Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 420 The Hidden Immortal Society

"That's right." He wiped away the tears on Chen Ze before looking up.

"What's the name of that organization? Maybe I've heard it before."

"Name?" Chen Ze was already thinking about how to attack with thunder and catch them off guard as quickly as possible.

"It seems to be called."

"The Hidden Immortal Society."

"The Hidden Immortal Society?"


Xu Guifeng nodded expressionlessly, crossed his arms and leaned on the back cushion of the seat without continuing to speak, wanting to give the young man in front of him some time to digest.


The car suddenly bumped, Xu Guifeng's expression remained unchanged, but the young man sitting opposite was almost startled.

Hehe, he is just a baby.
Xu Guifeng sighed in his heart, but on his face he said a kind word of relief,
"It's okay. This mountain road is just like this. It will be much better after we pass this mountain."

"Thank you." The young man on the opposite side thanked him seriously, looking out the car window unabashedly at a scenery like deep mountains and old forests.

Who would have thought that behind this pristine natural landscape, there is actually a huge and secretive organization headquarters base?
After a while, maybe it was because the off-road vehicle was well equipped, or maybe the driver in front took special care of it. Although it was still driving on the mountain road, the bumps were much smaller.

This made the young man look much better.

And all of this is seen in Xu Guifeng's eyes and serves as the basis for his evaluation and judgment.

Seeing that the young man in front of him had no intention of continuing to speak, Xu Guifeng simply closed his eyes and recalled the basic information about this young man in his mind.

Pan Bowen, male, 23 years old, a freshly graduated college student, was involved in the abnormal incident. He was unemployed before the incident.

Two months ago, I traveled to the Western Regions with a travel friend I met online. In the depths of the Lop Nur Desert, due to the formations left by the Tianshan Sect, I unexpectedly encountered disasters such as a huge sandstorm. I became one of the final survivors and performed outstandingly during the process. Many trapped travelers survived and managed to hold on until the Yinxian Society mobile task force arrived.

After multiple procedures including identity verification, willingness questioning, and comprehensive physical examination, it was finally decided to recruit him as a D-class member.

It stands to reason that a D-class employee is almost the lowest level in the Yinxian Society, and he will never be troubled. Xu Guifeng, a top-level manager, personally went out to greet him.

However, this Pan Bowen was specially confessed by the doctor, and it may be related to Sa Shoujian, the back-up man of Sa Tianshi, who is most likely to cause trouble to future generations.

Therefore, the process related to Pan Bowen's membership has been expedited. Otherwise, according to normal handling procedures, he would have to be observed for at least half a year.

"Um, Xu, uh, instructor?" Pan Bowen seemed to have finally recovered.

Xu Guifeng opened his eyes and looked at him, indicating that he was listening.

"What do we usually do?" Pan Bowen touched his nose in embarrassment, as if he felt that his question was a bit amateurish.

"You haven't officially joined us yet." Xu Guifeng corrected him stubbornly, and then explained without waiting for the other party to be embarrassed,
“We do a lot of things, but at the end of the day, it’s really our name.”

"The Hidden Immortal Society hides the truth, covers up facts, collects hidden dangers, controls risks, maintains the status quo, and protects stability."

"You should have heard about the other side of this world, right?"

"Oh!" Pan Bowen looked a little embarrassed and answered in a flattering manner,

"Yes, oh, I remember! They told me that those legendary immortals, gods, Buddhas, stories and legends are all true, right?"

"It's not entirely true." Xu Guifeng explained seriously,
"Myths and legends are often artistically processed, exaggerated, and fabricated."

"In fact, it is also part of our job to determine which ones are true and which ones are false."

"Oh." Pan Bowen listened carefully.

"To be specific, we are divided into several departments, including the intelligence department and the field department. Below that, we are also divided into researchers, tactical response teams, and retention analysts."

Xu Guifeng stopped talking and just briefly talked about the situation.
"When you arrive at the base, you will undergo induction training. Information will be sent to you and someone will explain it to you."

"You will know what to do and what not to do."

"Oh oh oh." Pan Bowen politely thanked him cheerfully, but he hesitated to speak, prompting Xu Guifeng from opposite him to take the initiative and said,

"Just tell me something."

"When you get there, I'm afraid you won't be able to see me so easily in the future."

