Act Gracefully As A Villainous Lady

Chapter 98

87 Former Villain Warrant Lady, gets flirted with by junior

How long has it been since they brought me here?

Merriah Rose, who was even hanging out with Jail, noticed that she could inadvertently hear contentious noises from downstairs.

“That’s a lot of noise…”

He lurks his eyebrows uncomfortably and Jail squeaks with the fork in his hand.

I don’t even know where the hell this place is or why Jail brought me here. I don’t know what’s going on with Meliá Rose, but something unforeseen must have happened.

Merriah Rose, who was still enduring his sweet attack, concentrates her nerves trying to hear the outside sound.

“It’s an intruder…!

“That way… here we go…!

… intruder?

To the noisy words I heard, Melia Rose held her chest down deliberately saying no way…

– An intruder… no way, to look for me…?

For a moment, Willem’s appearance, just now supposed to be in the swordsmanship tournament, turns his head, and Merriah Rose’s heartbeat makes a loud noise.

Seeing such a Merriah Rose, Jail narrows her eyes and laughs.

“… Sister Melia, who have you thought about now?

To the words, Meliá Rose looks up somehow.

Jail had the same unreadable grin of sincerity, smiling and staring at Meliá Rose.

“Who do you mean…”

“I kidnapped you. And intruders into this mansion…. Someone may have come to help the captured princess.”

As if she could see through Merriam Rose’s heart, Jail quietly said so.

“Is it the hand of the Maxwell family? Or… your loyal knight?


I was going to pretend to be calm, but I’m sure it was on my face.

Jail laughs, tickling.

“That’s easy to understand… just about him”

“… I wonder what the hell you’re talking about”

“I’m still talking about Senior Willem, who’s supposed to be fighting for you at the sword tournament.”

Merriah Rose unexpectedly glanced at Jail, but he grinned calmly without any indulgence at all.

But those eyes aren’t laughing. It was enough to even feel cold somewhere.

To that reaction, something creepy and cold runs on Merriah Rose’s spine.

“… what are you trying to say?”

“It’s a troubling position, isn’t it, Senior Willem? If you think of yourself first, you will come and help you even if you throw out the tournament. But then he won’t be able to win the tournament and will lose you as a result. In that regard, there is a good chance that he will win if he gives priority to the Games. So far, it’s overwhelming.”

It’s like I was watching…… no, I guess I was actually watching.

Jail was calmly appreciating Willem’s battle.

“Nothing about your personality, or even if he doesn’t come out himself, the Maxwell family or the royal family will rescue you. That way he can get you back safely and get everything…. I might lose you, if I meditate on a little risk.”

– What the hell is Jail thinking…?

Don’t let his words fool you, Mary Rose desperately kept telling herself.

It’s their idea to ride a provocation here or get upset.

Even though I know so…… I really get my chest shaken by his words.

– I wonder where Willem is now…

Is it still at the venue of the swordsmanship tournament, and will it continue to fight?

Or, already, right around the corner…?

“Senior Willem, isn’t that cool? Mostly faces and all that.”

“… Huh?

Suddenly he grinned and said that to Jail, Merriah Rose accidentally forgot the situation and asked back.

… No. I have no idea what Jail is thinking.

Why did we suddenly talk about Willem’s face……

“Even my classmates have a lot of kids who admire him.”

“… it is.”

“Oh, you’re a little jealous now”

“I didn’t!!

Jail raised his voice and laughed at Meliá Rose, who had said that back to him.

Embarrassed, Melia Rose bit her lip softly.

… how crazy things are going.

The young man in front of you is the outrageous one who suddenly kidnapped Merriah Rose.

Even though I know so…… I really know him well from a very young age, the shadow of Jail comes to mind.

Jail for Melia Rose was like a cute little brother who couldn’t let go.

Even now, I can’t get that feeling out.

To Meliá Rose, I could hardly consider the youth in front of me an enemy.

“My face is good, Prince Ulysses likes it, and I’m almost certain of my future birth… Besides, the sword arms are super first-rate. It’s like a knight in a story.”

Jail stands up and looks down at Merriah Rose with her comatose eyes somewhere.

Meliá Rose swallows the prayer and looks up at him inspiring herself not to be pressured.

“Speaking of which, Sister Meliá has always liked knight stories, right?”

“… yeah, I am”

“You read it to me a lot, too, didn’t you? … well, I remember”

Jail laughs somewhere lonely and throws his gaze out the window.

“… Sister Merriam and Senior Willem became close since Prince Ulysses and Senior Lynette were engaged. Right.”

To the words that Jail groaned pompously, Melia Rose blinked her puffy, big eyes.

… so when I saw it, did it look that way?

In fact, for about a year before that, Merriam Rose and Willem had acted together in secret because of the operation of sticking Prince and Julia together.

That’s why I became close when Prince and Lynette got engaged…… is so unpin.

But Mary Rose, from the time of the Villain Warrant, dared not speak up personally to Willem, who was ostensibly the surrounding of the prince.

From an external point of view, it may have looked like Merriah Rose had stopped being a villain’s warrant and suddenly gotten close from the time Willem took off his glasses.

… but that’s what it is.

“Prince Ulysses chose Senior Lynette, abandoning the lady who was his fiancée. Just then, Senior Willem, posing as your favorite ‘knight’, approached you when he saw the opportunity”

“… Jail, that’s a misunderstanding”

What if he’s making a hell of a mistake?

Finally realizing that, Melia Rose opens her mouth to teach Jail calmly.

But Jail doesn’t even know what Merriam Rose is talking about, and she’s squeaking like she came up with.

“Isn’t that strange in the first place? The prince was your fiancée, but if he were a prince, he would have given up…”

“Jail, listen.”

“Senior Lynette lured the prince out of you, and in that gap Senior Willem approached you. You two were in a consortium.”

“Jail, stop it!

Unexpectedly, when Merriah Rose raises her voice, Jail looks back as if she had stirred up.

Standing up quietly, Merriah Rose tells him from the front.

“I will not tolerate any further insults to my friends.”

Jail laughs small as Meliá Rose pushes her anger to death and says so in Rin’s voice.

“You are… really nice”

“Neither Willem nor Lynette is who you think they are. Neither of us will imitate that vile. At least I’m more confident about you two than you are.”

“Still, I… doubt it. Especially since Senior Willem, like any other man, thought he might have approached you well for your housekeeping.”

“He’s not like that.”

Melia Rose knows her well.

Willem always worked hard. Always supported and protected me about Melia Rose…… she thought to me.

I don’t want anyone to deny him like that.

When he glances at Jail with a strong will, he laughs strangely somewhere.

“Then let’s make a bet. Sister Meliá.”


“Yes. The intruder downstairs now will eventually come here. Is it Senior Willem or is it someone else?”


Unexpectedly looking at the breathless Merriam Rose, Jail raised her mouth angle.

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