Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 32

Chapter 32


As the last hitter of Qingdao played a high-flying ball, he was picked up and eliminated by the Heishikan.

The two sides exchanged offense and defense.

And with Lin Tian’s reminder.

The conspiracy of the Black Pavilion’s fortune to go straight naturally did not play any role.

Not only that.

It was also used by Chris in reverse, easily eliminating the two beaters of the Black Pavilion.

Looked at.

I can’t see it straight in front of Caiqian.

He directly ignored the coach’s order and took it upon himself.

And the coach is guilty of Caiqian, because he puts all his hopes on Caiqian.

This resulted in a ruptured ligament due to a tight schedule during the summer competition.


The coach did not stop the money.



Showdown in the original book.

Kaizen vs Sawamura + Chris.

In the end, it was magical.


Although the process was a bit surprising.

But the results have not changed.

It was still Sawamura who eliminated the game with a special straight ball.

And after this one.

Sawamura was replaced by Coach Kataoka.

Because this match was the last practice session, coach Kataoka naturally had to look at the performance of the other pitchers.

In addition to Sawamura.

Replaced by Chris.

Because Coach Kataoka knew very well that Chris’s shoulder injury did not allow him to play for a long time.

In order to avoid Chris’s injury getting worse.

After fulfilling Chris’s wish (partnering with Sawamura), it is natural to let him rest.


After Sawamura and Chris got off the field.

Qingdao’s performance seems a little decent.

Even caught up at one point.


Under the tandem of Kominato Haru.

Qingdao also scored three points.

It is precisely these three points.

The situation of being leveled is avoided.



On the orders of Coach Kataoka.

All staff went to the indoor driving range.

And then.

According to the order before and after the members of the First Army, the Second Army, and the non-regular selection of troops, they were arranged in nine columns.

“Use the practice matches so far as a reference.”

Coach Kataoka stood in front of everyone and said with a serious face: “Now announce the two players who have been promoted to the first army.” ”

“Those who are selected should consciously recognize their responsibilities as representatives of our school’s players.”

“Those who were not selected, I hope that in the month before the summer tournament, you can help the first team players.”

The voice fell.

If it is not a member of the First Army, the little heart cannot control the accelerated beating.

Everyone was nervous and at the same time looking forward to their names being read by Coach Kataoka.

“The two players who rose to the first army were…”

“First grade, Kominato Haruichi!”

“And Sawamura Eijun, who is also a first-year!”

Kominato and Sawamura, whose names were pronounced, both showed surprised expressions.

“Announcement complete!”

Coach Kataoka said lightly.


Those who are not chosen are full of unwillingness in their hearts.

Especially the third grade.


After they missed this opportunity….

Means .


Their summer, this is the end of it….

For a while….

The atmosphere of the entire indoor driving range became much lower….


Former First Army pitcher Koichiro Tanba opened his mouth to say something.

But the coach’s decision.

In any case, it is impossible to change.


I can only silently swallow this bitter fruit….

“Tanbo should be even more unwilling than others, right?”

“After all, it used to be an army, but now it is…”

Lin Tian muttered in his heart.


He didn’t feel a pity.


With him and Sho Kutani here, it is difficult for Tanbo to appear.

Or rather.

Even if it can be debuted.

It can only appear when encountering weak chicken opponents.


If the opponent is very dish….

Then it is better to let Sawamura play….

After all!

Let Tanba on the words!

It can only fulfill Tanba’s dream, and it will not benefit the team at all!


If Jean Sawamuragami ….

Sawamura, who is stronger than Tanba’s mentality and potential, can be fully tempered!

To know!

Sawamura is only in the first grade!

If only you got the baptism of the official competition now!


Qingdao is bound to get a powerful monster pitcher in the future!

“The coach must have seen this and chose Sawamura, right?”

Lin Tian glanced at Kataoka Tiexin and guessed in his heart.


“Disband here today.”

“Third graders who were not selected stayed.”

Coach Kataoka said slowly with a little imperceptible sentimentality.


Lin Tian turned his head and glanced at Sawamura, who was still frustrated that Chris had not been selected for the first army.

Thought about it.

Still did not go preaching.

Anyway, there is a team of Zhe, and there is no need for him to speak.


Following the troops, Lin Tian left the indoor court.


In the blink of an eye.

Only third-graders remained on the indoor court.

“It’s been two years now.”

“You guys are really trying.”

“After rigorous practice, fierce first-mover competition.”

“You must have a lot of pain and a lot of regret.”

“But you were never discouraged.”

“Always follow me and listen to my guidance.”

Coach Kataoka said this and bowed to the third-grader.

“I will continue to do so…”

“Make me proud of you!”


Third-graders had a feeling of being struck by lightning.

The already unwilling emotions suddenly exploded.

The sadness in my heart turned into tears.

All the students burst into tears.


“I have been mentally prepared for a long time…”

“Even if you are not selected, you will never regret it…”


“However, I am still very unwilling…”

“Our summer…”

“So far… It’s over…”

Look at the crowd.

Coach Kataoka took a deep breath and looked at Chris.


“You will definitely continue to be active as a player in the future.”

“So, focus on the shoulder injury first.”


“I want you to assist Miyuki and Miyauchi, as well as observe the entire pitcher lineup.”

“May I please you?”

Chris was silent for a moment and said, “Can I do it?” ”

“My request…”

“Maybe stricter than the coach…”

Kataoka Tetsushin smiled and nodded: “Well, then please!” ”

The words fell.

He looked at the others: “As a member of the Qingdao, you must also help the members of the First Army. ”

The third-graders said in unison: “No problem! This is as it should be! ”


Outside the door.

Sawamura leaned against the wall.

The mood is very painful.


“Why did you choose only me….”

“Today’s pitching, although powerful, but that’s because of Senior Chris in…”

“The powerful person is him…”

“It was Senior Chris who inspired my strength…”

Think of this.

Sawamura felt more and more that he had stolen Chris’s place, so he turned around and wanted to go in to find the coach.

“What do you want to go in and do?”

“Give up being a player in the First Army?”

Suddenly, the voice of Captain Tetsuya Yuki came from his ears.

Sawamura’s footsteps stopped instantly.

“No matter what anyone says.”

“After all, you have been recognized by the coach and become the fighting force of our team…”

“In your current capacity, what can you say to those who have not been chosen…”

Tetsuya Yuki said solemnly: “There is only one thing we can do!” ”

“With the regrets of those teammates who were not selected!”

“Get stronger!”

These words.

It made Sawamura more and more uncomfortable.

Miyuki also clasped his hands to his chest and said lightly: “It’s so far…”

“We only have the choice to rush forward!”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s me…”

“Or you…”

Sawamura bowed his head in pain.

Tears couldn’t stop flowing.


“Senior Chris…”



“I will carry your regrets…”


“Strive … Get stronger…”

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