Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 449 Divinity

"I don't know." Chen Ze said frankly,

"I was fighting with someone, and suddenly something happened." At this point, Chen Ze subconsciously wanted to visualize the bizarre and terrifying hell scene, but failed.

Well, it seems this is not a dream.

Chen Ze had no choice but to continue: ".A kind of realm burst out and swallowed me up."

Chen Ze described the scene vividly until Wang Lingguan nodded slightly.
"Oh, it's the underworld. It turns out your true body is in the underworld."

At this time, Wang Lingguan looked around, seemingly seeing through everything.
"No wonder your divinity is able to come here."

Underworld Chen Ze followed and looked around. The darkness like a blurred background board surrounded this place. It must be the so-called underworld that swallowed him up.

In this way, he was swallowed into the underworld first, and then passed through the underworld to this land filled with immortals and gods.

"Divinity?" Chen Ze reacted and quickly grasped the key words,
"What is divinity?"

"You don't even know about divinity?" Wang Lingguan looked at him with a lively expression.
"It is the result of arriving at the source of the Tao for the first time and condensing the form."

What is this? Chen Ze had no choice but to express his doubts again.

"Didn't your master teach you?" Wang Lingguan puffed his beard and glared.
"Why don't you understand anything!"

"Uh" Chen Ze said honestly,
"I don't have a master."

"." Wang Lingguan was silent.

After a while, he walked around Chen Ze with the look of an ordinary person holding up the sea-god needle and screaming strangely after seeing a stone become a spirit.

"It's okay, I understand." The old god Wang Lingguan is here,

"If you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it."

"." Chen Ze really wanted to ask Wang Lingguan, "What do you know? I didn't say anything. What did you know?" But after thinking about it carefully, he still exposed the matter.

"True Monarch."

"Just call me Brother Wang."

"." This time Chen Ze was silent.

"Brother Wang." Chen Ze followed this approachable person and asked,

"So what exactly is this divinity?"

"It's divine." Wang Lingguan was indeed forthright, as if he knew everything.
"It is a symbol of transforming from a mortal to a real person. When the divinity is condensed, there is the hope of becoming a god and becoming an immortal."

Seeing Chen Ze's confused look, Wang Lingguan laughed and continued,

"Not to mention that you don't understand anything about how to practice. You've been here, why can't you feel it with your heart?"

"Feel with your heart?" Chen Ze tried to relax his tense spirit, and his thoughts gradually dispersed.

It was as if it had turned into an erratic cloud and smoke, drifting towards the infinitely wide space around it, until it saw a cloud with a ferocious face, but it gave people a solemn and sacred feeling.

That was Wang Lingguan, and Chen Ze recognized it immediately.

To be precise, it is the other person's divinity.

Not only did he recognize the person, Chen Ze also immediately knew the other person's image and style.

The word style may not be appropriate, but in short, it includes the general impression of the other party's honorable name, breath, speech and behavior, and even the "Tao" that the other party is good at.

It's like a super business card that compresses countless information. When the two parties come into contact, they exchange general information about each other.

Chen Ze understood that the so-called divinity seemed to include all his characteristics.

It is the "metaphysical" derived from all the "metaphysical" rooted in the old mortal body and detached.

If we use common saying, it is probably the Tao fruit that is condensed and born based on itself from concrete to abstract, from mortal to immortal, through practice to high-level realm.

Just like a new self, not shackles by the mortal body, with infinite potential and upper limit.

This is divinity.

Thinking of this, Chen Ze suddenly realized that this seemed to be very similar to the "Nascent Soul" mentioned in alchemy practice, except that the connotation was richer and the level was obviously much higher. It had already touched the threshold of the immortal god.

Wang Lingguan just relied on his divine perception to talk in Chen Ze's familiar vernacular accent.

"Haha!" Wang Lingguan laughed boldly,

"you understood."

"I understand." Chen Ze looked at Wang Lingguan and saluted solemnly.
"Thank you, Brother Wang, for your advice."

"It doesn't matter!" Wang Lingguan waved his hand nonchalantly,
"That's my job."

"Brother Wang is here specifically to guard and welcome visitors?" Chen Ze's mind was spinning very quickly and he had already thought of many things clearly.

"Not bad." Wang Lingguan nodded,
"But I haven't seen you before. How strange!"

"I just arrived." Chen Ze was a little confused,
"Isn't it normal that Brother Wang has never seen me?"

"No, it's not like that." Wang Lingguan stroked his beard and frowned.

