Add some practice: start with a lucid dream

Chapter 455 Declaration

This was a completely unequal game. In an instant, Xie Jiangang took complete control of the situation.

But this is also impossible.

For ordinary people, a few machine guns, a few good positions, or thousands of troops may not necessarily bring them good things.

In fact, if he hadn't been concerned about Xu Guifeng's high prestige in the hearts of everyone, Xie Jiangang would never have wasted so much time and wished he could win him down early.

"Hurry up!" Xie Jiangang's face changed like turning the page in a book, and he urged sternly.

And just when everyone was dilly-dallying, looking at me and me, looking at you hesitating, Xu Guifeng made a move.

"You" Xie Jiangang naturally did not let down his guard, his eyes never left Xu Guifeng even half an inch, he immediately opened his mouth to shout angrily, and then he could not close it again.

A ferocious bloody hole exploded in Xie Jiangang's throat.

Before he could say one more word, Xie Jiangang, his life came to an end.

Then, before anyone could react, a black shadow slammed into the blast door behind Xie Jiangang.

The powerful and heavy impact almost made everyone present unable to stand still.

Only then did the others see clearly that it was Xu Guifeng who was knocking on the door!
The next moment, a rifle protruding from the side firing window aimed at Xu Guifeng and fired out a bunch of ammunition.

Da da da da!
Rows of bullet holes immediately appeared on the ground, ricocheting bullets were everywhere, and Xu Guifeng had actually crashed into the interior of the post!

Squeak~dang dang dang!

The huge and heavy explosion-proof door crashed to the ground, which made people's hearts tremble!
Xu Guifeng, he actually broke open the locked explosion-proof door with his own strength!

Before everyone had time to think, there were waves of frightening screams, gunshots, crashes, and bone-shattering sounds of tearing flesh and blood from inside the outpost.

This series of changes happened so fast, no more than ten seconds, that most people didn't even see it clearly and didn't understand what was happening.

And when Xu Guifeng, covered in blood, walked out of the post again, everything was a foregone conclusion.

"Instructor Xu Xu?" Someone standing close to the front couldn't help but take two steps back. The corner of his eye glanced behind Xu Guifeng and saw a bloody scene like a massacre.

Fear spreads among people like an infectious disease.

Every time Xu Guifeng took a step forward, it was like invisible waves pushing everyone away.

"Xie Jiangang disobeyed orders without reason, intending to kidnap Shangfeng and execute him on the spot." Xu Guifeng paused and explained to the crowd with a normal expression,
"The situation is urgent and the remaining recalcitrant members have been eliminated."

"Rest for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, pick up the equipment and supplies. Keep moving forward!"

"Did you hear me!"

"Yes!" Everyone got excited and responded one after another.

During the break, everyone learned that Xu Guifeng did not go on a killing spree, but only executed several of Xie Jiangang's close associates who had set up guns behind the door and aimed at everyone.

Moreover, Xu Guifeng patiently explained that he did all this by relying on the blood vessel-like relic that he secretly held in his hand when no one was paying attention.

Seeing that Xu Guifeng was the same as before, everyone accepted the result, and the remaining members of the outpost had no choice but to obey the order and join the team.

After all, for the members of the Hidden Immortal Society, the anomalies and changes they witnessed today were enough and bizarre.

Even the landmark green bull in the corner of the base stood up, and then added another thing: Instructor Xu Guifeng, who had always been showing off as an ordinary person, suddenly showed superhuman strength, controlled the ferocious relics in some incredible way, and then knocked away the explosion-proof goalkeeper. It is not unacceptable that seven or eight heavily armed sentries were killed within ten seconds.

It will even add a sense of security to everyone's hearts.

As expected of our Hidden Immortal Society, Mr. Xu has such a great reputation, and he really has two tricks up his sleeve!
However, some people don't think so.

Take Liu Hui for example, he has fallen into extreme panic.

Xu Guifeng. What on earth is going on!

Others knew less, so they accepted it quickly, but for Liu Hui, it was harder than climbing to the sky for him to accept the fact that Xu Guifeng had some kind of inhuman power.

As a spy, he had already read all the information about Xu Guifeng, a senior member of the Hidden Immortal Society. He was not ashamed to say that he even knew Xu Guifeng's favorite cuisine and how many times he had to go to the toilet a day.

