Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 423

These fragments are indeed not living things, but the microstructure is staggeringly complex. The characteristics they exhibit are not due to the special materials themselves, but are brought about by these structures.

As for how to apply it, Hui has already explained it very clearly.

Brood thing!

Chen Ze immediately opened the bottle, poured the black tree sap down, and poured Yuan Qi into it according to his feelings to blend it.

The juice gradually integrated into Wu Jiagui's body, outlining the veins, like blood vessels with independent will, and constantly changing.

"By the way, do you still recognize this thing?" While Chen Ze was operating, he still had time to talk to Hui.

"I've just seen similar creations." Hui rarely spoke so many words in one breath and subconsciously licked his dry lips.
"This is the style of the Mo family."

"Use, deceive, take advantage of the laws of heaven and earth, or even find loopholes and exploit them."

"To put it bluntly, playing around with right and wrong is just like what you guys do, lawyers. It's just that lawyers rely on their mouths, while Mohists rely on their hands."

"So after the decline of heaven and earth, they were doing relatively well. The most important thing they didn't lack was rare treasures."

"The road to Shu is difficult. The road to Shu is difficult. They live in a corner and rely on the natural dangers to live more comfortably in Shu than anyone else."

"It's a pity that the common man was not guilty, but he was guilty of possessing the treasure. Later, they didn't know who found them, and they killed the whole family and took away the treasure."

It has to be said that the snake is simply a living fossil, a living history book, and the words are fluent. Chen Ze listened with great interest, and even had the urge to reward him.

However, when it comes to Shu, there is a message about the builder of the secret place in Xianyue Mountain. He met Zhuge Kongming in Shu and took away those artifacts that may have come from the Mohist family, as well as the most important "evil objects" from the foreign ruins. Black eggs.

The Wang family's Mo Dou machine city also went to Shu to find people to build it.

Even Wang Lingguan's master, Sa Shoujian, was believed to be from Western Shu.

It seems that compared to the Qinling Mountains, the Shu region has many secrets. I really need to go there when I have time.
Just as Chen Ze was slandering and debating, the fragments of the ink fountain in his hand heated up rapidly, and the Wu Jiagui not far away started to change again, almost melting on the spot.

Chen Ze knew that the time had come, so he increased the intensity of Yuan Qi infusion, photographed Wu Jiagui in his hand from the air, and tried to transplant the fragments into his body.

Ten minutes later, Chen Ze succeeded.

Frankly speaking, he didn't understand the specific principles and just followed his feelings.

As Hui said, these things originating from the foreign ruins are totally unreasonable and can work just by messing around.

Creak, creak, creak.
The sound of gears turning awoke Wu Jiagui from his coma. He stood still and stared at his chest. It took him a long time to figure out the situation.

"What is this?" Wu Jiagui asked tremblingly, pointing to the gear mechanism completely embedded in the center of his chest.

"I, I, I. Am I still alive?"

"Am I still human?"

"Of course you're alive." Chen Ze patted his shoulder encouragingly and comforted with a smile,
"Probably not human."

"I, I" Wu Jiagui tried to move his hands and feet, but the core of the mechanism on his chest violently rotated, bursting out with huge force like an engine, which frightened him so much that he fell to the ground.

"It's okay." Chen Ze helped him up and comforted him,

"As long as you get used to it, don't be afraid."

Under Chen Ze's careful preparation, Wu Jiayui relied on the mechanism core on his chest to maintain the stability of the foreign energy in his body, and even occasionally commanded it.

In general, after the "upgrade", Wu Jiagui was able to break a big tree with several people hugging him with one punch.

After the final inspection, Chen Ze added a few more monitoring charms to Wu Jigui's body, and then threw him into the wilderness with more difficult conditions to survive alone.

The pressure and threats of survival can squeeze out Wu Jiagui's potential to the maximum extent, allowing him to adapt to the changes in his body based on instinct.

Once Wu Jiagui's transformation method is successful, Chen Ze will consider using it on himself.

It doesn't mean that he has to stuff a mechanism core into himself. He can grab others and use them as substitute medicine kits to store energy; he can also try to refine magic weapons; or improve spells. There are many ways.

After seeing off the Wu family, Chen Ze waved in the distance, and a stream of clear spring seemed to fall from the sky and hang around him.

No need to nag, the snake consciously came to the spring and drank deeply to replenish its water.

