Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


All the lights of the stadium are turned on at the same time.

This also means.

The evening training time officially begins.

“Switchback run, 20 times!”

With an order from a non-member of the First Army.

The members of the First Army, including Sawamura, rushed out one after another in order.

“Hey, hey…”

“I’ve been running with tires.”

“This level is nothing at all!”

Sawamura, who finished the switchback run, said with a proud face.

“Run the base, 100 times!”

“Sawamura, GO!”

The non-First Army member spoke again.

“Huh? Arrived at me so soon? ”

Sawamura was stunned for a moment, but still ran around the bag very honestly.

Behind the village are Sho Setsugani, Kominato Haruichi, and Lin Tian.

The four started from home plate.

Run around first, second, and third bases, and finally back to home plate.

More than seventy times later.

Sawamura, Shimitani, and Kominato Haruichi were all so tired that it was difficult to breathe, and they even had to support their knees to stand firmly.


“Those three first-graders, don’t be lazy!”


But under the supervision of an assistant departmental officer.

No matter how tired you are, you have to continue running around the bag.


“Isn’t it!”

“There is no rest time at all, the pace is too fast!”

Sawamura gritted his teeth and waved his arms, stiffening his scalp, dragging his tired body and running quickly.

“Don’t stop!”

“Run with all your might!”

“Do you want to start from scratch?”

“Lin Tian is over!”


The members of the ministry who came to help stimulated Sawamura and others with words.


A good while passed.

Sawamura, Akatakashi Shimitani, and Haruichi Kominato, who had finally completed 100 baseball running exercises, all collapsed on the ground.

Especially the valley of Xiao.

Tired so that the whole person seems to lose consciousness?


“Do this every day?”


“Going to last a week?”

Sawamura thought in a trance.


“That’s it for the first day.”

Coach Kataoka spoke.

“Gotta… Saved! ”

The same thought flashed in the hearts of Sawamura and Shimitani and Kominato Haruichi.

And yet….

Coach Kataoka’s voice sounded again.


“Before disbanding.”

“Finally, run 20 laps around the court!”

“Cheer me up and shout out!”

Hear this.

Sawamura instantly puffed out his mouth.

This is not a pout, but a desire to spit out, but do not dare to spit it out.


When Lin Tian saw this scene, he couldn’t help but laugh.

At the same time, he reminded: “Sawamura, if you spit it out, you are likely to be punished by the coach!” ”

Sawamura’s face crumpled.

He couldn’t help it.

But I am really afraid of being punished.




After a short break.

All the members of the First Army began to run around the court.


The three of Sawamura, who lacked physical strength, were obviously left behind.


They didn’t even have the strength to shout slogans.


The second day of the training camp.

Six o’clock in the morning.

Members of the First Army of the Baseball Division have begun strike training.


This blow.

It is a barrier that aligns with green.

To be precise.

It is to stand in front of a wide barrier.

Then the non-First Army members toss the ball from the side.

At last.

With a bat, hit the ball towards the green barrier.




The familiar sound of blows, continuously.

“I’m going to keep throwing!”

The member who assisted Sawamura in training gently threw the ball in front of Sawamura.


“Look at me!”

Sawamura shouted imposingly and swung his bat.


The wind is blowing!

That’s what happens when the stick is swung!


“Sure enough, I was too tired yesterday!”

But Sawamura didn’t feel that it was his own bad blow at all, but felt that it was caused by yesterday’s training.

“Here it comes!”

The players who assisted Lin Tian in training threw the ball at will.

Lin Tian saw the incoming ball and swung the bat violently.


A bang!

The baseball shoots straight into the green barrier and raises the barrier net high!

The next moment.

Another ball was tossed.

And it’s a little far from Lin Tian.

But Lin Tian still hit with an easy swing of the bat.

And so on and so forth.

A total of 5 balls.

However, Lin Tian hit them all.

“You can throw it a little messier later.”

Lin Tian asked again.


And then.

The team members who assisted Lin Tian in practicing threw more casually, and they didn’t even know where they would throw it.


This was the difficulty of training that Lin Tian wanted.

After all.

If not difficult.

Then it doesn’t make any sense.


“Practice 200 swings!”

“Plus catch practice and running!”

“I haven’t eaten breakfast yet, so much practice in one go!”

Sawamura wiped his sweat and walked heavily to the cafeteria.


“With such a large amount of training, Lin Tian, why do you still look relaxed?”

Sawamura turned his head to look at Lin Tian, who was sweating, but the whole revealed leisurely and comfortable, and his mind was full of question marks.

And not only him.

Kominato Haruichi and Shimitani, who walked with Sawamura, were actually very confused.

The same is a new life.

Same training.


The three of them are dying of exhaustion!

But what about Lin Tian?

It was like walking away, except for sweating, it was not affected at all!

“Good physical talent.”

“In addition, after the club activities every day, I also continue to train.”

“After a long time, the accumulated physical strength naturally surpasses you.”

Lin Tian smiled and spoke.

And this remark also reminded them of one thing.

——From the beginning of the school to the present, Lin Tian will continue to stay in the baseball field to run every day after training, and run until late to return to the dormitory.

And then….

An emotion called ‘regret’ was out of the hearts of the three.

What if….

They did the same like Lin Tian…

Wouldn’t it be like Lin Tian now, not being dragged down by hellish training?


What they don’t know is.

What Lin Tian said was actually a showman.

For example, jog when someone else is near the stadium.

Nobody was there.

Take a slow walk.

Danzawa Village, they don’t know.

So if you really follow suit, you might jog for hours all the time.

After daily high-intensity training, doing this is likely to make the body wasted.

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