"If I were you, I would definitely cherish this opportunity to answer questions."

Xu Guifeng joked, it was a rare joke.

"Ah ha ha ha ha" Pan Bowen touched his nose again,

"Then I have to seize this rare opportunity."

"So, instructor, my salary should start from the induction training, right?" Pan Bowen asked with red ears.

As soon as these words came out, even the driver driving in front couldn't help but chuckle.

When someone talks to you about saving the world, you know how much the salary will be after listening to it. ?

Xu Guifeng was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed helplessly.
"Haha. You are honest. Don't worry, your money is indispensable."

"Ah hehe hehe." Pan Bowen did not touch his nose this time, but instead scratched his hair.
"Am I too tacky, instructor?"

"What's this?" Xu Guifeng suddenly showed a nostalgic look on his face, as if he remembered something from the past.
"No matter how great a career is, you have to fill your stomach before you can do it, right?"

"You are pretty much the same as me back then. It's a pity that the person who led me back then was a fool. After that, he gave me an ideological education class for a month, teaching me what mission, responsibility, dedication and so on are."

"Hahahahahahahahahaha" everyone who heard it laughed, and the car was filled with happy air for a while.

"Instructor." After laughing, Pan Bowen asked curiously,
"Did you join in like this back then?"

"Then what if?" After the laugh just now, Xu Guifeng was obviously a lot more familiar with him. He was quite interested at this time and started talking more uncharacteristically.

"Is it possible that I am working here right after I was born?"

"In fact, except for special recruitment, most employees come in through you and me."

"There will never be enough places for people involved like you, and we are always short of new employees, so..."

"Since everything is already known, it's better to bring him in directly to save some hush money, right?"

"We, are we still short of money here?" Pan Bowen opened his eyes wide.

He looks elegant, thin, and fair. Although he doesn't wear glasses, his bookish aura almost overflows.

Anyone who sees him for the first time will label him as "an ivory tower student", "innocent and young", "has never been in the dyeing vat of society", etc.

"It's not that lacking." Xu Guifeng shook his head and subconsciously looked out the car window.

The mountain road has been passed, and there is a checkpoint in front of it. After passing this checkpoint, there is only the last stretch of road from the base.

"You can only manage your family by being careful with your budget." Xu Guifeng withdrew his gaze and continued chatting,

"No matter how rich your family is, you can't afford to spend it recklessly."

"Oh, right." Pan Bowen didn't dwell too much on this issue.
"Instructor, you said you were just like me back then, so what happened to you before you came into contact with us, the Yinxian Society?" "Yes." Xu Guifeng nodded slowly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone gradually became more serious,

"Have you ever heard of the small plane sightings in the 80s?"

"Ah? What's the matter, a small plane?" Pan Bowen looked confused.

"It's been too long ago. He was quite famous before." Xu Guifeng didn't care and went on introducing himself.
"At that time, there were many witness reports all over the country. The content was probably that young children saw very small airplanes flying overhead in fields and mountains. They were all witnessed alone, without circumstantial evidence."

"What's so strange about this?" Pan Bowen was confused after hearing this.
"Small plane, how small is it?"

"A few tens of centimeters, the longest is no more than one meter, the flying height is usually less than ten meters, and the colors are different. We often see little people riding in the plane."

"This is strange." Pan Bowen seemed to understand the strangeness of this matter,

"So, what is the truth, instructor? Since you are a survivor of that year, didn't you just see a plane? What danger could there be?"

“It’s not really an alien UFO, is it?!”

"Of course not." Xu Guifeng quickly corrected him as soon as he finished speaking.
"At least this thing isn't alien."

Because of his rigorous temperament, he won the trust of the doctor and was regarded as a capable person.

"What is that?" Pan Bowen looked curious and asked anxiously,

"What's wrong with the little plane?"

"There's nothing wrong with that small plane." At this point, Xu Guifeng, who had always been calm, actually showed a look of fear on his face.
"Those who only see small planes are considered lucky."

"Because the problem is actually"


There was an unusual sound mixed in with the sound of the wind, which was almost indistinguishable from the sound of vehicles bumping, blowing branches and leaves, and rolling over weeds and shrubs.

But Xu Guifeng still heard it.