"Why did you suddenly tell me so much?" Chen Ze asked calmly after she drank until the burps came out of her mouth.
"Aren't you unable to speak?"

"That's not the case, gurgling. I can't open my mouth." The snake couldn't even drink water, and hiccupped and made a goose sound.
"It's just that I've been afraid that those past events will catch up with me again, and that something bad will happen if I mention them."

"Chuck, cluck--"

Speaking of this, Hui specifically raised his eyes to look at Chen Ze.
"I'm afraid that once I say it, it will no longer be useful and you will eat me."

Before Chen Ze could react, Hui's words and sentences became more and more violent.

"I have to pretend to be restricted, otherwise if you are ruthless and ruthless, in order to force me to speak, you will hang me up to threaten, humiliate, abuse, and ravage me as a way to vent your anger."

"Stop, stop, stop." Chen Ze hurriedly interrupted the snake's words of tiger and wolf,
"I thought you couldn't hold anything else in your mind except food."

"How is that possible?" Hui straightened his body and said seriously, holding the high chest on his chest.

"I keep thinking every moment. Thinking in a human way can help my soul adapt to my body and become a real person."

"Especially using human language and writing is of great benefit to me."

"No wonder you hold your tablet and read books every day." Chen Ze gradually came back to his senses.

He guessed that Hui must have been reading the "Encyclopedia of Idioms" and spoke in the same way.

But just now, her overly rich imagination and some outrageous words always made Chen Ze suspicious that he had read something bad.

"So after my strict inspection and testing, at least you are not a bad person, and you finally succeeded in gaining my trust." He didn't care about Chen Ze's increasingly strange expression, and cast an admiring look on his own.

The look in his eyes is quite unflattering, as if he is encouraging his subordinates to "keep working hard and keep up the good work."

"I told you everything." Hui didn't have any consciousness at all. The more he spoke, the more energetic he became. His chin gradually raised, almost crossing his waist.
"I'm not stupid at all. In fact, I'm incredibly smart."

"." Looking at the proud look on his face, Chen Ze also started to doubt his past judgment.

Could it be that the scorpion is really as smart as a fool?
At this moment, Chen Ze suddenly raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and clasped one hand.


Just like a stone thrown into a lake, ripples spread out in circles.

But there are no stones or lakes here, only the fluctuations of consciousness that spread rapidly from Chen Ze's body.

In the mountain forest, a dazzling light first lit up, and then more light points were awakened, as bright as stars, connected with each other.

With Chen Ze as the center, the sky is clearly bright and clear, but at this moment, the entire mountains and fields are twinkling like stars!
The mountains and fields turned into a starry sky instantly fell into Chen Ze's palm, and he understood all the secrets within.He saw Wu Jiagui drilling wood to make fire at the edge of the starry sky; the silly roe deer passing by; the swaying wild flowers and the flying bees and butterflies.
And a panicked figure somewhere.

Those are members of the Hidden Immortal Society who come here regularly to bury information.

It is also the main goal of Chen Ze's trip.

The next moment, Chen Ze raised his head and looked at the horizon. He loosened his fist and the stars all over the mountains and fields disappeared. Only a figure flew quickly from a distance.


In the blink of an eye, Chen Ze reached out to catch the man.

Whisper, rustle, rustle ~

An invisible faint vibration came from the person who came, causing the air to tremble.

Chen Ze immediately tapped his fingers.

It was obviously just hitting an empty space, but there was a crisp sound, and then a snap, the man in Chen Ze's hand twitched all over, and fragments fell from the gaps in the clothes.

Chen Ze took a closer look and saw that it was an extraordinary item that he had just shattered. It was mostly used for self-defense and the like.

There is no doubt that this is an extraordinary thing that ordinary people can use without the need for monks to activate it. It is priceless.

In line with the principle of not wasting, Chen Ze analyzed and refined this broken magical weapon.

【Experience value +1000】

【Experience value +1500】

【Experience value +2000】.
By the way, although Chen Ze does not forget to gain experience points every day in his spare time, since the gap in experience points for each level he levels up is like a chasm, the level up is extremely slow.

[Level] 47 (0/1000w)

【Energy level】560
Therefore, for him, the basic upgrade function of the attribute panel is of little use. Instead, other extended functions, such as [Skill Deduction], [Skill Fusion] and the indispensable search function are the most important.

Even the two basic attributes [Tongxuan] and [Physique] can be improved through practice, refining, and inheritance.

