Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 426

"No! Don't, don't, don't!" At this time, one of them saw Chen Ze approaching and immediately begged for mercy loudly,

"I'll do it! I'll do it all!"

"You should ask me first!!"

"I've wanted to do it for a long time!!!"

"I can recruit everything I know!"

Several other people stared angrily upon hearing this, and almost simultaneously squirmed their bodies with their hands and feet bound, approaching the traitor.

But the only person who didn't move shouted sternly: "He's just pretending! He wants to be a double agent! Protect me! I'm the one who really wants to recruit him!"

"You fart!"

"You are the traitor!"

"Me, me, me! I want to recruit too!"

"I'm the one who really wants to abandon the darkness and turn to the light!"

"I am one of our own! I have been sneaking in and lurking for several months!"

"The two of us are together!"

"Me too! I really am!".
In a short period of time, everyone was noisy and noisy, and many people even took advantage of the chaos to secretly make small moves.

Then there was a snap, and Chen Ze slapped him several times, so fast that it only sounded like a crisp sound.

Everyone fainted and were then arrested by Chen Ze and tortured under hypnosis.

He didn't bother to distinguish between real and fake traitors, or multiple spies werewolf killers, he just used his spiritual consciousness to stimulate them one by one.

【Experience value +200】.
It was another extremely familiar torture process. It took Chen Ze more than a month to finally obtain the exact location of the headquarters base of the Yinxian Society.

It was not much different from what he imagined. It was indeed somewhere around the Qinling Mountains in a narrow sense, hidden in the wilderness of no man's land.

Chen Ze silently calculated the coordinates in his mind. After finding the right direction, he looked at each other from a distance. His mind was concentrated, and he seemed to be able to sense a general trend.

A dormant trend seems to be in that direction, deep in the Qinling Mountains.

There is a faint "momentum" between heaven and earth gathering in that direction, and Chen Ze also vaguely resonates with it.

"Qinling." Hui suddenly stood up and stood next to Chen Ze's shoulder, staring in that direction as well.

"I've been hiding there for a long time. I don't know if my nest is still there."

Chen Ze looked sideways and saw that Hui was looking far into the distance. His bright eyes and white teeth reflected his cold look. Although he was not exactly icy, he had an unworldly aura.

She's a nice girl, as long as she doesn't mention food.
After Chen Ze completed the observation, the quantum superposition state collapsed, and Hui was obviously in a state of brain at this time.

"Are you still nostalgic for the past?" Chen Ze chatted with Hui while playing with the magic weapons collected from several prisoners.

Ever since Fei was willing to speak, he would often chat with Chen Ze about past events, which opened the latter's eyes.

"Nostalgia? No, I'm just sentimental from time to time." Hui shook his head slightly.

"It was not a good time before."

"For many years, I have been curious about what the Qinling Mountains look like now."

"Actually, just hearing that the Qinling Mountains still exist makes me a little unbelievable."

"No, I shouldn't think that."

"Oh?" Chen Ze's ears immediately stood up,
"how do I say this?"

"I told you that a large number of monsters went to find the mother nest, and then they were all trapped and killed by the leader of the monster."

"I remember." Chen Ze nodded.

"After that." He skipped the antecedents and continued to narrate,

"It's been a long, long, long time."

"The old monster clan is almost extinct, and no new monster clan can be born in the world after the decline."

"I keep changing places to hide, and I encounter fewer and fewer monsters."

"One time the river where I lived burst its banks again, so I ran away looking for a place to hide. I didn't even see a single person of my kind."

"On the contrary, I met a kind-hearted human monk. He was young and looked like he was still young. However, with a wave of his jade sword, a thunder came down from the sky and dried up the entire salt pond where I was temporarily hiding. I was almost scared to death."

"He arrested me and looked at me for a long time, saying that I was pitiful and had never harmed anyone, and finally let me go."

"Before he left, he told me that he was called here by the emperor to slay demons. When he returned, he would lie about beheading an evil dragon and asked me to keep quiet after escaping, so as not to cause trouble."

"I was shocked. It was the first time I saw someone who didn't kill demons, so I asked him his name."

"He said that his name is Zhang Jixian, and after doing this, he will return to the mountains to live in seclusion and not care about worldly affairs."

"I originally wanted to crawl away quickly, but I was so frightened by the thunder that I was paralyzed and couldn't move. I had to stay there and listen to his chanting."

"He said that the sky was about to fall. The monks were becoming more and more miserable and they were already killing people like crazy. The demon clan was killing them all, killing them unreasonably, just to survive."

"The monks have too much time to take care of themselves, the emperor has no help, his traitors are in power, the treasury is empty, and his strength is about to run out."

