, even though he knew the answer and he didn’t like it.

Miyuki smiled and said, “We won’t be going. Our competition schedule conflicts with the trip. We can’t afford to lose any games.”

The pretty class rep. frowned. “It’s a shame. It’s a rare opportunity for you to interact with other students.”

“There’s no way around it. We can’t help it, we have to defend the title of Seidou, right, Nabe?” Miyuki glanced at Watanabe.

Watanabe looked a bit embarrassed but nodded in agreement. “That’s right!”

No matter what he thought, he was happy the team could win the Koshien and the third-year could achieve their long-cherished dreams.

“By the way, did you come to see me about something?” Miyuki asked.

Watanabe shook his head, feeling it wasn’t the right time to discuss it.

“Nothing, we’ll talk later.”

Watanabe left, leaving Miyuki frowning. He had come from another class and left without saying much.

Even if Miyuki didn’t want to think about it, it was impossible not to.

That night at the baseball field, Kawakami and Furuya were running laps.

Removing Sawamura from his position as Seidou High’s Ace pitcher quickly would be very difficult, so the two of them weren’t expecting much.

However, the team can’t rely solely on Sawamura; other pitchers need to step up.

The team has two other pitchers besides Sawamura, and their competitive spirit is evident.

Originally, their competition wouldn’t be so apparent, but with the Ace pitcher being ill, they got a shot at this.

‘Whoever becomes the substitute Ace will naturally get more playing opportunities.’ The two had this thought.

Thus, the two were competing fiercely.

On the stairs leading up to the dorm, Miyuki smiled as he watched the two train. Next to him, Eijun wore a large mask.

With the mask on, breathing was extremely difficult for him.

But he didn’t want to pass his illness onto his teammates.

“These guys!”

The large mask covered Sawamura’s mouth and nose, leaving only his eyes visible.

Those eyes were filled with resentment and frustration.

Seeing others fight for his position while he was sidelined made Eijun furious.

‘This freaking cold!! I want to run too! I want to Pitch TOO!!’

“Don’t get too upset. The most important thing is to recover your health quickly.”

“Don’t worry about me. I don’t have a fever, just a minor cold,” Sawamura said dismissively. “I won’t let the team down during the game.”

His voice, muffled by the mask, sounded odd.

Miyuki laughed and said nothing more.

He trusted Sawamura to be sensible.

“Is it about Ugumori?” Miyuki asked.

Sawamura shook his head. “They were in the top 16 of East Tokyo last summer, but they’re definitely stronger than that. I can’t pinpoint the exact issue, but they’re a very peculiar team. It’s best to be cautious.”

Miyuki nodded.

Being careful is essential. High school baseball leaves no room for mistakes.

If they accidentally falter, there’s no place to complain.

“It’s necessary to investigate thoroughly.”

As they spoke, Watanabe approached from a distance, walking slowly with a stack of review books.

Miyuki frowned.

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