Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 303

Chapter 397


What Coach Ling Hong didn’t expect was!

Despite being hit with a home run, Tenku Mitsusho is like a nobody!


It should be said that the state of the Heavenly Glory Saint was completely stimulated!


Next pitch!

Sharper than before!

And because of this!

Pharmacist High School scored only 1 point in the first half of the second inning!


This lead is not yet hot!

In the second half, it was directly overtaken by the third high of the city university!


The situation became 1-2 again, and the city junior took the lead.

“It didn’t take long to start!”

“The pharmacist and the junior high school of the city staged a wonderful offensive and defensive battle!”

“I can see it!”

“This game will be “eight eight seven” several times more intense than expected! ”

The host said confidently.

In the blink of an eye!

End of the fifth inning!

The score is still 1-2, nothing has changed!

However, the confrontation between the medicine master and the three highs was not calm at all!

The spectators watching every game are thrilling!

Everyone was reluctant to look away for half a second!

Right in an exciting showdown!

The game has come to a very crucial eighth inning!


In the case of someone at first and second base!

Standing on the batting zone is 4 Thunder City!

The supporters of Pharmacy High School couldn’t help but have strong expectations at this moment!


Now I want to see Thunder hit a reverse home run!


Choose Tianjiu Guangshen, who once again went head-to-head with Thunder City!

But with a variety of tricky angles of sliding ball + straight ball, three strikes Thunder City!


Pharmacist fans have a feeling of falling from heaven!

It can be said!

How much I was looking forward to before!

How lost it is now!

“Missing this scoring opportunity hurts the pharmacist!”

“Indeed, after all, it’s the eighth inning, and it’s not easy to have such a good scoring opportunity!”

“What’s worse, as the core batter of the pharmacist, the fact that he was eliminated will greatly hit the morale of the pharmacist!”

“But the next is 6-stick Sanada, and his blow is still worth looking forward to!”

“But the pressure is also even greater!”

“Well, the two are out, whether he can fight in peace is the key to continuing the offensive!”

The neutral spectators discussed the game rationally.

“After killing Lei City, it’s won!”

“That’s right, as long as you eliminate another 6 sticks, it will be 100% sure to win!”

“The final is hopeful!!”

The members of the city’s junior high school were extremely excited.

“It seems that the opponent of the final is out.”

Kuramori leaned back in his chair and said calmly.


“Sanada’s heart is big.”

“Don’t look at the medicine man, he has been driven to the edge of the cliff.”

“But his bat will bring hope to the pharmacist.”

Lin Tian recalled the process of the original book and said with a chuckle.

“So the pharmacist still has a chance to overtake?”

Miyuki raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“I think so.”

Lin Tian nodded with a smile.

Hearsay. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The others looked at the pitch again, with a bit of curiosity.

In the past conversation with Lin Tian.

All the conclusions Lin Tian has made will be realized in the end.


Everyone believes that since Lin Tian said that the pharmacist can surpass him, then it is definitely possible.


The current pharmacist is two out!

And if you make a mistake, the game will be lost!

These two pressures are very scary for batters!

Put it bluntly!

It is impossible to hit the ball without being affected!

But if affected…

The timing of the shot is bound to go wrong!

“What the hell would Sanada do?”

Under the serious gaze of everyone in Qingdao!

Tenku Mitsuho and Sanada officially faced each other!



2 consecutive slips!

All tricked Sanada into swinging the baton!

This is the time!

Tianjiu earned 2 good balls!

What if…

The previous pharmacist was simply pushed to the edge of the cliff …

So now!

Already in a semi-suspended state!


It will fall directly!

But at this extremely critical time!

Tenjiu Guangsheng was extremely bold and took a straight ball throw!

In his words!

He enjoyed the thrilling fulfillment!


When the ball flew to home plate, it was instantly hit by a metal rod!

Tianjiu: “!! ”

Three highs: “!! ”

Pharmacist: “!! ”

Audience: “!! ”

Qing Dao: “!! ”

In this moment!

Everyone at the scene showed a stunned look!

And although everyone in Qingdao got the relevant conjecture from Lin Tian in advance!

But seeing Sanada, who was cornered, hit the ball beautifully in the empty space between the right field and the middle field, and the shock in his heart was even greater!

Everyone didn’t expect it!

At such a dangerous time!

Sanada can even hit such a handsome An!!

“Pharmacist’s second base 5.0 runner is back at home plate!”

“The first base runner rushed across third base and was running toward home plate!”

“But the three highs passed back from the outfield back to the infield by relay!”

“But !!”

“One step slower!!!

“Before the ball was caught, the hand received it!!!!”

“The pharmacist’s first base runner touched home plate by sliding the base!!!!.”

“First half of the eighth inning!”

“With two out!”

“Sanada blasted out a crucial reversal of the !!!!”

Moderator takes a deep breath……..

Then he roared loudly:

“This !!!!”

“It is a life-and-death blow !!!!!!!!.”

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