After all, apart from oneself, the person who knows a person best in the world is often that person's opponent.

It was precisely because he was sure that Xu Guifeng was just an ordinary person with rich combat experience and a smart mind that Liu Hui deliberately plotted against him.

But the abnormality Xu Guifeng showed just now, with Liu Hui's knowledge, is probably comparable to those "reformers" in their Xuanhu Palace.

By the way, where did Pan Bowen go?
Although he was panicking in his heart, Liu Hui was not a rookie after all, so he remained calm and composed on his face.

However, such a huge intelligence error gradually made Liu Hui think differently.
After resting, everyone quickly dressed up and set off.

Relying on this powerful wave of personnel and equipment, everyone encountered and killed monsters along the way without any casualties, and their emotions gradually increased.

It's a pity that their high fighting spirit was like a broken line. After reaching the edge of the force field set by Chen Ze, it quickly touched the ceiling and then plummeted.

"How to do!"


"It's over, it's over, it's all over."

"Are we all going to die here?"
After arriving at the border, everyone desperately discovered that although the light eagle barrier appeared and disappeared, and looked extremely fragile, it was actually like an indestructible wall of air.

The worst guesses came true.

The photomask not only blocks all internal and external communication signals, but also physically completely isolates the inside and outside.

Punch, kick, chop with knife, chop with axe, shoot.
Everyone tried all means, but couldn't shake it at all.

Some people even used a shovel to dig along the edge of the mask, only to find that the mask actually extended underground, and the area it occupied turned into a large area of ​​soil cavity. It was also strong and firmly supported the ground. Bottom collapse.

"What can we do?" Everyone sighed among themselves, but their eyes were secretly looking at Xu Guifeng, who was silent.

"Have you noticed?" The man with glasses wearing a pink bellyband said slowly,

"The air quality in the base seems to be getting worse and worse."

The man with glasses not only stood up and corrected the cook, but also acted as a think tank in the team.


"So, why do I feel like breathing is getting harder and harder?"

"Ah? This light shield won't trap the air in it, right?"

"Then aren't we dying slowly? We are almost running out of oxygen!"

Although Xie Jiangang died, his previous words were like a seed that quietly took root and sprouted in everyone's hearts, sprouting branches named "fear" and "retreat".

"Or, let's forget about it?"

"Forget it? How can we forget it?"

"It's just a fart. Just let it go."

"We are just little people. You said that when gods fight, us mortals suffer so much."

"It makes sense.".
Although in front of Xu Guifeng, no one dared to openly express their intention to give up resistance, but in fact, even if they wanted to surrender, they didn't know who to turn to.

Until now, after going through many hardships, they don't even know who the intruder is!
"How about digging a little deeper?" The man with glasses who always only lowered morale came up with an opinion.
"This mask looks like it was built from the sky, and there are so many hollows in the ground. Maybe the breakthrough is underneath. If you dig more, it will collapse."

"No." Xu Guifeng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said,
"The core of this mask is actually underground."

His voice was not loud, but it attracted everyone's attention, and they all had expressions of unknown severity.Without keeping everyone waiting, Xu Guifeng seemed to have made a decision and turned to face the frustrated people.

Like a magnet, different eyes of hope, despair, discouragement, excitement and curiosity were attracted.

Everyone is eager for Xu Guifeng to say something.

A group of people always needs a backbone to inspire fighting spirit.

Facing everyone's gaze, Xu Guifeng's throat rolled up and he slowly said,

"Everyone, as you can see."

Hope ignited in everyone's eyes. They believed that as long as Xu Guifeng stepped forward, there would always be a turn for the better.

"We were completely defeated." Xu Guifeng glanced at the crowd and finished speaking calmly.

Everyone was stunned.

"What is the purpose of our Hidden Immortal Society?" Xu Guifeng suddenly asked a question that had been asked countless times in training courses.

"Eliminate hazards, collect hidden dangers, control risks, and protect stability." Someone answered immediately.

Xu Guifeng nodded, turned his shoulder, and punched the seemingly weak light shield next to him.

The mask remained the same, but the fists were torn apart.