Maybe there was no subjective consciousness, but his body responded to the stress on its own, which in turn reminded his brain.


Thousands of times of hard work and countless operational experiences have long been turned into instincts and engraved in Xu Guifeng's bones. Therefore, at this moment, it only took him a very short time to judge the unexpected situation.

"Enemy, attack!!!"

Xu Guifeng yelled angrily, and at the same time, he suddenly fell down, not forgetting to push Pan Bowen under the seat opposite him, who was eagerly waiting for an answer.

Making love!

As if the words were followed, the next moment, the windows on both sides of the off-road vehicle suffered a series of blows, like raindrops and hail mixed with knocks.

This is a specially made bulletproof material. Although it was cracked all over for a while, it did not explode.

During the shooting of bullets, Xu Guifeng moved so fast that he directly pulled Pan Bowen down and pinned him down, and at the same time sent a signal to the headquarters through his portable communication device.

It was less than one kilometer away from the headquarters, and he was not worried about what trouble the enemy might cause.

But he did not dare to think carefully about how the enemy penetrated near the base guarded by many sentries and on the side of the couch.

Xu Guifeng's mind raced for a while, and he had already listed several suspected targets and objects, all of which were from different organizational forces.

He is a born warrior, and when experiencing such a critical moment, not only will he not shut down, but he will become more excited and more awake.

But others might.
"Boy." Xu Guifeng had already pulled out his firearm and listened quietly to the source and direction of the gunfire, as well as the possible types of firearms and the number of enemies.

Snap, snap, snap, snap!
The window shattered!

Bang pu wu~wu——

The screech of the brakes, the sound of branches and leaves scraping against the car, and the sound of wheels crashing over the vegetation, all merged into the chaos of the shocking gunfire!
If it were an ordinary person, most of them would be frightened on the spot just to be in such an environment.

But Xu Guifeng still remained calm.

"Boy!" Pan Bowen underneath him seemed to be frightened and didn't respond at all.

Xu Guifeng could no longer care about so much and hurriedly told him in his ear,

"Don't be afraid!"

"Hide, don't move, don't worry about anything!"

The off-road vehicle is specially customized. Not only is the entire vehicle bulletproof, but the interior space is also quite spacious, especially the reserved space under the seat, and the sides are specially reinforced with reinforced fibers.

There are plans to deal with all emergencies.

"Xiao Li!" Xu Guifeng yelled.

"Yes!" the driver in the front row responded loudly,

"I'm fine!".

Needless to say, the two have a tacit understanding.

According to the predetermined plan, the driver must watch six routes, judge the direction of the enemy's attack, and try to avoid and escape the fire net as much as possible.

"Get out!" Xu Guifeng immediately made the best decision and issued the order.

The enemy is in the dark and we are clear. Such a precise volley shows that the opponent is well prepared, and Xu Guifeng's side, including the driver, only has two combat capabilities, and he also carries a tow bottle.

Xu Guifeng is confident but not arrogant.

Although he was very surprised that the enemy had penetrated into his home, Xu Guifeng still had absolute confidence in the safety and reliability of the base.

After all, there are various protective measures in the base, whether they are high-tech or extraordinary.
With such a commotion at the moment, the headquarters must have reacted, and support will be in place soon, and then it will be time to catch the turtle in the urn.

So as long as you rush into the base safely, you can regain the initiative.

At this time, Xu Guifeng held the pistol tightly and still couldn't let go.

Enemies can be fools.

But enemies who have the ability to infiltrate into the vicinity of the Hidden Immortal Society's headquarters base are obviously not fools.

What Xu Guifeng was thinking, the enemy would also be thinking, so why were they planning this operation?
Could their purpose be him, the supreme commander of the armed forces?

If that's the case, then what they have to rely on.
Although this tug-of-war of thinking was cumbersome, it only occurred in Xu Guifeng's mind for a moment.

So the next second, his worries came true.


Although Xu Guifeng, who had been observing the outside world through the car window, did not see any attackers, he knew exactly where the unconcealed movement came from.

rocket missile!
The enemy actually carries a rocket launcher!

right here!Just a stone's throw away from the headquarters base!
"Quickly give direction!" Xu Guifeng's voice was loud and he gave the command without thinking. (End of chapter)

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