Act Gracefully As A Villainous Lady

Chapter 113

102 Former Villain Warrant Lady and Small Bouquet of Flowers

An unexpected wave has broken out, but somehow the Kingdom Festival has ended.

But still, Merriah Rose’s heart didn’t clear.

– Jail, I wonder where he’s gone…

Um, since the night he came to Meliá Rose… Jail just disappeared.

Running off with a woman I met during the festival, going to martial arts training in the shock of a broken heart, apprenticing to a legendary chef, etc… various rumors circulated in the school.

Originally, the sudden disappearance of noble children from the surface stage due to some circumstances is not a rare case.

After a few days, the students jumped to another hot rumor and the story of Jail seemed to be slowly going down as well.

But Melia Rose wasn’t.

“‘Cause it’s not weird that even Count Reed’s house doesn’t know where Jail is! Hey, Willem. You sure you don’t know where he is?

“Unfortunately, I don’t know.”

“…… yes”

As usual, asking Willem, who gave me a ride to the mansion by calling me an escort, does not give me a clear answer.

Where the hell has Jail gone?

Wouldn’t you be trembling in the cold or hungry by now……

Thinking about it, Meliá Rose is worried and can’t wait.

– Now that I think about it, Jail was clearly crazy then. I don’t even know why you kidnapped me… If I could have listened more properly then…

‘… remember, Sister Meliá. All this time… wherever you are, whenever, I think of you’

Was that the farewell word he directed at Merriah Rose?

I should have chased Jail out of the room that night on the spot.

No, since before that…… maybe I should have talked to him properly at the time he suddenly proposed.

All regrets solicited, and Merriam Rose sighed small.

“… Mr. MerriaRose. I don’t know where Jail Reed is going. Still, he’s not… he’s not an easy wild dying guy. Trust him.”

“That’s not true. He was always shady and frightened. So…”

“Boys, if you don’t see him for three days, try to impress him. He’s also a fine ‘man’ now. … more than you think.”

“… what the hell?”

Mary Rose missed her gaze, not knowing what to give back, to Willem’s words, which were like, “You know nothing.

With some awkward air, the carriage arrives at the Maxwell family mansion.

Meliá Rose steps into the mansion with some heavy foothold with Willem, who carefully holds Meliá Rose’s luggage. Then the maids gathered at the corner of the front hall and it was in their sight to poke their heads at each other and talk to them about something.

“Oh, what’s wrong?

“Oh, my lady! Sorry, I didn’t even notice you were back…”

“It’s nothing. About. So, what happened?

As Merriah Rose spoke, the maids bowed their heads, aligned in a row as they were played.

One of them will try to lift a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

“Not long ago, a bouquet of unknown senders was delivered…. the gatekeeper looked away for a moment and seemed to have been placed…”

“As far as I can tell, it doesn’t seem like something is being planted…”

That was a long and simple bouquet of flowers compared to what Merriah Rose usually gets from suitors.

Somehow he controls Merriam Rose, who tried to receive it attracting interest, and Willem instead receives a bouquet of flowers from the maid’s hand.

And I started checking inside with some alarming gesture.

“… Sure, looks like a regular bouquet of flowers”

It’s a simple yet well-rounded bouquet of pink roses in the center, wrapped in pale pink cashmere grass.

“After all, I’m a secret fan of the lady!

“I can’t believe you’re a pink rose who doesn’t reveal who you are…… lovely!!

“Hey! Stop in front of Master Willem!!

Merriah Rose didn’t miss Willem frowning for a moment at the voices of the made-to-noise maids.

– Totally… I’m sure it’s just a jerk.

Creeping and laughing, Merriah Rose glanced back at the bouquet of flowers.

One, two pink roses…… five.

To that number, Merriah Rose learned somewhere to hook up.

– I wonder why it’s five…? Indeed, rose flowers should have also made sense in the number of copies……

That’s where I’m reminded of the aristocratic conversation anyway.

Such poetic knowledge is also indispensable in order to gloriously defeat your son, who speaks cryptographically, involving flower words.

For roses also related to his own name, Merriah Rose also frequently purchased knowledge in books and so on.

Roses have a lot of flower words in them, like color, number of copies, parts… anyway.

– Five roses, for sure… “I’m so glad I met you”

If the sender of this bouquet of flowers dares to choose a number of five, is the other person who has already met Melia Rose?

– Pink rose flower words are supple, grateful, elegant… and, happiness…. Huh!

“Because it’s you, I… I wanted you to be happier than anyone else”

That brings back Jail laughing sadly.

With the thought of no way, Merriam Rose stares at Willem as he eats the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

Try to protect the central rose, carefully accompanied by pink cashmere grass.

Pink Cashmere Flower Words – “Chopping Wishes”

Meliá Rose had already understood.

‘You, proceed as you wish. I’m sure that’ll work best.’

‘… remember, Sister Meliá. All this time… wherever you are, whenever, I think of you’

Yes, this bouquet of flowers…… I guess it’s a message from Jail addressed to Merriah Rose.

Melia Rose silently snapped a bouquet of flowers out of Willem’s arm.

“Oh, hey! I don’t even know where anyone put it!

“It’s okay, I get it”


Distancing himself from Willem, who hastily tries to take it back, Merriah Rose hugs a bouquet of flowers all the time.

“This is mine! I’m not giving it to anyone!

“It could be dangerous!

“I’m fine! This sender is something that will never hurt me!!

“So who is it!!

“I won’t tell you! You should sharpen your emotional sensibilities a little more!

“I don’t know what that means!

“Hmm! Chami, GO!!!


You heard the noise, pounding and walking down the hallway, blaming Willem outraged.

To an adorable cat wrapped around his feet, Willem couldn’t even get out by hard means and seemed to be twitching.

In that gap, Merriah Rose dashes into her room holding a bouquet of flowers.

– Jail… I believe you.

I’m sure one day I’ll see him again.

With such a vague hunch, Melia Rose chuckled.

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