Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 53

Chapter 53


“The home run was confiscated…”

“This….. Isn’t this the ‘super play’ that only comes out of professional games? ”

“Groove!! Lin Tian, this kid is too ruthless!! ”

“Such a high ball, they are all caught, the bounce is so strong!!”

While the audience was shocked.

The people of Qingdao were also amazed by Lin Tian’s special killing.

They never expected it…

Kiryu so beautiful a home run…

Unexpectedly, because of Lin Tian’s existence, he lost his due effect…..

“Didn’t you say that if you get hurt, you won’t force yourself to save the ball?”

“Why now…”

Everyone was amazed, but Takako Fujiwara was worried.

That’s right!

Lin Tiangang’s performance was quite outstanding!

After all, he confiscated a home run, which is a great honor for baseball players!


Lin Tian, who jumped up with the help of the wall…

If the landing posture is slightly wrong…

Not to mention broken feet, even leg fractures are possible!


There is also a certain chance that the head will hit the ground and then a more serious injury will appear!!

And once there is a serious injury…

That Lin Tian’s future will inevitably be greatly affected!

“It’s clear that I said not to be a firework for a moment!”

“Then why do such a dangerous thing?”

Fujiwara Takako gritted his silver teeth secretly, clenching his powder fist tightly.

Because he was afraid that Lin Tian would be injured, Fujiwara Takako was even so angry that his body trembled slightly.

In fact……

If you ask Lin Tian why he fights so hard, Lin Tian doesn’t know how to answer.

Obviously when he was off the field.

He was determined not to do dangerous maneuvers.


Seeing baseballs flying in…

Lin Tian instantly forgot his previous decision!

His first instinct is to rush to the outfield wall and catch the ball before it hits the ground!

As for the consequences of this behavior?

In Lin Tiangang’s mind, he didn’t think about it at all!


Although Lin Tian said that he would not become a pure athlete like Sawamura and Chris…

But deep in the brain, there are still such thoughts!


Lin Tiancai stepped on the wall and jumped into the air without the slightest hesitation!


“Lin Tian! Thank you! ”

At this time, Sawamura finally came to his senses.

So, he bowed to Lin Tian for the first time.

“This time it’s your luck, the ball flies lower.”

“If you go higher, I can’t save you.”

Lin Tian, who had returned to the center of the middle field, said with a chuckle.

“Next time I won’t let them hit a home run!”

Sawamura responded loudly with conditioned reflexes.


Lin Tian was silent.

With Sawamura’s current strength, it is not so easy to realize this sentence!

Still, he encouraged, “Is it? Then I’m looking forward to your next pitch! ”

Face Sawamura’s kind-hearted little angel.

Lin Tian really couldn’t say anything that was ugly.


It’s still a game.

So, even if you want to say it, you can’t say it now.

If you want to stimulate Sawamura’s motivation through difficult language, it is best to wait until after the game is over before speaking to Sawamura.



The Kiryu rest area is quiet.

It is a stark contrast to the bustle of the green road and the auditorium.

But it’s normal.

After all, after so many rounds, I finally had a home run, but it was confiscated.

No matter who it is, it will be unbearable to die.

Especially the hitter who hit a ‘home run’, at this time, the whole person is a little autistic.

On the way back to the rest area, my spirit was in a bad state of chaos.

Face this situation.

Even if Coach Matsumoto is a brilliant coach who can boost the morale of his team with a single sentence.

But I didn’t know what to say for a while.

After all!

He has been a coach for so many years!

I haven’t encountered such an outrageous situation!

If it weren’t for the maintenance of majesty…

Coach Matsumoto even wanted to say, ‘Oh, I saw a high school student confiscate a home run in my lifetime!’ This is even more absurd than a sow going up a tree!! ’


A long time has passed.

Coach Matsumoto, who finally eased up, said to the player who had been confiscated from home runs:

“Don’t worry about what just happened.”

“It’s rare for home runs to be confiscated, even in professional games.”

“It shows that if you want to realize this technology, you need the right time and place.”

“Just now it only means that your luck is relatively bad.”

“Assuming the center field is the original Izashiki Jun defense, your home run will definitely fly out!”

Listen to the coach.

The team’s eyes finally regained some radiance.

He took a deep breath.


With a slightly relieved tone:

“Well, I see.”


On the field.

Kiryu’s third hitter (Hiromi Shibatonari) entered the hitting dug.

It didn’t take long.

Sawamura followed Miyuki’s instructions and threw the ball again that would drift ahead of time.


The baseball shoots straight into the middle of the good ball area.

“It’s so sweet!”

Miyuki frowned.

“The home run that didn’t happen just now, let me achieve it!”

Hiromi Pavilion showed a terrifying smile and quickly swung the bat.


Just when the bat is about to touch the baseball…

The baseball, which originally flew straight, turned to the left without warning…


Hiromi Tang’s pupils shrank sharply.

He subconsciously moved the bat, trying to dodge the baseball.


The metal rod and the baseball are too close!

There is simply not much time for the hitter to adjust!


In the end, Hiromi Tang’s bat still hit the baseball.

Since the batting position is too poor.

As a result, the baseball landed in front of home plate and bounced slowly.

See this scene.

Sawamura immediately ran down from the pitcher’s mound.

“Pass first base!”

Miyuki took off his face shield and reminded loudly.

Sawamura didn’t have time to talk back, nor did he make gestures like nodding.

He just ran quickly to the baseball, picked it up, and raced it to first base.


The white ball turned into a white arrow of light, instantly surpassing Hiromi Tate, who was running to first base, and then rushed into Tetsuya Yuki’s baseball gloves.

“The hitter is out!”

The first base referee announced aloud.

So far!

Sawamura collected three elimination numbers!


Attack and defense are exchanged again!

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