Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

446 The Underworld

"Abbot! Abbot!"

"Abbott, look!".
Hu Lincheng woke up from the shaking of the disciples around him. He followed the hands of others and was horrified to see that the plaque with the name of Dutian Grand Spirit Officer directly above the statue was cracked!
Not only did it crack, it also burned out, leaving only debris and ashes falling, like snowflakes falling in front of the statue, as if to indicate something.

Looking at this scene, Hu Lincheng trembled all over. An unprecedented idea gradually emerged in his heart, and it became increasingly clear.

Inside the Yinxianhui headquarters base.

Just now, when Chen Ze's image took shape, the temperature in the entire base instantly rose by more than ten degrees.

Countless clumps of scattered flames ignited from all media in an irregular manner. Fortunately, the fire was weak and was easily extinguished by everyone who returned to the "puppet state".

But a very small number of people who happened to be near the ruins of the warehouse were not so lucky, and exploded into a ball of rootless fire and burned up on the spot.

Among them was the doctor who was hiding in the dark, and his body was gone in the blink of an eye.

Crack, click, crackle.
At this time, in Chen Ze's hands, the counterfeit that had been burned by the extremely powerful golden flame had long since ceased to move. The flesh and blood all over his body was slowly blackened, shrunken, and disintegrated. Even the remaining embers were ignited and turned into pure flames. .

So after the flesh and blood melted away, the identity of the counterfeit was finally revealed.

An ordinary-looking skeleton.

If Xu Guifeng were here, he would immediately recognize that this was the chatty skeleton he had seen in the wooden house before.

【Yellow eyebrow slough】

[Level] Severe

[Overview] A complete skeleton consistent with the species characteristics of Homo sapiens, the length and other physical characteristics will change irregularly over time (see Appendix 1 for the change range).

It has an unknown perception system and can accurately respond to subtle changes in the environment.

He has language ability and can express dozens of languages ​​fluently (see Appendix 2 for the list), and his vocal organs are unknown.

With deep learning capabilities, it can automatically expand the vocabulary and iterate grammar through external information input, and upgrade expression capabilities.

The main body is active when there are humanoid creatures within a certain distance, which is manifested in a strong need for language communication.

It was determined that he lacked self-awareness and had no vital signs.

[Remarks] "If you are in the same room with it, don't pay attention to any of its words." - Doctor

"Just think of it as a highly intelligent chatbot that can't be turned off. You can just plug its mouth. And I recommend doing this first." - Doctor

There is only one version of the "Major Evil" level relic archive, and only a handful of people in the entire Hidden Immortal Association are qualified to apply for access.

It's just that the vast majority of people who are qualified to look through this file will be confused when they first see it, because this file is missing one of the most critical contents for the preservation.

Containment area and supporting disposal measures.

This makes this file appear to be in vain, as if it has not been read.

But no one would raise any objections. After all, all remnants of the "big evil" are handled by the Doctor, and only the Doctor has the right to research and use them.

Therefore, only the Doctor knows that this skeleton can rely on the long-term care of the Mysterious Jade Seal and pay a price under certain conditions to achieve a limited effect of "copying" the appearance and abilities of others.

Its containment measures seem to be very simple. It only requires people to continuously talk to the skeleton, and it can even be replaced by recording.

But that was under the condition of being suppressed by the Mysterious Jade Seal.

If placed in the outside world, this skeleton will frantically pursue "conversations" with living people. The conversations will never end, or even intensify. Once its conversation needs are not satisfied for a moment, it will start to flow into a river of blood.

Almost every "serious" thing has dangers that are difficult for ordinary people to fathom.

In fact, the name "Yellow Eyebrow Slough" is just based on the doctor's conclusion based on its effectiveness, and there is not much evidence to support it.

On the contrary, with the occurrence of certain changes in recent years, the doctor has gradually had the tendency to change the name. Maybe he should call it Wa Zu Qiu Mo?

In any case, the doctor has no time to think about which name is appropriate now. He is paying close attention to the center of the battlefield in the distance that seems to be a foregone conclusion.

Yes, the doctor who had obviously burned himself to death actually appeared again in another far away corner.

Deep in the ruins, the doctor's eyes were about to burst, his teeth were gnashing, and he almost wanted to vomit blood.

But this is just a reflection of his mood. He now has no eyes, no speech, and he can't vomit blood.

