Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

“I’ll keep letting them hit!”

“Defend, please!”

Towards the start of the match, Sawamura shouted out a special declaration that only he dared to say.

Mimenxi listened with a confused look.

But everyone in Qingdao was used to it.

When I heard it for the first time before, I was still very surprised.

But listen too much.

On the contrary, I think it is quite interesting.


Sawamura really belongs to the type of ‘throw it out and let the other side fight’…

“Although the point difference is widened a lot.”

“It’s really good for honing Sawamura who is making his first appearance.”

“But I didn’t expect that the coach really sent Sawamura up.”

“It seems…”

“The coach values Sawamura more than I thought…”

Miyuki glanced at the rest area, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

For Sawamura.

Miyuki feels that the talent is still very good.

If you can fully use your own characteristics, you can definitely become an ace-level combat power in the future.


I want to turn potential into strength…

It’s not an easy task…


The talent has reached Lin Tian’s extremely perverted level!


Another genius…

You also have to honestly spend a lot of time to discover your talent!



“Give me a positive swing!”

“As long as you control the bat, you will definitely be able to hit!”

Mimensi’s coach yelled at the batsmen on the field.


Mimensi’s first hitter, Hasunuma, showed a look of embarrassment.

“Don’t overthink it!”

“Those two people just now are completely individual!”

“Hasunuma, take out all the things you have learned in the past three years!”

“Just swing the bat!”

“You can definitely fight out!”

“Just fight!”

Coach Mimensi roared angrily.

He doesn’t believe it!

No matter how strong Qingdao is, it is impossible to have so many speedball pitchers!


Don’t look at the surface full of momentum.

In his heart, Coach Mimensi couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness.


‘It’s too strong…’

‘It’s only the fourth game…’

‘Our side has conceded almost 30 points…’

‘And the opposite side…’

‘But I still didn’t lose a penny…’

‘This is…’

‘A team that is bent on getting as many points as possible…’

‘Is there a gap in strength with the team that trains rigorously every day with Koshien as the goal…’


Despite having already thrown in the towel!

But before the game is over, you can’t give up!

Think of this.

Coach Mimensi took the initiative to cheer for Hasunuma.

When the team members next to him saw it, they all agreed.

“Hasunuma! Come on! ”

“Hit the first shot! Don’t be afraid! ”

“Even if you get a point back!”

“Hasunuma! Hit out! ”

“Let them see the persistence of the weak team!”

Morale-bursting cheers.

Startled Sawamura on the pitcher’s mound.


“What a warm cheer!”

“Sure enough!”

“No matter which team it is, for the last competition, the determination of the third graders is the same!”


“I won’t be scared by you!”

Sawamura snorted coldly, holding the ball seriously and focusedly, and raised it above his head.

“Let me come with my horse!!

Amid the cheers of her teammates, Hasunuma only felt that endless power surged from her body.


Definitely live up to the expectations of your teammates!


“This is the Summer Contest!”

“Don’t let them intimidate!”

Miyuki placed his gloves and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

On the pitcher’s mound.

Sawamura after a short period of preparation.

Raise your feet.

Step forward.

The ball carrier jerks out.


The baseball shot quickly towards Hasunuma’s body!


Hasunuma’s pupils shrank sharply.

He wanted to hide, but Sawamura’s shot point was completely out of sight, and he didn’t have any defense.

When he realized Sawamura’s ball, he smashed it straight towards him.


It has already hit the bib number on Hasunuma’s back!


Sawamura was shocked.

Chris: “…”

Coach Kataoka: “…”

Miyuki Kazuya: “…”

At the same time.

A sharp pain rushed from the back to the body.

“It hurts!”


“How lucky…”

Hasunuma gritted her teeth and stood up, running slowly to first base.

“I’m sorry!”

Seeing this, Sawamura quickly took off his hat and bent down to apologize.


“Finally someone got to base!”

“That pitcher isn’t that good either!”

“Haha, it seems that I am so nervous that I don’t know how to pitch!”

Members of Mimensi shouted excitedly.

“Sorry, pause first.”

After Miyuki finished speaking to the referee, he got up and ran to the pitcher’s mound.

It’s not just him.

Yuki, Kuramo and the others also came over.

And then……

Kuramori kicked Sawamura’s ass.

Of course, as Sawamura’s ‘brother’, he will definitely not use too much strength.

“You boy, don’t mess with me as soon as you play!”

“Want another kick?”

“Look for places you can’t see!”

All kinds of ‘threats’ made Sawamura tremble and be too scared to speak.

Miyuki stopped Jun Isashiki, who wanted to step forward and kick Sawamura, and asked Sawamura with a smile, “Do you want to be replaced?” ”


Sawamura, who had not dared to speak just now, responded reflexively: “I don’t want to be replaced!” ”

“Because I am the only one who can save this crisis!”

Yuki was stunned: “Crisis? ”

Kuramori was also stunned: “You still have the face to say such things?” ”

Lin Tian helplessly spread his hands: “Stupid, it’s good to have a bad brain before speaking!” ”

“It’s obviously us who are ahead!”

“Also, before you, I didn’t let anyone get on the base!”

“If someone at first base is a crisis, then you made it yourself!”

The words fell.

Lin Tian looked at the rest area: “I think, maybe the coach has already had the idea of letting you go down.” ”

Sawamura was shocked: “Huh? Are you sure? ”

Sawamura subconsciously looked towards the rest area.

And then it was heard.

Minister Ota is shouting.


“Sawamura can’t do it!”

“Now I can only call Kawakami over!”


Sawamura gasped, afraid that the coach would be fooled by Minister Ota.

“Don’t overthink it.”

“Just on the field, how could the coach let you go down?”

Miyuki paused.

A wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


“If that’s the case…”

“Then you are indeed a little dangerous…”

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