"In a few years, the Jin people from the north will come down. Even if there is no change of dynasty, the Zhao family court will probably be driven to the south of the Yangtze River."

"Later, when I was able to move, he showed me a clear path and asked me to climb to the Qinling Mountains to hide. Most of the time, no one paid attention to me."


Waves of aroma came, and Hui turned around to see that Chen Ze had roasted her unfinished lamb leg and started to chew on it.

"You continue." Chen Ze's mouth was full of oil after eating.
"Don't stop, I'm listening."

"." The veins on Hui's forehead jumped, and he finally turned his head away, trying his best to ignore the plump roasted lamb leg.

Chen Ze didn't expect that Hui could resist the temptation of roasted lamb leg. It seemed that he had touched on some key point.

"I climbed day and night, and I didn't even have time to eat. I was almost starving before I climbed to the Qinling Mountains."

"Result." He closed his eyes involuntarily, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

"As soon as I got there, I was covered by the formation. There were many human monks flying from the sky, and each one was too powerful to look directly at."

"I thought I had been deceived, and I scolded the eighteenth generation of my ancestor named Zhang in my heart, but then there was a sudden earthquake. It was really scary."

"A four-legged beast as big as a buffalo flew out of a crack in the ground. It looked like a tiger. It had a pair of wings on its back and the hair on its body was like a hedgehog."

"It's obviously so small! It's not as big as my eyeballs! But I can tell at a glance that it's incredibly powerful. I can't even compare to one of its hairs."

Chen Ze, who was munching on the roasted leg of lamb, searched for its appearance in his mind and silently matched it with the name "Qiongqi".

"That big demon flew into the sky and fought with countless human monks. It really wanted to bring down the sky."

"I can't imagine how the demon clan can be so powerful? There are also magical powers and spells that only human monks can do!"

"I guessed that it might be the legendary ancient demon clan. I didn't expect the rumors to be true."

"The human monks killed until there was no monster left to kill, and they even found such ferocious beasts!"

"The world was really falling apart at that time. No one cared about a little monster like me, and I passed out very quickly."

"When I woke up, the surrounding area was completely empty. All those mountains had been flattened!"

"I originally wanted to escape, but my body was smashed to pieces and all my bones were exposed. I was about to die."

"I was in a daze at that time. Under the guidance of instinct, I crawled to a place and ate a hair that looked like a hedgehog." "I woke up after eating and found that there were many monsters around me!"

"All kinds of monsters! Hair, medium, scale, feather, Luo, everything!"

"They are all eating, eating pieces of corpses, bones, flesh and blood! I understand that it must be the ancient evil monster with magical powers!"

"It's actually dead! It was cut into thousands of pieces! But those human monks don't know where they are. It's really strange. They probably came to hunt the ferocious beast just for the flesh and blood."

"Who knows. Maybe they died together."

"At that time, I took advantage of my long body and big mouth and devoured a lot of flesh and blood before the other monsters. Why are you staring at me!"

"It's all dead! Didn't I eat it just to survive?"

"It's the same as the roasted leg of lamb in your hand!"

"Okay, okay, continue." Chen Ze withdrew his gaze and stopped teasing.

Unexpectedly, the two willow eyebrows of the snake danced up and down for a while, but finally couldn't bear it anymore, squatted down next to Chen Ze, grabbed the roasted lamb leg, and started to feast on it.
"Ah! Well, those flesh and blood are really magical. Not only did they heal my injuries quickly, they also made me stronger. I can swallow at least three elephants in one bite."


As he said that, he took a bite of the golden and crispy lamb leg with skin, and the tender juice inside burst out, dripping down his chin and falling to the ground.

"But soon, I felt weird all over my body, and the demonic energy in my body became very strange, as if it could easily be contaminated and invaded by other things."

"Not long after I realized something was wrong, I fell asleep, as if I was going to hibernate."

"Since I became a demon, I have never hibernated!"

"So while I was still able to move, I hurriedly ate haisei, everywhere, including flowers, plants and trees."

"In the end, I ate until I couldn't hold it anymore, so I drilled down through the cracks in the ground, and then I fell asleep."

"When I woke up again, I got out of the crack in the ground and saw that the outside had changed drastically!"

"Green mountains and green waters, everything that should have grown has grown out. It's just the same as before."

"As soon as I saw that I was all starved, I knew I must have slept for countless years, so I quickly sneaked out to ask someone."

"As a result, the people I was looking for were all scared to death when they saw me like this!"

"They actually don't know the existence of the demon clan, and they haven't even seen human monks who can fly to the sky and escape from the earth!"