As the skeleton showed its original shape, the doctor who suffered the backlash could barely maintain his human form, and was as twisted and unstable as the flesh-colored plasticine that was constantly being kneaded.

But soon, in a state of high concentration, the doctor felt a little better, and even allowed his body to become slightly more stable, no longer surging like a wave.

The meat ball slowly evolved, and finally took on a human form. The doctor still didn't think about escaping, but waited.

Waiting for that moment to come.

In the distance, Chen Ze, who was holding the skull high, finally realized its essence.

This is an item. It seems that his judgment is correct, but there are some minor discrepancies.

This counterfeit itself is a relic with extraordinary power, and with such combat power, Chen Ze can only think of the legendary "big evil".

It was a worthwhile trip. Chen Ze was satisfied and sealed the skeleton in his hand that had lost all its combat power and was like a specimen.

The firelight shrouding the skeleton gradually converged, covering the body like a golden coating.

"Ah!" The skeleton suddenly screamed, which was beyond Chen Ze's expectation. He didn't expect that it could still scream until now.

After revealing its original shape, the skeleton was obviously lifeless and had no energy response, yet it was able to make a sound.

But for some reason, it just kept screaming, and you could hear the fear and panic contained in it, which was even more terrifying than its appearance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--".
"Don't make any noise!" Chen Ze yelled a little irritably.

But just when he was about to make the next response, all his movements suddenly froze.

Panic, an unprecedented and unreasonable panic instantly occupied his entire heart.Unbelievable, at this moment, Chen Ze's whole body was completely filled with a strong desire to survive!

Do something. Something must be done!
It seems, as if some great terror is about to come here!
Thanks to the long-term experience of being integrated into the world, Chen Ze overcame his instincts with almost no delay, escaped from this intimidation and immobility, and in his current state, observed the surroundings from a godlike perspective. .

Soon, he sensed some strange aura.

A realm that is extremely incompatible and seems to be completely opposite between heaven and earth is rapidly unfolding from an unknown location and wants to exist in this world.

This is the enemy of this world!
In an instant, Chen Zena's eyes turned into pure golden light and fluctuated.

This is the great enemy of heaven and earth. As long as the power of heaven and earth can be mobilized to fight against it.
However, the speed of that field, no, cannot be described as speed. Even the most knowledgeable people in the world cannot describe the way it appears, and even any language in human history cannot even modify it in the slightest.

The result was that the disaster suddenly struck before Chen Ze could make any further responses.

If we were to use the limited information captured by our five senses to describe it, it would be that a pure black suddenly appeared next to Chen Ze.

This black light seems to be able to suck in all the light, and as it expands into an ellipse in an instant, the object of this suction force seems to also extend to the soul of the viewer.

It is like a black hole, nothing can resist its devouring, and even its appearance itself is the only "nothingness" left after completely devouring the space in which it is located.

But starting from a certain moment, it no longer swallowed, but took a completely opposite aggressive posture, spewing out from the entrance of the cave a power that could never belong to this world, and took shape in an instant, turning into thousands of A creeping and dancing tentacle.

These tentacles have different shapes, some are like the body of a long snake, some are like octopus tentacles, some are like countless centipedes connected head to tail, some are like human spines with flesh and blood removed, some are full of pupils, some are Some of them are covered with oil-stained down, and some of them look like brains that have been ripped out and twisted.
There are more tentacles covered with more extremely uncomfortable monster features that will make your scalp tingle at a glance, including fins, sharp teeth, mucus, joints, rotten flesh, scales, wrinkled skin, and sharp claws. No, and without looking closely at any of the tentacles, you can see countless wailing, illusory human faces like spirits above.

As soon as they took shape, they whipped each other, making a soul-stirring magic sound, and also brought out a shocking sense of crowding. Obviously there was no gap in sight, but they continued to multiply every moment until they The number obviously exceeds the limit that this space can accommodate.

It is the infinite superposition of these mournful faces with different faces, as if pouring out from the depths of the most evil and evil purgatory, forming soft, slender, smooth, jointed, cracked, and ulcerated faces. Thick, elastic, decayed, hard, pitch-black, pale, and brightly colored terrifying tentacles were twisted like a large bunch of cauliflowers and rushed out. In an instant, they covered the sky above, taking Chen Ze with him. The skeleton in his hand was completely devoured.