"I should welcome everyone who has been here, who is coming, and who will come in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Zecai suddenly remembered.

There seems to be no concept of "time" here
So theoretically speaking, Wang Lingguan should know everyone who will come here no matter when they come.

and many more.

Chen Ze blurted out and asked: "Brother Wang, you have condensed divinity, can you still be considered a human being?"

"Of course." Wang Lingguan explained casually, as if it was common sense,
"Mortals are human, and real people are human too."

"There are naturally strong and weak differences among real people, and there is naturally a process from weak to strong."

"Condensing divinity is just the beginning. It does not mean that it will last forever, nor can it be omnipotent. As for whether it can truly become a god in the future, that has to be said."

"Brother Wang." Chen Ze became more and more invisible,
"Are you considered a god like this?"

"Of course I'll forget it." Wang Lingguan was neither contemptuous nor arrogant.
"It stands to reason that the gods lingering at this door are all of low cultivation level, so they are qualified to enter."

"I'm here because of my duty."

"Oh" Chen Ze naturally did not forget the honorific title of the mountain god who is the first protector of Taoism.

Divinity, as the name suggests, must be the characteristics and powers possessed by immortals.

However, it is not enough to be divine. It seems that one must be powerful enough to be called a fairy.

"Then, Brother Wang, can you teach me what to do after condensing divinity so that I can continue to improve my cultivation?"

"Continue to practice and don't slack off." Wang Lingguan said matter-of-factly.

"." Chen Ze was brave and asked directly,

"How to practice?"

"Practice according to the exercises."

"." Chen Ze was used to this kind of conversation, so he continued seriously,

"I don't have the next technique." Wang Lingguan looked at Chen Ze seriously for a while, almost making the latter lose the concept of "time" again.

"You came here specifically to entertain me, right?"

"How can that be impossible!" Chen Ze shouted, "It's unfair."
"Brother Wang is very strong and courageous. He helps the dead and the living, monitors the world, punishes the evil and promotes the good. He presides over justice. He brings rain and clears the sky. He exorcises evil spirits and cures diseases. He teaches in every way. He opens altars everywhere and accumulates merits in hundreds of thousands of ways. "

Chen Ze stopped to take a breath,
".Such as this, I have heard about Brother Wang's famous deeds for a long time!"

"To be honest, I have been fascinated by Brother Wang for a long time. Once I saw him today, I realized that seeing him is better than hearing it a hundred times!"

"Brother Wang, we feel like old friends when we see each other, how can we say anything deceptive!"

After speaking, Chen Ze looked at Wang Lingguan's face, but he couldn't figure out the reason.

His eldest brother, Wang, has the same nature as Bao Qingtian, and there is no way he can act based on his face.

"Okay." Wang Lingguan's expression didn't look strange.
"No wonder I felt like meeting old acquaintances when I met you. It's true."

".We felt like old friends at first sight!"

Wang Lingguan's face was as red as a date, and Chen Ze's expression was sincere. Seeing that the atmosphere was about to come, Chen Ze was planning to work hard to finalize the marriage to Jinlan, when he heard the other party say,

"After condensing the divinity, the first step is to separate a ray of divinity and come here to leave a mark. This is the most important thing."

Wang Lingguan preached and asked for advice without any ambiguity, so Chen Ze also put aside the matter of cheating and worshiping people and listened attentively.
"After leaving a mark, you will naturally understand many things."

"Then continue to practice, and while improving your cultivation level, you can consolidate and strengthen the divinity in your body. Then you can inject more power into the separated ray of divinity, allowing the divinity mark to occupy more positions here and stand higher."

"And the higher the position, the stronger the feedback you receive, the stronger your divinity will be, and you can even influence other immortals and gods with this place. Think about it, this is a place where countless divinities have been built together, and the power is almost endless."

"By continuously accumulating in this way, you will be able to continuously reincarnate yourself. Eventually, you will gain all the wonderful things and become a god and become an immortal."

"Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do."

"First of all, it's definitely not possible without skills."

"I can roughly tell from your divinity that you have learned a lot of things. You have a little bit of everything, but I can't see through it."

"Brother Wang is the one who knows me." Chen Ze interrupted at the right time.

"I guess you are lucky, and you can reach the stage of condensing divinity by practicing this way."

"But from now on, it won't be like you used to play house."

It turns out that my previous realm was just playing house. Chen Ze was a little stunned.

"If you condense your divinity, your divine form will be your true form." Wang Lingguan pointed at Chen Ze's dark gold body.