"Fortunately, I was smart and found a dilapidated study. There was a poor scholar who wrote idle books. He loved to inquire about weird and strange stories."

"He was not afraid when he saw me. He told me that most of the immortals, that is, the human monks, had disappeared, and there was not a single one from the demon clan, so ordinary people didn't know them at all."

"It turns out that I slept for hundreds of years!"

"I haven't eaten for hundreds of years!"

"Hundreds of years!! Hungry for hundreds of years!!!"

"We chatted for a long time and I told him many monster stories from the past. He was very satisfied and said he would write a book in the future."

"In return, he told me that Zhaoping in Jiangnan seems to have traces of descendants of the Mohist family. If I want to find a monk, I can go there to try my luck."

"Then I ran to Zhaoping and searched for it for a long time. It happened that the earthquake collapsed the Mo Dou Machine City and revealed it. You will know what happened next."

Zhaoping is the ancient name of Pingxiang.

After Chen Ze got the records in the ink bucket, Hui naturally read them.


At some point, Chen Ze took out another roasted leg of lamb and gnawed it happily.

After Hui's narration, many missing historical puzzle pieces in his mind were finally completed.

Now let Chen Ze sort out his thoughts in chronological order.

First of all, in ancient times, there were legends about some special monsters with magical powers, but we don’t know whether they are true or not.

Then thousands of years ago, the snake demon, a snake demon who was born to make food, was born.

She ate, slept, and ate until Liu Bang killed the white snake.

At that time, the deterioration of the environment of heaven and earth was already showing signs. The monks began to kill the demon clan in order to protect themselves, and the snakes began to eat and sleep while escaping for their lives.

Over the next thousand years, the snake went through twists and turns, eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating.

Until the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the world continued to deteriorate, the monster race was slaughtered to almost extinction, and even the human race began to fight among themselves. The snake met Zhang Jixian, the 30th generation Xu Jing Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain, and received guidance to seek refuge in the Qinling Mountains.

As a result, when the snake escaped to the Qinling Mountains, it encountered "Qiongqi", who was suspected of being an ancient ferocious beast, fighting with a human monk. It was affected, and then it swallowed part of Qiongqi's flesh and blood, gained special powers, and fell into a deep sleep for hundreds of years.

When the snake woke up, it was hundreds of years later. According to the records in the ink bucket, it should be the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty.

At that time, the demon clan had been extinct for a long time, and the human monks were almost extinct.

The age of mortals is coming.

Then the Mo Dou was damaged by the earthquake, and the big fat snake took advantage of the situation and took over the magpie's nest.

Simply put, if you want to sum up Hui's life in one sentence, that would be...
"Eat and sleep, eat after sleeping, sleep after eating, eat after sleeping." Chen Ze stared at Hui and slowly shook his head, causing the latter to bulge his mouth and stare.

Since then, Chen Ze has gained a more comprehensive understanding of the past process of the decline of heaven and earth.

But there are still some small blind spots that have not been mentioned.

"You said you woke up after sleeping for hundreds of years." Chen Ze had quick eyesight and raised the roasted lamb leg in his hand to avoid the sneak attack.
"It's okay to go find someone to ask about the situation. Why do you have to go to the human monks? Aren't you afraid that they will kill you again?"

"Huh!" The snake was so enticed by the alluring scent that it jumped anxiously, but it couldn't reach it.

"Give me the meat!"

"Just give it as you say!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah -"

He was so angry that he bit Chen Ze's arm, almost knocking out his teeth, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"I asked you to bite me, so I'll remember it better." Chen Ze was amused and reached out to poke the snake, but she pushed it back like an explosive kitten.

"Here you go." As soon as Chen Ze handed over the roasted leg of lamb, Hui immediately beamed, happily picked up the roasted leg of lamb and started gnawing again.

As long as someone stutters, Hui never holds grudges.

"To hide." Hui then explained,
"To avoid being eaten."

"Who will not eat you?"

"Oh my god!" The snake chewed his cheeks, his eyes widened.

"Everything. This world is going to eat me!"

"Just like those crazy human monks, the world is also crazy!"

"Are you okay?" Chen Ze reached out and touched Hui's forehead.
"I don't have a fever."

"I'm serious!" Hui shook off Chen Ze's hand in shame.
"I was bitten and woke up! As soon as I woke up, I felt like my body was being eaten away all the time, as if I was going to be destroyed by heaven and earth!"

"Actually, when I woke up in Qinling, there was a demon corpse next to me. It probably wanted to eat me, but I died first."

"I saw with my own eyes that its bones, flesh and blood disintegrated and dissipated, as if it had been eaten by the entire world, including its bones and skin!" (End of Chapter)

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