Brain-eating insects, as a special case, have always had a bad reputation among the members of the Hidden Immortal Society.

Just because the operation to contain the brain-eating insects was so massive and resulted in heavy casualties, naturally many people knew about it.

As for such a vicious thing, no record was left in the archived report after the operation.
As long as a smart person thinks about it for a moment, he will naturally connect it with the taboo and "big evil" in the Yinxian Society.

In fact, the brain-eating worms themselves are extremely dangerous. They specialize in eating human souls. They are difficult to resist and have almost no weaknesses. A little carelessness will lead to tragic disasters.

Definitely worthy of a "serious" rating.

But only a very few people know that the appearance of this "brain-eating insect" is actually just a shackles and a seal.

Compared with the existence within the seal, even this brain-eating insect that makes people's hair stand on end is made to look harmless.

【Luofeng Mountain Spring】

[Level] Severe

[Overview] The appearance is an insect flesh body with no vital signs under normal conditions (see appendix for details).

The body of the relic is sealed within the insect body, and its existence form is unknown.

It is not recommended to apply for calling this thing for any motive.

It is strictly prohibited for anyone to look at this relic for more than 48 seconds.

Non-essential personnel must be quarantined immediately after first contact and undergo psychological evaluation and standard psychiatric evaluation procedures.

[Remarks] "There is Luofeng Mountain, in Guidi in the north, with a circumference of [-] miles and a height of [-] miles. The Sixth Palace of Dongtian, with a circumference of [-] miles and a height of [-] miles. The Sixth Palace of Dongtian is the palace of ghosts and gods in the six heavens." ——"Youyang Zazu"

"In the northern capital of Luofeng, there is a large sea in the north of Yuan Dynasty. It is filthy and foul, with unpredictable edges. There is a mountain in the middle, with ginseng and green mountains on top, and wind and springs on the bottom. They are all formed by the entanglement of black and gloomy air. Yin and Yang are responsible for life and death, and disasters are inevitable. In the meantime." - "Lingbao Wumeiren's Excellent Sutra"

"You can understand it as a corner of Fengdu, the underworld, the kingdom of the dead." - Doctor

"If you have nothing to do, don't look through the files." - Doctor

Inside the base, on a road away from the warehouse.

Chunk, chugging.

After a burst of precise shots, the big, deformed cock that was charging towards him immediately exploded and turned into a puddle of rotten flesh and bone.

"Don't be distracted!" Xu Guifeng, who had just shot the rooster monster, shouted sharply, turned the muzzle of his submachine gun and shot down a large locust that slid quietly behind the team.


boom!Bang, bang, thud, thud, thud—

Soon after, the gunfire gradually ceased, leaving only corpses scattered on the ground and the smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Get closer!" Xu Guifeng gave the order,


Taking advantage of this gap, Xu Guifeng kept scanning the middle and even the surroundings with his eagle eyes, showing no intention of relaxing his vigilance.

This is a team with a somewhat comical style.

Previously, Xu Guifeng pushed a trolley to the Qingniu Belly and was immediately warmly welcomed by everyone. With his unparalleled personal charm and long-established reputation, he united everyone and became the backbone, or temporary commander.

After testing, the cart of "Ban Ji" and "Ji" level treasures he worked so hard to push out can indeed resist the strange power that is everywhere in the entire base.

In other words, the person wearing the treasure can be exempted from the hypnotic control even if he leaves the shelter under the green cow's belly.

So he immediately distributed the treasures and limited weapons and ammunition, allowing everyone to move freely, and made plans to divide the troops into several groups and go to the weapons depot, communication center, core warehouse and other places.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the core warehouse area is the most dangerous, so Liu Hui, who was elected as the temporary leader before Xu Guifeng arrived, served as the captain and led a team to investigate the outside of the warehouse.

Just now, the team led by Xu Guifeng successfully obtained standard equipment from the weapons depot. After distribution, they were fully armed and turned to the communication center. After trying to send a signal for help to no avail, they decided to head to the edge of the base with the intention of going to the outside world to ask for help in person.

Others didn't know it clearly, but Xu Guifeng knew that the monster in the core warehouse was definitely not something they could contend with, so taking advantage of the time difference to call in foreign aid was the first choice. (End of chapter)

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