Ace of Diamonds: A world-class speedball signed at the start

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

“Lin Tian, come here.”

Walking to the sidelines, Takashima Li beckoned to Lin Tian.

“Here it is.”

Lin Tian stopped training and walked towards the position of Takashima Rei and Coach with his feet up.

“Is there something going on?”

When he walked nearby, Lin Tian asked.

“Your long fight or short fight, which is stronger?”

Takashima said it straight to the point.

“Short hit.”

Lin Tian replied without thinking.

“Huh? Isn’t it a long hit? ”

Rei Takashima was surprised.

Kataoka Tetsushin next to him was also surprised.

Seeing that Lin Tian hit so many home runs, he always thought that Lin Tian’s long play was stronger.

I didn’t expect it in Lin Tian’s heart.

On the contrary, the ability to play short plays exceeds the ability to play long plays.

“It’s not.”

Lin Tian shook his head and said, “In terms of short fights, I can do whatever I want.” ”

“And if you play long, I can’t do it.”

“I was able to hit a home run before, but in the end it was too good for the opponent.”

“If the pitcher is national.”

“Don’t talk about home runs, even if it’s an outfield hit, I can’t guarantee that I can hit it 100%.”

“But if it’s Uchino Ann fighting…”

“I’m sure!”

“No matter what pitcher throws, I can play!”


“When the coach asked me how many basemen I wanted to play, my answer was 1!”

“Because although my long-term playing ability is not worse than the captain, but the national blow vs the national pitch, obviously does not have the advantage!”

Kataoka’s eyes narrowed slightly: “The national level of the blow can not dominate, the short fight can dominate, can your short fight …”

Lin Tian nodded: “Well, it has reached world-class!” ”

Takashima’s pupils shrank: “World-class? Forest…… Lin Tian: Your short play is world-class? ”

Lin Tian smiled and said, “Senior Danbo during the training period is a well-deserved national level!” ”

“But his pitching, I can play anywhere in the infield if I want.”

“To be able to treat national pitchers so casually, isn’t it world-class?”

Rei Takashima recalled.

When Lin Tian was found facing Koichiro Tanba’s pitch.

As long as you don’t hit the ball in the outfield, you can really control the drop point at will.


Thinking of this, Takashima gasped.

At this moment, Lin Tian’s gaze was inevitably attracted by somewhere.

No way.

With such a large shaking amplitude, it is difficult not to pay attention.

“Don’t be rude… Don’t be rude…”

Lin Tian silently recited the meditation mantra, and his eyes also shifted to other positions.


Kataoka pondered for a moment and said, “You come with me.” ”

The words fell.

He turned and walked towards strike zone 1.


Lin Tian didn’t ask much, and immediately followed.

Takashima Rei naturally did not stop in place.

She was curious about what Coach Kataoka would do next.


Strike Zone No. 1.

Coach Kataoka debugged the pitching machine.

Then said to Lin Tian: “I set the ball thrown by the pitching machine at 150km/h.” ”

“The first 10 shots, you use short play ability, the goal is first/second/third base.”

“After the last 10 goals, you use the ability to play long and the goal is to blast out of the outfield fence.”

Lin Tian nodded: “Understand, let’s start, I’m ready!” ”


Kataoka pressed the ‘Start’ button.


The next moment, the baseball shot out of the pitching machine!

But no matter how fast!

It’s not faster than Lin Tian’s bat!


A bang!

The baseball was violently played by Lin Tian!

With a bang, he hit the base bag straight at first base!

“What is this doing?”

“Seems to be testing the blow?”

“The coach personally watched? What a pressure! ”

The PK of Lin Tian and the pitching machine attracted the attention of others.

“First base, second base, third base, hit in turn!”

Yoshikawa Haruna was curious, “Could it be that the target is three basebags?” ”

Fujiwara Takako didn’t speak, but looked at Lin Tian’s eyes, but he was quite focused.





With the fourth, fifth, and sixth hits came out!

Baseball at first, second, and third bases!

Hit again by baseball, respectively!




And so after!


As for the 10th shot, Lin Tian chose to hit the second base bag!


Takashima’s red lips opened slightly, and his expression was full of shock.

To know!

That’s a pitch at 150 per hour!

In the high school world, it is already the level of monsters!


In front of Lin Tian, there was no effect!


Even Lin Tian’s hitting accuracy did not affect half a point!


This is also too perverted…


Lin Tian used strong strength!

In Takashima’s heart, I left an unforgettable impression!


To be more precise!

It is to refresh Takashima Rei’s understanding of Lin Tian!

“10 more goals.”

“Next is the long fight.”

“Don’t put water, use all your strength.”

Kataoka reminded.

“You definitely won’t put water!”

Lin Tian said with a smile.


The next moment, the pitcher throws the first ball at 150 per hour!


But it still did not escape the fate of being hit!

It’s just that……

Where the baseball fell…

At least five or six meters from the field fence …

And this result!

It’s not just one case!




There was a continuous sound of hitting the ball, but the balls that were bombarded were flying everywhere!

Oh no.

It can’t be said to fly around.

No matter what, Lin Tianhao also hit the outfield area.

As for whether the ball was caught or landed smoothly, this is unknown.

After all……

The coach also did not arrange for people in the outfield…….

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