Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

V6_Chapter 38: Different Levels

V6_Chapter 38: Different Levels

Sawamura Eijun stepped onto the pitcher's mound, taking the baseball from Kawakami's hand. Kawakami Nori’s grip was light as if he were holding a fragile piece of glass.

“Here you go!”

Kawakami's tone carried a hint of reluctance. It was hard for anyone to accept being taken off the mound like this. Despite being a year older than Sawamura, Kawakami was still a pitcher who has his pride in the end.

Sawamura said nothing. At this point, there was nothing to say.

He had many memories like these, where he, the pitcher, would be replaced just after he came in, leaving the mound worse than he took it.

The disappointment, discouragement, frustration, anger, sadness, and soul-crushing depression are unbearable to any pitcher. No matter how strong-minded they are.

Saying anything now will only increase the already gaping wound.

‘This is something Nori-senpai has to overcome alone…’ Sawamura recognized this and he could do nothing, as he had a mission to do too.

So, he simply nodded solemnly.

Back in the dugout, the surrounding coaches and teammates looked at Kawakami, unsure of what to say. Even they might not know how to address the situation.

In terms of pitching, his performance wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t bad either. He had pitched steadily.

However, it just wasn’t working. And the situation is becoming dire.

Moreover, this is at the end of the game. Therefore, even if they wanted to give him more chances, there wasn’t much left. In addition, if the situation continues, they will lose.

Although it is cruel, they can only replace him. But it is still not the young man’s fault.

Kawakami’s thoughts were in disarray, and his emotional state was all-time low. He sat on the bench, towel over his head and tears threatening to flow from his eyes, his fists clenched in frustration.

“It wasn’t your fault. I underestimated the opponent and put you in a spot unfavorable to you. However, this is not the end for you, the road for you is still long. Work hard to improve yourself so the next time you’re given the mound, you won’t face this situation.”

Coach Kataoka spoke flatly. He took full responsibility and hinted that Kawakami would get another chance.

Hearing this, a lot of the burden is alleviated from the pitcher. Kawakami looked in the direction of the coach and replied.


Kawakami’s answer lifted the spirits of those around him.

Coach Ochiai looked at Coach Kataoka with admiration. ‘Incredible! Just a few words and he altered the player’s focus. This isn’t something an ordinary coach can do; it’s something only a true mentor possesses.’

‘Then let’s continue this trend.’

“If you want to improve, keep your eyes open, and see how Sawamura does it,” Ochiai suggested, stroking his goatee.


Wiping his face, Kawakami focused intently on the game in the center of the field.

With one Out and a runner on second base, Miyuki called for a timeout. He excitedly ran up to the mound to discuss any plan with Sawamura.


‘Does Sawamura really need to discuss strategies with his pitching skills?’ Kawakami was puzzled.

Coach Ochiai, sensing his confusion, explained with a hint of pride, “Miyuki’s timeout isn’t just for strategy. It’s to break Ugumori’s momentum. Haven’t you noticed? The roaring cheers that were like a tidal wave have vanished!”

Kawakami snapped out of his daze. The overwhelming pressure he felt before seemed to come from everyone’s expectation of Ugumori winning. This pressure made it difficult for him to concentrate, which might be why his pitches were getting hit.

When Sawamura first came on the mound, the cheers were still loud. But after Miyuki called the timeout, the cheering started to calm down, and the atmosphere on the field changed!

It felt as if the Demon King himself had a different aura.

The real situation, as Coach Ochiai explained, was that this was all part of Miyuki and Sawamura’s plan to disrupt Ugumori’s momentum. And it seemed they had succeeded!

Completely different!

Sawamura, after taking the mound, seemed like an enormous magnet, drawing everything around him.

“Does he really need to go this far with his strength?” Kawakami muttered to himself.

In his view, Sawamura Eijun’s pitching was strong enough to strike out the opponent without needing all these additional tactics.

Ochiai shook his head. “This is a wrong way of thinking. Even when hunting rabbits, one must use their full strength. There’s no turning back in high school baseball.

Sawamura figuratively covers all of his bases when he’s on the mound, leaving as little as possible for chance. It’s these details that make his performance so flawless. It’s almost instinctual for him now.

While it sounds complicated, these things are not hard to learn. If you also aim to be the Ace, you need to master every aspect first.”

Kawakami nodded thoughtfully. Though it was a bit complex, he understood and felt he had learned a lot.

‘This new coach was impeccable in his teaching skills.’

In the rear, Furuya also nodded, seemingly understanding something.

“Don’t worry about these details; just focus on your control. You still need to master the basics first. Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Coach Kataoka said to Furuya, seemingly able to see everything happening behind him.

On the mound, the timeout did serve to disrupt Ugumori’s momentum as Ochiai said, but Miyuki also wanted to share crucial information with Sawamura.

“The opponent has been setting traps for us from the start, trying to lead us astray. They’ve been stealing bases recklessly before, but just now they used a hit-and-run…”

“What are you trying to say?” Sawamura asked directly.

“Their strategy is very sophisticated. They’ve studied us thoroughly. Their plans have worked well, creating a fixed pattern in our minds. So when they act, we subconsciously anticipate their moves. At first, we weren’t misled, but after so many repetitions, we started to think this way instinctively.”

“Now that you’re aware of this, it should be easy to counter.”

“But I don’t know which of their habits are genuine and which are deliberate traps.”


“Keep it simple: don’t give them a chance to hit the ball. Aim for Strikeouts.”

“Are you suggesting I should unlock a new pitch?”