Having said that, after many days of tracing, this is already the number one protective magical weapon that Chen Ze has seized.

Although they are all "passive" protective magical weapons, there is nothing that can be done about them. Almost only these kinds of magical weapons can be used by ordinary people.

Therefore, Chen Ze's expectations for the strength of the mysterious force of the Yinxian Society are constantly rising.

Especially in the headquarters of the Hidden Immortal Society, almost every important member has a protective magical weapon, which shows its deep foundation and strong strength.

Don't look at Chen Ze's usual squandering of charms and sprinkling water. That's because he can practice and refine weapons, so he has the ability to mass-produce them.

The magical weapons equipped by the members of the Hidden Immortal Society are different from each other. They are obviously collected from various places and are not manufactured in batches.

From this point of view, Chen Ze has two guesses.

First, the power of the Hidden Immortal Society was more powerful than he imagined, and its reach was extremely far, but it lacked real monks.

Second, the Hidden Immortal Society has much more than that, but he has not yet reached the real high-level.

If the truth is the former, to Chen Ze, wouldn't this Yinxian Society be equivalent to a fat sheep that has grown fat and strong?
If only I could swallow it in one gulp.
But having said that, Chen Ze still remained cautious and advanced step by step, trying his best to reach the headquarters step by step without alerting the enemy.

After all, this Hidden Immortal Society can be based on mortals and has been exposed to extraordinary events for a long time. It must have a targeted approach to deal with it. If it underestimates the enemy too much, it may capsize in the gutter.

Moreover, although Chen Ze is strong now, he is not invincible.

For example, Chen Ze was not sure whether he could eat an atomic bomb alive, so he was naturally unwilling to take risks.

"Whoa, whoa whoa—"

The prisoner retched under the stimulation of his spiritual consciousness, then quickly stopped his movements and put on a confused expression.

"Tell me your name and your mission." Chen Ze began to interrogate him unceremoniously.

【Experience value +300】.
After some torture, dreaming, and repeated verification, Chen Ze successfully obtained the information he wanted, and even gained an unexpected reward.

This member's usual job is mainly to communicate and deliver information, so although he is not very knowledgeable, he knows a lot.

From his mouth, Chen Ze learned that the power of the Yinxian Society spread all over the country, and that there was a "headquarters base".

This person is a peripheral member and is not qualified to know the geographical location of the headquarters.

But he knew that in the past few days, maybe yesterday, maybe the day before yesterday, something happened at the headquarters base.

So much so that their subordinate members had launched a comprehensive investigation and requested urgent collection of specific intelligence, as if they were looking for some enemy.

Am I completely exposed?Chen Ze frowned for a while after hearing the news.

The vigilance of the Hidden Immortal Society has been significantly increased, and it is not only a deterrent, but also reflected in actions.

Chen Ze had previously learned from the physical Buddha of Nanhua Temple that there are many people and things hidden in this world, either in pursuit of transcendence or for other ulterior purposes.

And just last night, the Hidden Immortal Society actually destroyed such a force!

"Escaped 27 core members, seized 56 magical weapons, several secret books of scientific rituals, and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles."

According to the intelligence, this force was inherited from the Lushan Sanmai Sect. It involves thousands of people, has a large territory, is powerful, and is equipped with heavy firepower weapons.

And such a powerful force was wiped out overnight, turning into a line on the list of notes: "tentative archive: Jingmingdao; Xu Jingyang."

This person was an intelligence officer, so Chen Ze naturally searched out the documents he wanted to hand over.

As a result, the more he read, the more strange it seemed to Chen Ze, but it also seemed very reasonable.

The document roughly records the battle scenes between the two sides, which can be roughly summarized as random shooting of bullets, machine guns firing at each other, and random bombardment with hot weapons.

It was clearly said that the opponent's method was ancient and had a long history, but when they actually fought, it turned out to be a modern war style.

It seems that these ancient forces have not escaped the sorrow of the Dharma Ending Age, and their fights all depend on tu tu tu tu.

The process is lengthy, but the result is quite clear. The Hidden Immortal Society will be victorious and win easily.

At this time, Chen Ze couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and search intensively, trying to find the news contained in the document where the conflict occurred.

I searched online a few times, but found nothing!

In such an intense hot weapon conflict, no news was leaked!

The profound meaning was that Chen Ze became more and more frightened as he read it, and then happily flipped through the secret books of rituals in the appendix. (End of chapter)

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