"Are we guardians?" Xu Guifeng shook his head,

"No, we are too weak." He seemed to feel no pain, retracting his fist and shaking it without caring.
"Compared with such power, we are too weak."

"Earthquakes, flash floods, tsunamis. We can't even withstand the wrath of nature."

"How can you compete with a monster with such extraordinary power?"

"You are right, this mask may just be a fart released by the enemy."

"We are so exhausted that we can't even escape someone's fart."

"We are not guardians, we are just survivors who persist in resisting among countless weak mortals."

Hearing this, many people lowered their heads.

"But isn't our resistance meaningless at all?" Xu Guifeng took a deep breath and his tone gradually became more serious.

"Demons, ghosts, demons, immortals, gods, and Buddhas, can they just manipulate mortals and do whatever they want?"

"I don't accept it!" Xu Guifeng shouted suddenly, his face distorted by violent emotions.
"I have seen my instructor back then get half of his body bitten off by a dragon while standing in front of others."

"I've seen hundreds of people join hands and form a bridge to fish out alive people from the tide of corpses."

"I have seen the ancient Buddha of Heaven being blocked in a field by a village of old, weak, sick and disabled people with hoes."

“I have seen a mother entangled in a mercury snake in the Terracotta Warriors pit holding up her child with her hands.”

"They are all dead, with no bones left. But I am still alive!"

"I have seen!"

"I remember!"

"I will always remember it!"

Just a few words, but Xu Guifeng, who always looks like a tough guy, breathed heavily.

"Is their resistance meaningless?"


"I am the meaning!"

"Those of us who survive are the meaning!"

"If I die today, those people who survive because of me are the meaning!"

"We are extremely fragile, we are vulnerable to any disaster that can kill us."

"But look up and look. Where are all those lofty gods?"

"The ones who survive in the end are precisely us mortals who are the most vulnerable and vulnerable!"

"Yao, Shun, and Yu, Xia, Shang, and Zhou have been passed down from generation to generation, and they have succeeded us. These are us ordinary people!"

"We have been running for our lives and surviving in the cracks since ancient times. This is how we survive."

"Even if we lose today, at least there are still people. There are still those who survived. Maybe it's you, maybe it's me. Maybe it's the descendants who see our relics."

"No matter what, someone will always remember that we resisted!"

After the conversation, everyone's expressions were full of excitement.

Xu Guifeng's words are certainly moving, but in the face of life and death, not everyone has enough courage to support their boiling blood.

Of course Xu Guifeng knew, but he also knew that time waits for no one.

"I'll tell you now." Xu Guifeng began to organize his equipment.
"There is an extremely powerful monster, an inhuman monster that is fighting the doctor in the warehouse in the center of the base."

"He is incredibly powerful, far beyond any danger you have ever encountered, seen, or read about."

"His thoughts are unpredictable. I only know that he has regarded the entire Hidden Immortal Society as his plaything."

"The powerful power he possesses is enough to support his ambition. He is a butcher's knife over the heads of hundreds of millions of ordinary people. He will completely break the balance that our Yinxian Society has worked so hard to maintain."

"I admit that I don't know what he wants to do, but I will never sit back and watch the lives of countless compatriots depend on his mood."

"Look around you, those colleagues who have turned into puppets. Their today may be the tomorrow of countless ordinary people."

"I'm going back to the warehouse to support the doctor now. Anyone who wants to come can follow me."

"I can only promise that I will not let you die in front of me."

"The pension of the victim will be paid ten times to your family, if the Yinxian Society can still exist after today."

"To be honest, I don't want to call myself a guardian, but now I really don't feel comfortable being manipulated at will."

"Let the others take care of themselves."

"The labor contract you signed has not staked your life on it, so try your best to survive."

"I suggest you stay here. This may be a safer place."

After finishing his words, Xu Guifeng walked past the crowd and headed towards the warehouse without looking back.

His steps were steady, but in fact, his heart was not so steady.

What Xu Guifeng was worried about was not his own life or death, but the inexplicable burst of superhuman abilities and the killing intent that even he couldn't control.

He originally didn't want to kill all of Xie Jiangang's confidants, but as if instinctively, he did it anyway.

The moment he rushed into the explosion-proof door, the living life around him was as tempting as delicacies. When he came back to his senses, everything was a foregone conclusion. (End of chapter)

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