“Naturally it’s fixed too.”

"As your divinity grows stronger in the future, your true identity will naturally grow stronger. Although there will definitely be some changes, you can't escape from this original true identity."

"It's easy to say to strengthen your divinity, but it's extremely difficult to do."

"Maintaining spiritual practice is like driving a carriage forward. This is the basis of everything, and then it is how to move forward and which path to take."

Perhaps considering that Chen Ze didn't understand anything, Wang Lingguan explained in detail,
"First of all, you should be supported by a master who is far better than you in Taoism. Whether it is teaching skills, teaching magic power, or the unique secrets of each sect, there are many ways here."

"This is the simplest and safest shortcut, but" Wang Lingguan changed the subject,
"You already said you don't have a teacher, so I won't talk nonsense."

"What Brother Wang said is absolutely true." Chen Ze said that he was listening carefully.

"As for other shortcuts, there are immortals and gods who support human emperors, rule hundreds of millions of people with the power of a dynasty, depose hundreds of families, and dominate one family. It is natural to gain faith. For this reason, some monks even changed their appearance and established themselves as kings. "

This is the upper-level route. Chen Ze translated silently.

“Some people incarnate themselves as mortals, or practice medicine and give alms, or act chivalrously, or subjugate demons, or play games in the world, or get drunk and sing wildly, or dance and write. The words and deeds of those who practice this way are often different from ordinary people, they are wild and unrestrained, seemingly crazy but not crazy. Only then can we leave rumors and anecdotes for people to talk about and spread widely."

This is taking the grassroots route. Chen Ze summed it up again.

"Of course, shortcuts are shortcuts, and the general direction is the same." Wang Lingguan's tone became a little more serious when he said this.
"That is to spread faith and cultivate believers. This is the fundamental way to strengthen the divinity in the body."

"." Chen Ze thought seriously for a while and then asked,
"Why is this?"

"Let me ask you, why are immortal gods called immortal gods?" Wang Lingguan asked a question in return.

"Powerful." Chen Ze said concisely.

"Not bad." Wang Lingguan nodded,
"The reason why immortals and gods are distinguished is that they are different from mortals. Compared with mortals, they are omnipotent."

"If all living beings could move mountains and seas, soar into the clouds, and live forever, then there would be no such thing as immortals."

"So as long as you have believers, relying on the massive thoughts of all living beings, you can continue to evolve in an otherworldly and superior direction, thus strengthening your divinity."

Although Chen Ze didn't understand what he was saying, he at least understood what to do.

"These methods." Chen Ze asked carefully, choosing his words carefully.

"Has it always been like this?"

"Has it always been like this?" Wang Lingguan raised his head and looked at the ghosts of immortals and gods high in the sky.
"You can't say that. These are the experiences summarized by our ancestors through pioneering exploration."

"Even this place was built a day after tomorrow. The new divinity left its mark and received feedback, which naturally strengthened this place."

"Look at the figures above. They are the divine marks left here by successful practitioners throughout the ages. They are equivalent to their clones."

Chen Ze's expression kept moving slightly, and he silently found a metaphor in his heart that might be suitable.

the Internet.

This may be of the same nature as the Internet.

In the beginning, it was just a few devices and a small area. But later, after countless iterative developments, it has turned into a virtual dimension covering the whole world, becoming a "necessity" in life like sunshine, water and air.

Even latecomers who are accustomed to the convenience of the Internet may often forget that this is actually the crystallization of wisdom built up bit by bit by countless people, rather than something they are born with.

While everyone is using the Internet, they are also constantly expanding the definition and inclusive scope of the Internet.

"It seems you have figured it out." Wang Lingguan looked around,

"You probably came here through the underworld."

"Underworld." Chen Ze had wanted to ask for a long time.

"Is there really an underworld in this world?"

"Of course there is, it depends on how you understand it." Wang Lingguan said everything.
"This underworld is the dojo of Emperor Fengdu."

"Emperor Fengdu?" Chen Ze asked subconsciously.

"You don't even know Emperor Fengdu?" Wang Lingguan's face was filled with confusion again.

"Knowing is understanding." Chen Ze explained,

"I just heard his legend."

Emperor Fengdu is also a god widely circulated among the people. Some say he is the incarnation of Emperor Ziwei in the Arctic, while others say he is a subordinate of Emperor Dongyue.

The so-called "Fengdu" is usually equated with the underworld, that is, the underworld.

No matter which way you say it, His status as the supreme god of the underworld is quite different. (End of chapter)

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