“Not at all. Ugumori isn’t that good. But they won’t be able to catch up with the timing on the first round.”

“But there are runners on base. Even if I want to go head-to-head with the batter, the runners will not sit still.”

“I will leave the runners to you.”


“You are the Ace. I am sure you can handle them yourself.”

“……Throwing responsibilities on me the moment I entered, such a bad Captain you are!”

“Shut up! I was doing my best here on the field while you were sitting comfortably on the bench! You have to work hard too, Ace!”

The two continued quarreling like this on the mound, while they were exchanging all necessary information and assigning their tasks.

After they returned to their respective position, they started doing their tasks.

‘First, we need to deal with the runners!’

If the runners aren’t handled, who’s to say Ugumori’s players won’t challenge Sawamura head-on? They might try to score a point with stolen bases and Walks to even the game.

Both Sawamura and Miyuki were unwilling to accept this outcome. Considering they had a match with Inajitsu tomorrow, Sawamura decided it was time to end the game to avoid extra innings.

Determined, Sawamura first glanced at Kuramochi, the shortstop, and then at second baseman Haruichi.

After receiving Sawamura’s signal, Kuramochi returned to his position as if nothing had happened.

The shortstop’s position was quite far from second base, which made Inubushi –the runner on second- uncomfortable.

It seemed like Seidou had completely given up on stopping him.

So, Inubushi took the chance!

Even when Ugumori had no opportunity before, they were aggressive with steals. Now, with Seidou giving up, he felt free to advance.

With the shortstop so far away, he could move even further from second base toward third.

He kept an eye on Kuramochi, planning to move with him when Kuramochi returned.

However, he also had to watch out for the other fielders, who might surprise him by rushing to second base.

Inubushi believed he was being very careful.

He watched the second baseman, shortstop, and outfielder closely.

But he overestimated himself!

Kuramochi, the shortstop, suddenly squatted for no apparent reason.

Instantly, Inubushi’s attention was fully drawn to Kuramochi.

Then, he saw Kuramochi casually stand up.

‘What is he..?’ Inubushi was confused.

“Back to second base!”

Suddenly, he heard a frantic shout from Ugumori’s dugout.

‘What’s happening at second base?’

Turning his head, he was stunned to see Kominato Haruichi at second base, and Sawamura’s pickoff had already been thrown.


No suspense—Inubushi was out.

“Fool, that’s called misdirection,” Kuramochi chuckled.

Playing alongside Sawamura is always intriguing.


Haruichi was also delighted; their teamwork was exceptional!

With one Out now two Outs, and the runner at second base gone, Sawamura’s face relaxed into a smile.

The audience that had briefly supported Ugumori now watched in shock.

How did they get an Out?

It almost felt like the Ugumori players they supported were naïve.

In the dugout, Matsubara Nao, in a wheelchair, sweated nervously.

This scene was something he hadn’t anticipated.

The Maou truly lived up to his reputation.

“This game is becoming tough!”

Ugumori, once promising, had now fallen back.

“The game isn’t over yet, so don’t get discouraged,” Umemiya insisted, eyes flashing with excitement.

Facing such a strong opponent made him feel his return to baseball was justified.




With the runner Out, Sawamura only needed to focus on the batter.

This was straightforward.

In his first matchup, Sawamura didn’t believe anyone from Ugumori, except Umemiya, could hit his pitching.

Even if they tried a bunt, he wasn’t worried. As Sawamura pitched, Ugumori’s players moved slightly forward.

From this distance, a bunt would only give Ugumori another out.

Three Outs, offense and defense exchange.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Ugumori was up to bat.

Now, the core lineup has come up.

“Fourth Batter, catcher, Miyuki-kun.”

Miyuki was first, facing Umemiya for the fourth time in this game. After Umemiya revealed his breaking ball, this was their second duel.

‘Let’s go!’

Knowing Miyuki’s usual approach, he was targeting Umemiya’s new ‘Slider’.

Umemiya, on the mound, was well aware of this.

‘Since you want it, I’ll pitch it to you!’

He threw the ball with great force.

Miyuki, ready, took his swing.


When the bat made contact with the ball, Miyuki realized he’d been deceived.

What he thought was a breaking ball was just a Straight ball.

Choosing the wrong pitch led to a missed opportunity.



Miyuki glared at Umemiya. He was sure Umemiya would use his ‘Slider’ now.

‘I know you’re aiming for my power Curve. If I threw it, I’d be crazy.’

Despite his talent, Umemiya never forgot his role and their goal.

One Out, no runners on base.

“Fifth Batter, first baseman, Maezono-kun!”

Now, it was Maezono’s turn.

After retiring Miyuki with a Straight pitch, Umemiya began using his new breaking ball.

This breaking ball was intended for Maezono.


The ball bounced and landed in the first baseman’s mitt.


Two Outs, no runners on base.

As the game neared its end, Ugumori players' concentration intensified.

Especially Umemiya, who seemed like a star pitcher with an extraordinary presence.

The stunned spectators gradually regained their composure. Seeing Umemiya’s excellent performance, they started cheering for Ugumori again, though their enthusiasm was much weaker.

“Sixth Batter, Pitcher, Sawamura-kun.”


T/N: ......I know. I said the game would end today, sorry guys I couldn't.

Tbh I was planning on updating an extra chapter today, but I have been struggling with health problems lately, adding two jobs and I think I am doing a little miracle by uploading every day.

I won't slow down the uploading speed, I promise. The game will be completed tomorrow as usual.

Sorry for my rambling, and Thank you all for reading guys!

Have a good day!

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